Here is a list of known articles around the time of the tour. If you know of anything that is missing please do let us know.

Tour dates and album advert

Sounds: Announcing the White Riot Tour

23 April 1977

A riot of their own (White Riot Tour)

MOJO / August 2017 / 8 pages

New York Times: Punk Rock, Britain's. Latest Fad, Leaves Trail of Violence in Wake

By Roy Reed; Special to
The New York Times
July 11, 1977, Page 2

LONDON, July 10—Punk rock, the socio‐musical phenomenon that is now spreading in the United States, seems to be in trouble in the land of its birth.

Brawls are reported weekly across Britain, sometimes between listeners and band members and sometimes between punk fans and other young people.

A predictable revulsion among older people is developing, and some people in authority are demanding a curb on the more rambunctious bands.

There are hints that some of the violence is exaggerated by publicists for record companies and bands to call attention to certain performers and thereby increase their commercial value.

‘God Save the Queen’

The best‐known of the English punk rock bands at the moment is the Sex Pistols. They are led by a 20‐year‐old man who assumes the name of Johnny Rotten —other punk rockers take names like Sid Vicious and Rat Scabies.

The Pistols recorded a song for Virgin Records called, “God Save the Queen.” Not surprisingly, it expressed more contempt than admiration for the Queen. was released in time for the Silver Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II and attracted little attention. Then BBC radio banned it from its programs and the record went to the top of the best‐seller list.

That was several weeks ago. The record has now dropped far down in the charts, but the Pistols are still the talk of London. Two of the band members, one of them Mr. Rotten, have been assaulted by street toughs with knives. The tabloid newspapers have reported the assaults prominently and Mr. Rotten, it is said, is in hiding to avoid further trouble.

The Pistols have not played a concert for several weeks because, they say, they cannot find a hall or a pub that will book them, considering their reputation for inspiring violence.

Ban on Appearances Sought

Some members of the Greater London Council, the city's main governing body, are trying to get the council to ban any further appearances here by the Pistols. The group's followers suggest that their heroes are about to become the victims of governmental oppression.

The publicity man for their record company says he supposes the Pistols will have to go abroad to live since England has become so inhospitable. Malcolm McLaren, the band's manager and one of the cleverest of the punk‐rock promoters, is reportedly ‘in Los Angeles, an important American center of rock music.

The maligned Mr. Rotten, who is said to be an intelligent young man from an Irish Catholic family, presumably will come out of hiding and return to work once his manager has found a suitable engagement.

Meanwhile, the violence here continues. The New Musical Express, a London weekly paper that follows the rock scene, reported this week that the casualty count had reached “a frightening new high” among punk‐rock bands, or new wave as they prefer to be called. It told of attacks on members of four bands in little more than a week.

Distorted Reporting Is Blamed

Some of the musicians are alarmed. Rob Geldoff, the singer for the Boom Town Rats, said after he was beaten up during a recent show in London: “It's totally against anything we're trying to say. It's so retrogressive. We don't want to be party to any facile fashion where it's hip to hit people.”

A student was killed during a concert in Dublin recently. Some members of the band, the Radiators From Space, blamed it on distorted, provocative reporting of punk rock by press and television.

Punk followers sometimes wear bizarre clothing, such as ripped T‐shirts and slacks made of plastic garbage‐can liners. A few wear safety pins in their cheeks, noses and ears, as well as on their clothing. Some dye their hair bright colors. Most dress fairly unostentatiously, but the handful who do not have provided the young cult with its fashion image.

Some fashion designers are cashing in on the punk look with expensive “castoff” clothes. At a clothing shop owned by Mr. McLaren in Chelsea, a young customer browsed through the calculatedly ratty shirts and slacks the other day.1 When he thought no one was looking, he tapped a cigarette ash onto a leg of his clean trousers and smudged it with his finger.

Time of Trouble and Strife

Some see political content in punk rock. The fans, they say, are mostly unemployed working‐class youngsters looking for something to do.

“This is a time of trouble and strife in Britain,” Hugh Cornwell of The Stranglers, one of the more successful groups, said recently. “That's why angry music is being produced here. People feel numbed and purposeless. That's what's behind urban music like ours.”

Bernard Rhodes, the founder and now manager of a group called Clash, said, “There's no way Britain can take a turn for the better, and that's the information we're passing on, in everything we do—clothing, concert backdrops, attitudes.

“They're a million and a half people off work now. They're always going to be off work. They're kids who want to be truck drivers but they don't know how to drive. They don't just lack jobs, they lack skills. All they're fit for is rubbish jobs and they know it. They've got lot of things to give and nothing to give it to.”

Associated Press The Sex Pistols, English punk‐rock group, during trip to Amsterdam. Front left: Johnny Rotten, Glen Matlock, Paul Cook and Steve Jones.

NME The Clash meet Tony Parsons

Originaly published April 1977

Photos by Adrian Boot.
Republished 7 October 1989

3 page biog

The Clash Official

NME The History of Rock 1977

The Clash We aint ashamed to fight Clash ST review
The Jam
Sex Pistols Insulating behaviour
Sex Pistols The more madder the better
The Clash Belfast Oct 77
The Clash Joe writes a letter re John Cale gig
The Clash ST review
The Ramones
The trials of trying to tour or record when you're the Sex PIstols

MOJO / Punk: the whole story

Online viewer (very good)

Kate Simons photo album large


White Riot Tour poster blank

Original sold at Bonhams auction



Mick Jones, Robin Crocker

BIRMINGHAM: Strummer announcement, "We have just been told that Remote Control is to be our next single."

PLYMOUTH: (Worse than the Armada), Jones and Crocker chased by local police for loitering disguised as punks. When eventually apprehended and challenged they reply, "The Spaniards are coming."

BRISTOL: Opposite Colston Hall the Lord Mayor leaves function, entering his Rolls Royce, he is greeted by Strummer and Crocker, ? only punks wear chains". ..... .." Mayor of punk. A nearby police officer trots over, "Show a little respect boys" he pleads.

AMSTERDAM: Three funk bands, one country and western singer and The Clash appear at media party. The reaction of the Bols Advocaat set is mainly one of hysterical laughter.

SWINDON: Heir to furniture fortune is assisted into outdoor pool to see if he sinks, he is thereafter referred to as "Trout."

ST. ALBANS POLICE STATION: Post gig shock! Strummer and Nicky confess under interrogation to wilful theft of eleven Holiday Inn pillows.

CHELMSFORD: Jones storms out of dressing room as local counoillor is ushered in. Strummer and Paul promptly hurl abuse and bottle tops at the politician who sanctioned the show.

DUNSTABLE: Drunk, Paul and Crocker horrify party-goers by "canning" an innocent Prefect. A case of mistaken I.D.

MARBLE ARCH St. John' s Ambulance in attendance as Clash video I shown at Virgin record shop.


War on Seafront


Court gets tough with punk rockers


We just love your Punks v Teds


From Spiv to Punk

Daily Mirror 25th July 1977 Link

Teds clash with Punks

Daily Mirror July 25th 1977 Link

Sunday Observer Magazine:
Good Clean Punk 6pp

May 1977

The Clash tour dates


Framed Promo Press release

A framed Promo Press release and the White Riot Tour dates from the CBS press office dated 22nd April 1977.

Record Mirror Punk letters

23 July 1977


Record Mirror Interview with The Clash

23 July 1977

Interview includes Birmingham Rag Market, new songs, pressures on/from fans, hotels and pigeons, CBS, Rainbow 'Riot' gig, Teds and the Jam on "talking Conservative nonense" on the White Riot Tour.

3 pages



2 July 1977



2 July 1977


Some say yes, some say no, but the letters roll in

25 June 1977
2 pages



11 June 1977
2 pages


Record Mirror LETTERS

11 June 1977


Record Mirror - Mark Bolan on the Clash Tour and advert Sex Pistols single

4 June 1977
Rainbow gig & ST album


Mick Jones reviewing this week's singles

Includes a review of The Cortinas Fascist Dictator (rel 3 June 1977)

NIck Shepperd would replace Mick in the band in 1983 (see below)

Mick says "they were quite good when I saw them".


RECORD MIRROR: Nick Shepperd on The Clash

16 July 1977

Cortinas Interview. See Micks review of the the Cortinas above.

Link - full interview with the Cortinas

SUNDAY MIRROR Punk Rock Jubilee Shocker

INSIDE Whats burning up the kids. A distrubing new report on the amazing cult wanted

Link to cover inside wanted


28 May 1977

Link to full edition


28 May 1977

Link to full edition

NME: The History Of Rock 1977

page 16 Ramones
A trip to the record company
and to Phil Spector’s house in the company of the band. “I’m neurotic,” says Dee Dee. “You should know what that means.”

page 20 Sex Pistols
Fleeing lurid headlines,
the band play in Amsterdam. While the band are shellshocked by their recent dramas, Malcolm McLaren grants an audience to explain their position.

page 40 News
The Sex Pistols

celebrate the Queen’s Silver Jubilee. Wilko Johnson leaves Dr Feelgood. The Beatles get back to the early days – whether
they like it or not.

page 44 The Clash On the tube,
in the caff and overlooking the Westway with the London band. Anti- punk violence, reggae and revolution are all on the table for discussion.

page 88 Albums
The first offering from The
Clash and The Stranglers.

page 91 Letters
The Clash write. A telegram
from the Sex Pistols.

Record Mirror full page Jam advert

14 May 1977

Record Mirror full page advert with tour dates

30 April 1977

SOUNDS: New Waves

23 April 1977



23 April 1977


New Pose fanzine (issue #4)

Record Mirror archive 1955-1981

Searchable, most editions

Fanzines: Great Collection

Great collection of scanned fanzines from the 1970s and 1980s


Getty Images
Hundreds of great photos, catalogued and sourced - All Clash images

The odd great photo, some sourced - All Clash images

Sonic photos
Around 50 images, sourced - All Clash photos

Around 50 images, sourced - All Clash images

The Punks Mr Fix It

Daily Mirror - Tuesday 20 December 1977 – pg10, 11


[Punks pecking order] ... The Jam were seen riding round in a Rolls- Royce, so that disposed of them. After these more famous bands comes the Irish, Brixton axis, places where it is good to have come from. At least with Brixton or - Ireland as a background there is less chance of being considered a "poseur," or fake, the worst crime in the book.

IN the pecking order of punk there is a definite hierarchy. After the Pistols come The Clash and The Stranglers, two groups who have been variously banned or not allowed to play—part of a punk pedigree.

But The Clash seem to have neglected their humble origins lately and were rumoured to have cane lied gigs in Ireland to go away to Jamaica: very " non punk."

Punk Rules OK / The Song of th anti-hero / Baggy to the knees

Coventry Evening Telegraph - Tuesday 13 September 1977

- Lengthy piece about punk clothes, mentions Tuffany's ban, Rainbow riot and Lanchester non payment.


Europunks storm in for London fights

Daily Mirror - Tuesday 26 July 1977

Link (clipping) - full page

A new wave of violence

Kensington Post - Friday 22 July 1977


The Good Punk Guide

Daily Mirror - Monday 04 July 1977


If the Sex Pistols want to know what the Clash think about PunkRock, wheer do you think they look?

Advert – Daily Mirror – Thursday 21 April 1977


More On fanzine

issue #3 (1977)

Short interview. Mentions Roxy and drummers and CBS


Gun Rubber fanzine

issue #4 (1977)

Joe interviewed, bits about the new album and the 101ers


Remembering The Clash's 'White Riot' tour with The Jam and The Buzzcocks

Far Out Magazine - Fri 1st May 2020

Online or Archived PDF

Clash top new wave package - White Riot Tour

Sounds / Date unknown


New Wave paranoia strikes / Cancellations backlash after Rainbow damage

Sounds – 21 May 1977


Tour poster / blank


White Riot Tour (dates)

Melody Maker – 30 April 1977


CLICHE #1 1977 Punk Fanzine

Featuring: Live gig review of The Clash at the Rainbow May 9th 1977 + singles reviews.


White Riot Tour – full page advert

Sounds – 30 April 1977


NME – 30 April 1977


Clash top new wave package

Source / date unknown


The Clash have lined up their first major tour of Britain ...

Source / date unknown


Numerous and varied White Riot adverts

Numours pages of adverts

Spring 1977



White Riot on the Road

Melody Maker - 1 May 1977
Caroline Coon

first page only, wanted


Caroline Coon goes on tour with Clash, Subway Sect, Buzzcocks and the Slits

Ari UP, 15-year-old lead singer of the Slits, is sprawled in the familiar angularity of a G-Plan armchair. She looks about as comfortable as it’s possible to be in the pseudo-anodyne atmo- sphere of a bedroom in Cardiff's Post House Hotel.
Temporarily, that is. She and the other three members of the band — Viy Albertine (guitar), Tessa (bass) and Palmolive (drums) — have been on the road for six days. But they’ve checked in: and out of half as many more hotels, ...

Thinking Mans Yobs

Sten Guns in Knightsbridge
3 pages

NME, 2 April 1977


The CLASH napalm Cheltenham.

It AIN'T PUNK, IT AIN’T NEW WAVE, it’s the next step and the logical
progression for groups to move in, Call it what you want —all the terms stink. Just call it rock ’n’ roll.

You don’t know what total commitment is until you’ve met Mick Jones of The Clash. He’s intense, emotional, manic-depressive and plays lead guitar with the kind of suicidal energy that some musicians lose and most musicians never have. His relationship with Joe Strummer and Paul Simenon is the love/hate intensity that you only get with family.

“My parents never. . people involved withThe Clash are my family....

Clash new drummer, album, tidbits

Melody Maker – 30 April 1977


A Storm is Coming

Record Mirror – 9 April 1977


Last week Clash jumped 60 places in the chart and Johnny Thunders and the Heartbreakers packed out London's Marquee. New Wave is now Big Wave. Barry Cain talks to two bands ...

Punk rockers in Tour row

The Jam forced off the White Riot Tour

Melody Maker – Mid May 77


A RIFT between two of Britain’s biggest\new wave bands has forced the Jam to quit the Clash tour. But the Jam, who embark on their own British tour next month, have added three London all three concerts will be part of the Silver Jubilee celebrations, ...


Jam forced off White Riot Tour
May 1977 - source unknown



THE CLASH and The Jam on the same tour looked great on paper, especially with the front- runners being joined on the road with those great white hopes the all-girl band Sits, The Subway Sect and, the toast of the north. the very fine Buzzcocks. ...

Getty Images

All Clash images

RAINBOW THEATRE Photo of CLASH, Joe Strummer performing live onstage on White Riot Tour, playing Fender Telecaster guitar (Photo by Keith Bernstein/Redferns) via Getty Images)

Rockers on the Road Out of Control Tour

2 pages

Oct 77 - Fanzine


La Nouvelle Vague

French article
April 1977


LE existe trois pôles essentiels qui connaissent une effervescence remarquable, la scène londonienne, la scène New Yorkaise, et. la scène ‘parisienne. Elles ont chucène leurs clubs, souvent sordäies, mais groupes et spectateurs créent l'environment a leur volonté, selon la qualité du show. ...

MUSIC: Remembering The Clash's 'White Riot' tour with The Jam and The Buzzcocks

Far Out Magazine
Joe Taysom - FRI 1ST MAY 2020

Online or archived PDF

43 years ago today, The Clash kicked off their White Riot tour in emphatic style at the Roxy in London where they were joined by The Jam and The Buzzcocks on support duties making it one of the greatest tours in the history of British music with three iconic bands all sharing the same bill on a tour that brought punk to the provinces. ...

Konkrete Clockwork

Zig Zag Magazine - April 1977
4 pages
Kris Needs


At the moment there isn't a group in the New Wave that comes within spitting distance of The Clash, live or on record, Within a year they have become the most exciting live band in the country, and shortly they will release an album which is the most stunning debut for years... I believe it'll be as important as the first Rolling Stones album in shaping a new direction for rock'n'roll.

The New Wave groups who have so far made albums - The Hot Rods and The Damned - have been OK for party music, but The Clash are something far more important and vital. Not only is their music original and lethally energised, but it encompasses a whole new attitude of positive creativity which, if it rubs off on their audience, can only be a good thing.They are trying to wake people up to reality as well as plumbing the fine essence of ultimate rock'n'roll, ...

Weird Scenes On The Clash's White Riot Tour

Mojo Magazine - August 2017 - Pat Gilbert


THE CLASH on the White Riot tour in May’77, The Clash took punk to the provinces, topping a volatile bill of next-gen iconoclasts. Unsurprisingly, “it was chaos”.

In spring 77, with the Sex Pistols off the road, it fell to the clash to take punk properly natiowide. Forty years on, mojo sifts the frolics, fisticuffs and fallout of the white riot tour to find the real reason the jam got fired; how much money it actually lost; and which clash member packed his noddy jimjams. “it was complete chaos!” discovers Pat Gilbert.

Typical Girls? The Story of the Slits

General reflections on the Tour

Chapter 5 – The White Riot Tour


Letters Page 'Punk, it's a real killer'

Record Mirror - 24 June 1977


Gig By The Clash Voted Best Of All Time In London
Just look at the support acts and drool...

Daniel Melia - 20th May 2005

Gigwise or archived PDF

The Clash's 1977 performance at London's Rainbow Theatre has been voted the best gig in the countries capital ever.

A poll of over 100 Time Out writers and contributors voted it the most legendary performance ever reports Ananova. The gig is mostly remembered for a riot in which fans ripped out hundreds of seats.

The band were supported on the night by some of the most notorious punk/new wave bands of the time; The Jam, The Buzzcocks, Subway Sect and The Prefects. Joe Strummer said of the performance: "We were in the right place doing the right thing at the right time."

Time Out editor Gordon Thomson said: "The Clash gig went down in history as the greatest London band, in their prime, at the moment when punk rock spilled out of the clubs and into the major venues."

In second place was Brian Wilson's Smile performance at the Royal Festival Hall last year, followed by Stevie Wonder in third and The Rolling Stones in fourth.

The top ten are:
The Clash, The Rainbow Theatre, May 9, 1977
Brian Wilson, Royal Festival Hall, February 20, 2004
Stevie Wonder, The Rainbow Theatre, February 24, 1974
Rolling Stones, The Crawdaddy Club, April 28, 1963
Duke Ellington, London Palladium, June 12, 1933
N*E*R*D with Justin Timberlake, Brixton Academy, November 9, 2003
Bob Marley, Lyceum Ballroom, July 17, 1975
The Smiths, Jubilee Gardens, June 10, 1984
White Stripes, Camden Dingwalls, July 30, 2001
The Beatles, The Pigalle, Piccadilly, April 21, 1963

SUNDAY TIMES Magazine: Good Clean Punk

July 1977


Greatness from Garageland

Peter Silverton, Trouser Press, February 1978

UNANNOUNCED, TO SAY the least, a kid in boots, suspenders and short-cropped hair clambers through the photographers' pit and up onto the stage of London's Rainbow Theatre. Benignly ignored by band, stage crew and security alike...


The Clash Are Alright

A trashy white rock 'n’ roll band dealinig with oppression

Album Tracking Magazine
May 1977 - By MIKE FLOOD


‘The only thing the older fans have to do is they have to attempt to understand. You have to be very brave to break out of your decade’

And furthermore, a band who are prepared to get up and do it right.

The way Clash look is immediately threatening .... the army fatigueswith slogans stencilled on, the unfashionable shoes liberally spattered with paint 3...

White Riot T-Shirt


White Riot t-shirt ad

Clash Landing: Search and Destroy Fanzine


Clash Interviewed by Annette Weatherman and Vermilion Sands
A lengthy interview with Joe, Mick & Paul in 1977. It was published in Search & Destroy mag out of San Francisco. It was the first word of the Clash in print in the U.S. Birmingham Rag Marktt & Sweden gigs referenced.


Rocks Back Pages : The Clash


Rock's Backpages: Explore music history with the ultimate library of music writing. Thousands of interviews and features from the world's best music journalism, £ $

Jun 76 - Black Swan , five piece ....

Sept 76 - 100 Club, London gigs ....

Dec 76 - Anarchy Tour ....

Jan / Mar - Early 77 Gigs ....

May 77 - White Riot UK Tour ....

Jul 77 - European Dates ....

Oct 77 - Out of Control UK Tour ....

Jan 78 - Sandy Pearlman UK Dates ....

Apr 78 - UK Festival Dates ....

Jul 78 - Out on Parole UK Tour ....

Oct 78 - Sort it Out UK Tour ....

Feb 79 - Pearl Harbour US Tour ....

Jul 79 - Finland + UK dates ....

Sep 79 - Take the Fifth US Tour ....

Dec 79 - Acklam Hall Secret Gigs ....

Jan 80 - 16 Tons UK Tour ....

Mar 80- 16 Tons US Tour ....

May 80 - 16 Tons UK/Europe ....

May 81 - Impossible Mission Tour ....

Jun 81 - Bonds Residency NY ....

Sep 81 - Mogador Paris Residency ....

Oct 81 - Radio Clash UK Tour ....

Oct 81 - London Lyceum Residency ....

Jan 82 - Japan Tour ....

Feb 82 - Australian Tour ....

Feb 82 - HK & Thai gigs ....

May 82 - Lochem Festival ....

May 82 - Combat Rock US Tour ....

July 82 - Casbah Club UK Tour ....

Aug 82 - Combat Rock US Tour ....

Oct 82 - Supporting The Who ....

Nov 82 - Bob Marley Festival ....

May 83 - US Festival + gigs ....

Jan 84 - West Coast dates ....

Feb 84 - Out of Control Europe ....

Mar 84 - Out of Control UK ....

April 84 - Out of Control US Tour ....

Sep 84 - Italian Festival dates ....

Dec 84 - Miners Benefit Gigs ....

May 85 - Busking Tour ....

Jun- Aug 85 - Festival dates ....

Sept 85 - European Tour ....

Jan 86 - Far East Tour ....

1986 onwards - Retrospective

74-76 - Joe with the 101ers ....

Jul 88 - Green Wedge UK Tour

Aug 88 - Rock the Rich UK Tour ....

Oct 89 - Earthquake Weather UK ....

Oct 89 - Earthquake Weather Euro ....

Nov 89 - Earthquake Weather US ....

Jun 99 - Comeback Festival dates ....

July 99 - Short US Tour ....

July 99 - UK Tour ....

Aug 99 - Festival Dates ....

Oct 99 - UK Tour ....

Nov 99 - Full US Tour ....

Dec 99 - European Xmas dates ....

Jan 00 - Australasian Tour ....

May 00 - Mini UK Tour ....

Nov 00 - supporting The Who Tour ....

Jul 01 - UK & US Instore Tour ....

Oct 01 - Full US Tour ....

Nov 01 - Japanese Tour ....

Nov 01 - Full UK Tour ....

April 02 - Brooklyn NY Residency ....

Jun 02 - UK Festivals ....

Jul 02 - Hootenanny Tour ....

Aug 02 - UK Festival Dates ....

Sep 02 - Japanesse Dates ....

Nov 02 - Bringing it all Back Home ....