Here is a list of known articles around the time of the tour. If you know of anything that is missing please do let us know.




UK Articles

International Articles

1977 Magazine articles


Audio / Video

Record Mirror Clash leave for major European concert tour

24 September 1977


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Blank Tour Poster

Clash Poster

NME - 25 June 1977 - Link

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Letter - Forget about these rotten punks, Clash ..

Record Mirror, Letters page 23 July 1977

PDF 6 pages (Clash only)

Punk Fest planned,
Pistols go to No.1,
Punk bands stymied by GLC,
Clash go to Jail

NME, 10 June 1977


Mick Jones of The Clash at the opening night of the Vortex club


Letters: Punk Mum hits back

Record Mirror 4 July 1977


6 August 1977

Record Mirror - Mark Bolan on the Clash Tour and advert Sex Pistols single

4 June 1977
Rainbow gig & ST album


Singles reviewed by Paul Simonon of The Clash in Sounds 25th, June 1977

Link to full review

Paul Simonon's comment on future Culture Club drummer John Moss who auditioned for the Clash

Record Mirror John Moss new band Ex Clash

4 June 1977



11 June 1977


Europunks strom in for London fights

Daily Mirror - Tuesday 26 July 1977

Link (clipping) - full page

Letters page

Rock en Stock #3
(french fanzine)

June 1977


"CLASH FLASH" Clash is coming Punk was born or punk died, but rock'n'roll is rediscovering its violence. We are Ain poets in boxes or anti-queen provocateurs. Clash reeks of industry, old England, its anti-Nazi airmen and heredic beer drinkers. The Clash don't wear sneakers but big pumps to walk on English shit. They're not kids, they're cosmic lunatics clad in medals and mini-flags that no longer mean anything. They are the Kids of an England that no longer believes in it. Hippies, drugs, TV, cars, Clash rejects everything in its destructive fury. Kids today live to murder comfort and old fetishes. In this black storm, only rock'n'roll remains and the Clash play it wonderfully. You have to see on stage these three hysterical guitarist-puppets, possessed by a violence that surpasses them. They move in all directions and slam their three guitars (it took five for the Blue Oyster Cult to do the same)

under the hammering of the blacksmith drummer, the blond and slender Tory Crimes. Behind him ; Paul Simonon on bass roars in his cheap biker suit. Mick Jones is neither WilkoJohnson nor Mick Green but a P. of both. Failing hero of a degenerate rock'n'roll, he signs the compositions with Joe Strummer, the king of break who has a rough voice and who loves Johnny Hallyday, he tells us It's true that Joe has a mouth of rockabil-lyer charm and a way of flexing his legs that Elvis Presley wouldn't have re-denied in 1956.

Clash is a war band that appears like a poster on the khaki background sleeve, with its name in the foreground in blood red. Rock'n'roll is: a ceremony, a black war. The:Clash are not stars, they are:fighters, celebrants who serve their music to the public. Some rhythms come from Jamaica. The Rock International has again struck against all private ownership of music. Thank you to our brothers in the Caribbean. "Police and thieves" synthetic reggae with a heavy bass and a bright solo. There's a lot of Dolls spontaneity in short, mean tracks like Janie Jones/White riot, 49 hours. Which punk owes nothing to the Dolls. Other successes of the LP are reminiscent of the warm voices and syncopated rhythms of the Blue Oyster Cult, Remote control, Cheat, Protex blue. Even if he has his slap "I'm so bored with the U.S.A." Clash is obsessed with America and not only the Caribbean, it's in the energyatomic of the American groups, that it draws its rock. An armored bomb which comes from England, explodes in the saturated horizon of the seventies. Don't miss the Clash bomb Christian

LOUIS Photos Michèle BuraY Christian Louis, 11 Square Albin-Cachot 75013 - Paris

Many of our readers ask us if it is possible to participate in the newspaper. We are entirely "FOR", "Rock En Stock" is first of all the review of those who read it. Thank you Christian for your article on the "Clash". You who read "Rock en Stock" do not hesitate to send us your articles, we will not hesitate to pass them on, especially when these articles correspond perfectly to the perspective of "Rock enStock". The photos you send us are of exceptional quality and we are happy to publish some of them here (Clash at the Ice Palace). We are preparing a large file on existing French groups or having existed and we would be happy to receive all documentation concerning them from near or far.

Clash roadie Steve Connelly's tour book


which was auctioned in 2014 for $15.60.

One page only! If you have the other pages, please could you send scans to us.

A Silvertone memo book containing nineteen pages of handwritten notes regarding The Clash's first European tour from their trusted roadie Steve "Roadent" Conolly. The notes include addresses (including one for John Lennon's Dakota New York address), phone numbers and guitar/amplifier/instrument lists, etc. Featured is an itinerary of European and UK tour dates for The Clash. These includes dates from September 26th through December 20th. Measures 4 x 6.25, some of the pages are detached from the binding. Comes with a Gotta Have Rock & Roll Certificate of Authenticity.

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Derby Daily Telegraph - Music on Friday - is punk shocking

Friday 17 June 1977

Enlarge image or Archive PDF

We ask you, do these men look like degenerates?

Record Mirror - 23 July 1977 - PDF (Clash only)

Alert! Alert! Clash coming ! Clash Coming!


23rd July 1977 - NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS



16th July 1977 - NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS


6 August 1977

Bottom of first column, Clash Rainbow problems caused by singe price tockets and a rush from the back.

Record Mirror - Let Punks Play!

30 July 1977



6 August 1977

End of first column, Sid.

The Punks Mr Fix It

Daily Mirror - Tuesday 20 December 1977 - pg10, 11


[Punks pecking order] ... The Jam were seen riding round in a Rolls- Royce, so that disposed of them. After these more famous bands comes the Irish, Brixton axis, places where it is good to have come from. At least with Brixton or - Ireland as a background there is less chance of being considered a "poseur," or fake, the worst crime in the book.

IN the pecking order of punk there is a definite hierarchy. After the Pistols come The Clash and The Stranglers, two groups who have been variously banned or not allowed to play—part of a punk pedigree.

But The Clash seem to have neglected their humble origins lately and were rumoured to have cane lied gigs in Ireland to go away to Jamaica: very " non punk."

Punk Rules OK / The Song of th anti-hero / Baggy to the knees

Coventry Evening Telegraph - Tuesday 13 September 1977

- Lengthy piece about punk clothes, mentions Tiffany's ban, Rainbow riot and Lanchester non payment.


A new wave of violence

Kensington Post - Friday 22 July 1977


The Good Punk Guide by Pauline McLeod

Daily Mirror - Monday 04 July 1977


Clash Landing
Search and Destroy Fanzine


Clash Interviewed by Annette Weatherman and Vermilion Sands
A lengthy interview with Joe, Mick & Paul in 1977. It was published in Search & Destroy mag out of San Francisco. It was the first word of the Clash in print in the U.S. Birmingham Rag Marktt & Sweden gigs referenced.


Clash City Rockers

The full Clash article by Giovanni Dadomo and Caroline Coon

Sounds Oct 29th, 1977


"Where's ours? Where's our picture?"' Joe Strummer wants to know where The Clash picture is and there is'n't one.

Which might be a good thing really because this isno ordinary room. You could'n't live in this box with its technicolour saints looking down from every wall like Stations of the Cross in a church for record executives; this room with its clean, clean carpet, monster table, empty chairs and the blank cinema screen at one end.

London's Burning - New Wave Power

The Clash - Vibrators - 1977

CBS Records Promo Newspaper RARE - 4 pages


poorish quality

Punk in Trondeim

Norweigian article

Date / source unknown


Punk in Trondheim

"Singing is passivating and dulling"

Norway's only punk magazine is published in Trondheim and is called ROCKEFILLA. We wrote to Rockefilla and asked them to tell us about Trondheim as a punk city. Instead, there was a demand to take in free advertising for Rockefilla. Here it comes. (?)
For us punks here in the city, it has been a hard time with a lack of records and understanding. The record companies have finally discovered that there is money in pock too, it sells. People like to have something new all the time that they can misunderstand and destroy. There is no punk environment here in the city. The only thing is that a few are up. hung on the bank. The others regrettably take the wave as a new fashion, i.e. because all the crap written in the press about bankruptcy. Most of the so-called punks are conservatives who usually wear fashionable clothes and listen to the other kind of music.

(Music can be divided into punk and non-punk.)

The point of the weekend is for us to have a bit of fun in the dull 1977 — the musicians still believe in what they are doing. On the other hand, it MUST also be practically revolutionary: it must be contemptuous of authorities such as capitalism/fascism/nationalism/Nazism, religions and the sanctification of e.g. human beings. The revolution must be lived in everyday life - otherwise it's dead to hell. The hatred must flare up, otherwise there will only be another failed Uprising like the two previous ones. The way the hatred comes across may seem idiotic, but it is practical. Violence is necessary in a violent society.

At the Sex Pistols concert in Trondheim, there were a lot of reactionary kids who dug their songs. I don't like that - the band hates the audience because they refuse to understand something. (That's why they spit and belch.) Anarchy in the UK and I wanna be me are blast the most political texts I have on hand. And what more music! It is clear that politics does not suit the song of wisdom as political music has traditionally done. Singing is passivating and depressing — people don't get an energizing kick, but just sing along. Shoot all the cozy show singers.

Rockefilla is Norway's only punk. magazine and can be obtained by sending NOK 2. with postal payment form to Äge Utnes, Vollabakken 28, 7000 Trondheim. The next issue comes at the beginning of September with, among other things, report from a super conversation with Johnny Rotten. Rock against fascism.

Southend Punk Fest

(no Clash) low.

July 1977


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Weekend punks - following the Clash 1977 and 1978

16 05 05

Archived PDF

MOJO The Clash From Westway to Broadway

August 1994 (Bonds, US general), JS interview - 20 pages

The History of Rock 1977

Online Editon

Albums First offering for the Clash, page 68

Letters The Clash write, page 91

FEATURE: In Belfast, the Clash, "Desolation and chaos", 6 pages, page 118

FEATURE: NME April 2nd: We ain't l ashamed to fight" The Clash, 6 pages, page 44

Letters, The Clash were right, page 90

Clash Map of London

MOJO / Punk: the whole story

Online viewer (very good)

Retropective magazine features, audio, video

For a full catalogies of retropective articles in magazines, interviews and features on TV and radio go here.

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OCTOBER 1977 - PDF (easily readable)


BRAVO No.25 from 8 June 1977

Can pay for digital copies of all Bravo magazines here:
BRAVO - All issues from 1977 for download | bravo-archiv-shop

Poor copies but readable. HQ wanted.

Enlarge spread

Bravo No.41 29 September 1977

BRAVO - All issues from 1977 for download | bravo-archiv-shop

Poor copies but readable. HQ wanted.

Enlarge spread

L'histoire d'un Clash

Best Mag - (French)

June 1977 - 4 pages


Joe Strummer, Mick Jones, Paul Simonon Et Topper Headon Furent-ils Le Dernier Grand Electro-choc Du Rock ?

Onze ans ont passé, et c'est toujours le méme cirque. Pas dróle, vraiment pas. D'ailleurs ça se voit à une multitude de trous comme ceux des anciens obus dans la terre, qui deviennent pour longtemps des cloaques que nulle rédemption, nul « acquis » ne songent à boucher ou á assainir. L'un de ces trous, ce n'est pas que le punk ait disparu ...

Rock en Stock No 6

French fanzine - 7 pages

October 1977


l'arène des punks..


Non, nous ne reviendrons pas trop ici sur l'aspect et la tenue des « punks de Mont-de-Marsan, dont les medias, en ces semaines maigres du mois d'août, se sont montrés particulièrement friands, depuis les Actualités Télévisées jusqu'à l'inévitable Minute !

Maispoursituerleschoses,disonsque sur la piste des arènes, qui sont le cadre de la manifestation, on peut schémati- quement distinguer deux types d'indi- vidus évoluant dans la poussière : les uns sont des « punks » vrais ou faux, mais de préférence assez atrocement at- tifés, et se livrant aux seconds avec beaucouptropdecomplaisance...Car les autres sont des photographes, pro- fessionnels ou non, traquant les pre- miers sans vergogne en espérant bien réaliser la photo du punk de l'année, si- non l'image du siècle !(on aimerait bien que celui qui va vendre sa pelloche à Minute porte un badge pour qu'on le reconnaisse |). Mais le gros du public ...


11.23.2016 | Dangerous Minds

Link or Archived PDF

Topics: Amusing Music Punk Tags: The Clash 1970s Germany Strassenjungs German 'punk' band' Strassenjungs circa 1980.

In 1977 two German producers decided to try to follow Malcolm McLaren's success with the Sex Pistols by creating a 'fake' punk rock band. The result would be a quad hailing from Frankfurt called Strassenjungs (which translates as 'Street Boys' ).

Axel Klopprogge and Eckehard Ziedrich pulled Strassenjungs together during a time when the punk scene was still in a formative state in Germany. Their timing, as far as Strassenjungs was concerned, was pretty perfect. It should have worked. But it didn't.

Despite getting lucky enough tour rather extensively through Europe with The Clash in late 1977 (and according to the band' s official site Siouxise & The Banshees in 1980), Strassenjungs'albums pretty much bombed as soon as they were released. Which is strange because they were seemingly laser-focused on being as 'aggressive' as possible penning songs about teenage rebellion, sex, drugs and booze. While the combination of these things generally produce hit-making results, this was not the case for Strassenjungs until much later in their career. They were never truly accepted into the punk scene in Germany and in 1977 German musician Peter Hein accused the band of not being 'punk' at all but 'langhaarig, blödfressig, deutsch' or ' long-haired, loud-mouthed Germans.'

If certain folklore about Strassenjungs is to be believed after a couple of failed records in 1982 the band's debut record was added to the German Index (a censorship program) under the charge of ' inciting crime and alcohol abuse? both of which seem pretty fucking punk rock to me. Sadly the dubious classification now prevented the album from being sold to minors. With all that working against them you'd think Strassenjungs might have called it quits, but they didn't. Though they' 've been through various lineup changes over the decades the band still performs today with original bassist Nils Selzer. I've included some singles from Strassenjungs for you to consider below as well as a couple of photos of the band pretending to be punks back the day. If you dig what you hear in this post here's a link pick up a 'best of' compilation from the band Strassenfeger: Die Hit-Box! (best of) by Strassenjungs.

The goofy cover of Strassenjungs'1977 debut.

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The Clash, London’s Westway, 1977, by Adrian Boot

Punk Poster Series The Clash

Record Mirror July 1977

Mick Jones of The Clash at the opening night of the Vortex club, Wardour Street, London, England, 4th July, 1977

Facebook post


Getty Images
Hundreds of great photos, catalogued and sourced - All Clash images

The odd great photo, some sourced - All Clash images

Sonic photos
Around 50 images, sourced - All Clash photos

Around 50 images, sourced - All Clash images

Adrian Boot, The Clash Story and all the important the photosessions
The Clash Archive - The Clash - Belfast -1977 - The Clash - Camden -1977 - The Clash - Westway -1977 - The Clash - Backstage 1976-79 - The Clash - Live - Big Audio Dynamite - Straight to Hell - The Clash - Soho - 1976

Thirteen galleries - 13 Clash galleries

back to the top

Mont De Marsen

Video - 19mins (above) remastered to 25mins -
original sound dubbed with the 19min of Clash footage using stills inbetween

The Clash - Capitol Radio (Live Mont De Marsan, France 5th August 1977) Punk

Mont De Marsen

Documentary - 'Festival Punk Mont de Marsan France 1976 & 1977'
54.43mins / colour, French

Festival Punk Mont de Marsan France 1976 & 1977 , l'explosion Punk par Fabrice Drouelle France Inter novembre 2017 avec Caroline de Kergariou scenariste et auteur dramatique . Photos de Jean Gaumy 1977.

Mont De Marsen

Documentary - 'Festival Punk 1976 & 1977 Mont de Marsan France (Reportage ARTE octobre 2018)' - 4.41mins / colour, French

Festival Punk 1976 & 1977 Mont de Marsan France avec comme guide, le local André Marc Dubos, l'un des organisateurs de ce mythique festival ! ARTE octobre 2018

Mont De Marsen

News item - Pop News - September 1977 - 5mins 30secs
Reportage de Pop News sur Antenne 2 en septembre 1977
Shots of Festival, Crowd, Town plus some bands. Shots dubbed over with one Clash trackand one Damned track ...

Shows the Clash in the stand

Mont De Marsen

News item - ina-fr - September 1977 - 2mins 08secs

Reportage sur le festival punk de Mont Marsan. Alternance d'images d'un groupe sur scene et de festivaliers dont les tenues sont largement montrees. Images d'archive INA Institut National de l'Audiovisuel

Mont De Marsen

News item - Vie Modene - September 1977 - 2mins 14secs

Video 'Vie Moderne' Hot Cuts from Mont-de-Marsan
Realise par : Jean-Francois Roux
Produit par : Videostone Distribution.
Genre : Documentaire
Annee : 1977
Date de sortie en salle : 12/10/77
Pays : France

Acteurs; Clash, Damned, Boys, Police, Eddie and the Hot Rods, Shaking Street, Doctor Feelgood

Documentaire musical sur le festival « punk rock » de Mont-de-Marsan. Tourné en vidéo. I'm looking for a French movie about Punk Festival in Mont-De-Marsan on August 5, 1977 called "HOT CUTS FROM MONT DE MARSAN" with Clash and Police footages.

News report mostly fan shots, no Clash, Youtube link wanted

French TV - Paris

Video -
London Burning, Interview, Complete control... in (french site about french TV).


Punk in London DVD with extra trks -
Sound 4 - 19min - DVD-m - 7 tracks - last updated 28 Dec 01

Hamburg - WANTED

From the website archives / full list here

back to the top

Getty Images

219 stock photos and high resolution images about The Clash 1977

The Clash's Roadies

Display at The Clash musuem.

Joe Strummer on John Lennon

"Was Joe Strummer really critical on John Lennon?"

According to Bob Gruen, at a show in England, after the Clash performed "1977", Joe proclaimed, "But John Lennon Rules!" (after singing "no Elvis, Beatles, or the Rolling Stones") And Gruen claims that there is similarity between what both of the two had done. 

What Joe was critical about was rather Paul McCartney. And some insist that Joe was a huge Lennon fan. 

"But John Lennon Rules OK?"

(from my book)

"Positive light to the darkness of the Sex Pistols, the Clash released an incendiary eponymously titled first album in 1977, the year of punk, a Top Ten hit. With Strummer at the helm, the group toured incessantly: at a show that year at the University of Leeds, he delivered the customary diatribe of the times: 'No Elvis, Beatles or Rolling Stones… But John Lennon rules, OK?' He barked, revealing a principal influence and hero of his own…"

(from Chris Salewicz's book, "Redemption Song: the definitive biography of Joe Strummer")

*photograph: by Ray Stevenson (1977)

(4) ミズカミ タカシ - You can say that again. "Was Joe Strummer really... | Facebook

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Jun 76 - Black Swan , five piece ....

Sept 76 - 100 Club, London gigs ....

Dec 76 - Anarchy Tour ....

Jan / Mar - Early 77 Gigs ....

May 77 - White Riot UK Tour ....

Jul 77 - European Dates ....

Oct 77 - Out of Control UK Tour ....

Jan 78 - Sandy Pearlman UK Dates ....

Apr 78 - UK Festival Dates ....

Jul 78 - Out on Parole UK Tour ....

Oct 78 - Sort it Out UK Tour ....

Feb 79 - Pearl Harbour US Tour ....

Jul 79 - Finland + UK dates ....

Sep 79 - Take the Fifth US Tour ....

Dec 79 - Acklam Hall Secret Gigs ....

Jan 80 - 16 Tons UK Tour ....

Mar 80- 16 Tons US Tour ....

May 80 - 16 Tons UK/Europe ....

May 81 - Impossible Mission Tour ....

Jun 81 - Bonds Residency NY ....

Sep 81 - Mogador Paris Residency ....

Oct 81 - Radio Clash UK Tour ....

Oct 81 - London Lyceum Residency ....

Jan 82 - Japan Tour ....

Feb 82 - Australian Tour ....

Feb 82 - HK & Thai gigs ....

May 82 - Lochem Festival ....

May 82 - Combat Rock US Tour ....

July 82 - Casbah Club UK Tour ....

Aug 82 - Combat Rock US Tour ....

Oct 82 - Supporting The Who ....

Nov 82 - Bob Marley Festival ....

May 83 - US Festival + gigs ....

Jan 84 - West Coast dates ....

Feb 84 - Out of Control Europe ....

Mar 84 - Out of Control UK ....

April 84 - Out of Control US Tour ....

Sep 84 - Italian Festival dates ....

Dec 84 - Miners Benefit Gigs ....

May 85 - Busking Tour ....

Jun- Aug 85 - Festival dates ....

Sept 85 - European Tour ....

Jan 86 - Far East Tour ....

1986 onwards - Retrospective

74-76 - Joe with the 101ers ....

Jul 88 - Green Wedge UK Tour

Aug 88 - Rock the Rich UK Tour ....

Oct 89 - Earthquake Weather UK ....

Oct 89 - Earthquake Weather Euro ....

Nov 89 - Earthquake Weather US ....

Jun 99 - Comeback Festival dates ....

July 99 - Short US Tour ....

July 99 - UK Tour ....

Aug 99 - Festival Dates ....

Oct 99 - UK Tour ....

Nov 99 - Full US Tour ....

Dec 99 - European Xmas dates ....

Jan 00 - Australasian Tour ....

May 00 - Mini UK Tour ....

Nov 00 - supporting The Who Tour ....

Jul 01 - UK & US Instore Tour ....

Oct 01 - Full US Tour ....

Nov 01 - Japanese Tour ....

Nov 01 - Full UK Tour ....

April 02 - Brooklyn NY Residency ....

Jun 02 - UK Festivals ....

Jul 02 - Hootenanny Tour ....

Aug 02 - UK Festival Dates ....

Sep 02 - Japanesse Dates ....

Nov 02 - Bringing it all Back Home ....