Here is a list of known articles around the time of the tour. If you know of anything that is missing please do let us know.
Articles Magazines - Dates - Fanzines - International Articles - Joe Goes Missing - Passes - Posters - Snippets - Audio/Video - Photos Joe running London marathon
All the clipping in one stream below | or PDF.
Joe disapears
Joe Still missing
Strummer found
Topper sacked
Strummer vanishes to prove he's alive
82 06 20 The Daily Register Sun
Singer is still among the missing
82 05 28 Poughkeepsie Journal Fri (Joe missing)
Strummer goes astray
Record Mirror Clash Tour crumbles
Clash Dream On – Sounds
Bring me the guitar of Joseph Strummer,
Clash blow last dates,
Still no Joe show
Clash postpone five more dates, Still Joe no show
NME - Joes Strummer goes AWOL & The Clash postpone gigs. "We've tried everything to find him", says Topper. From the NME, May 82
Joe goes missing
Clash postpone first dates – and rest of UK Tour in jeopardy
Know Your rights UK Tour dates
CLIPPINGS Joe missing dates
Why Joe did a runner
82 07 17 Newcastle Evening Chronicle Saturday (Missing CombR Newcas)
Missing Clash drummer resurfaces
82 06 18 Record Journal Fri (Missing Asbury)
Clash players drop out to keep from crashing
82 06 18 Fort Lauderdale News Fri (Topper)
Strummer sighted in
Interview Doubt & Desperation
Record Mirror
24 July 1982
Clash blow last two dates
The Clash
Penny Smith ticket reschedule
Strummer in the City
Strummer stays hidden
Clash dream on
Strummer found ... but Topper quits
Joe's back – but Topper quits
Clash add Chimes to line-up
Strummer traced
Chimes back
Record Mirror Strummer traced
Joe Disapear US Tour June 82
Joe's disappearance
UNCUT Magazine
published 2003
Strummer found ... Topper Quits
82 05 29 Record Mirror Strummer found Topper Quits
Topper has left the band, dates cancelled
82 06 13 The Times Tribune Sun (Topper, missing)
All square
82 06 02 Aberdeen Evening Express Wednesday (Topp leaving)
Joe's back – but Topper quits