Here is a list of known articles around the time of the tour. If you know of anything that is missing please do let us know.



UK Articles

Video Audio

Social media

Fanzines, Blogs

Retrospective articles



Internet Archive source
British Newspaper Archive
Getty images
UK Music Magazines, Record Mirror, Sounds, NME, Melody Maker,
source and flckr
Rock Archive (photos)
NME, SOUNDS, Record Mirror, Melody Maker
Rocks Back Pages (
Still unusual fanzine colection

Children of the Revolution 1976-1978

Punk rock family tree by Pete Frame for the Christmas 1978 edition of Sounds


Sounds: Gotta go for a piss

Paul reviewing John Moss's new single

25th June 1977, Paul dig at John Moss


3 December 1977

Link to full interview

LETTER; "And it's my bet that in 20 years, people won't know who Johnny Rotten?"

30 October 1976


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SOUNDS , "The Night I Nearly Joined The Clash" - Date unknown - Enlarge image

WANTED **** unreadable

The History of Rock 1976

Welcome to 1976 pg 3

76 02 21 NME Sex PIstols We're into Chaos pg 6

76 09 11 Screen on the Green Review
Charles Shaar Murray pg 14

76 12 11 Say something outragous /
Bill Grundy pg 21

76 11 06 EMI freaked pg 27

76 12 04 Stranglers Democracy has collapsed pg 31

76 12 11 Melody Maker
"We feel like prisoners" Anarchy Tour pg 35

76 Oct-Dec, Readers Letters pg 39

Music Reissues Weekly Keith Levene and The Clash

Covers the first few months of The Clash from London SS to 101'ers to the first few gigs of the Clash.

Link - archived PDF - added July 2024

Photos from article

Pictured right, The Clash rehearsing in late June or July 1976 with Terry Chimes on drums. Keith Levene, second right

Pictured right, The Clash during the 13 August 1976 showcase at their rehearsal room. Keith Levene, right

Pictured left, The Clash rehearsing in late June or July 1976 with Terry Chimes on drums. Keith Levene, third right at microphone

Pictured left, The Clash rehearsing in June 1976 with Paul Buck on drums. Keith Levene, right

Eighteen Flight Rock ... AND THE SOUND OF THE WESTWAY - interview with The Clash

NME 11th December 1976, Miles

Original page or text version

Reprint of Melody Maker, Caroline Coon

November 1976

Website or archived PDF

SOUNDS: Punk Rock Special

SOUNDS, 7 pages

Profile by Jonh Ingham
9 October 1976

Original or Rocks Back Pages

or another orginal

(Sid Vicious) "I don't understand why people think it's so difficult to learn to play the guitar. I found it incredibly easy. You just pick a chord ... "


MELODY MAKER: Down And Out And Proud

Caroline Coon, Melody Maker, 13 Nov 76
following the ICA gig

Text version or original

THREE WEEKS AGO at London's ICA, Jane and Shane, regulars on the new-wave punk rock scene, were sprawled at the edge of the stage. Blood ..

"Finest post Pistols band"

Don Giovani


The Clash were really good...

Clash a better band minus Keith


How I met the Clash

Kris Needs - Trakmarx

Online or archive PDF

The Clash & Polydor Demos

Nov 1976


Greatness from Garageland

Peter Silverton, Trouser Press, February 1978

Text version

UNANNOUNCED, TO SAY the least, a kid in boots, suspenders and short-cropped hair clambers through the photographers' pit and up onto the stage of London's Rainbow Theatre. Benignly ignored by band, stage crew and security alike...

Welcome To The Rock Special (#1):
In Love With The Modern World

Behind Paywall...
Overview by Jonh Ingham, Sounds, October 1976


Johnny Rotten, the Clash, the Damned and a committed cast of hundreds of new music makers give the finger to the old farts ...


The band Clash from that new-fangled punk-rock on a spread in Bravo of 4 November 1976. Bravo obviously thought Mick Jones, not Joe Strummer, was the frontman 761104-clash



PDF link

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NME The gigs, the punch ups, the lagacy, The Clash

13 August 2011

MOJO The Punk Files,
The man who wasn’t there - Joe Strummer

June 2006 - Pat Gilbert

Punk Files
76 was pretty hairy
The secret history of punks musical inspiration
The man who wasnít there - Joe Strummer Pat Gilbert
Joes youth, background
101ers to the Clash
1986 and post Clash
We are not the Clash (1984] quotes

Mojo - Punk 76

February 2016 - 21 pages - Clash on page 76/77

MOJO The Clash From Westway to Broadway

August 1994 (Bonds, US general), JS interview - 20 pages

MOJO / Punk: the whole story

Online viewer (very good)

The History of Rock 1976

Online edition

Sex Pistols troubles / Clash, page 140

Screen on the Green review, page 94

FEATURE Punk The kids are hungry, page 115

Punk storm grows, page 142

Retropective magazine features, audio, video

For a full catalogies of retropective articles in magazines, interviews and features on TV and radio go here.

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Year in Punk Interview with Janet Street Porter

(out now on DVD)

Production ID 9C/02278
Production Title SEX PISTOLS - PUNK ROCK
First TX Date 28/11/1976

Running Time 25 mins 53 secs


Janet Street-Porter investigates the current fast-growing phenomenon - Punk Rock.

The programme sets out to examine why increasing numbers of London's young people are becoming disaffected with the rock scene and finding that the 'New Wave' bands, rather than rich, established, superstars, seem to articulate their own feelings of musical and social discontent.

It looks at the rapid growth of punk bands which has followed the realisation that you don't have to be a consummate musician to play entertaining punk music and at the style and beliefs that distinguish people from fans of established rock.

Janet interviews the leading punk band, The Sex Pistols, their close rivals, The Clash and punk fans to try to find out whether this is a beat boom or just another instantly forgotten fad.

She also talks to promoter Ron Watts to find out whether Punk Rock's violent reputation, which has led to a dwindling number of venues prepared to book the bands, is justly deserved, and the programme allows viewers to judge the phenomenon for themselves from film of a typical Sex Pistols concert

Collections Search | BFI | British Film Institute

Year in Punk Interview (Clash) | Youtube

The Year of Punk (Part 1)

A classic documentary on British punk made by London Weekend Television in 1977, presented by Janet Street-Porter. While featuring some footage from the first report made by LWT in 1976,it also includes some priceless footage and interviews from less-known bands

The Year of Punk (Part 2)

London Weekend Show with the Sex Pistols 1976

The London Weekend Show Punk Documentary with Janet Steet Porter and featuring interviews and footage of the Sex Pistols, The Clash and Siouxsie. First broadcast on 28/11/76

The Clash Live (Manchester?)

The Clash Live Performance | Premium from the Kinolibrary Archive Film Collections.

The Clash Recording In Studio ('76?, White Riot)

The Clash Recording In Studio, 1970s | Premium from the Kinolibrary Archive Film Collections. Clip ref AX14 .

BBCTV Look North Punk in Cleethorpes

Rebroadcast / Broadcast 20 December 1976 / 3:27mins


BBC Look North 30th Anniversary of Punk / Anarchy Tour at Cleethorpes Winter Gardens. Contains interview with Captain Sensible. TX 14th Dec. 2006

Book: London Punk Tapes

Book: Published on Jul 20, 2010


"The London Punk Tapes', fanzine styled insider view on 1976/1977 by legendary punk taper, Jordi Valls.

Comprehensive personal documentary archive of the punk explosion of 1976-77 made up by poster, flyers, programmes, fanzines, magazines, newspaper cuttings, photographs, tickets for gigs, and other material. Pg 31 onwards.

Audio recordings - Jordi Valls - Punk Tapes

link to full text here

During 1976 and 1977 Jordi Valls recorded live on nine audio cassettes some of the early punk gigs in London. These tapes, featuring The Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Damned, Subway Sect, Billy Idol & Generation X, The Slits and Buzzcocks, capture the true sound of punk - raw, countercultural and subversive - as a phenomenon that had a radical impact on popular music and fashion, first in Britain and America, and then worldwide.

Arguably the most interesting aspect of punk is its vital, visceral energy, and the demonstration that the only thing that really matters is the intention, the power of the imagination, and nothing more.

This book is a witness of this movement. With substantial graphic material such as photographs, newspapers, cuttings, gig tickets, make up this big and valuable archive on a movement so intense as self-destructive.

The Clash. 20.9.1976 100 Club Oxford Street, London (punk festival).
The Clash. 16.10.1976, University of London.
The Clash. 29.10.1976, Fulham Old Town Hall, London.
The Clash. 5.11.1976, Royal College of Art, London.
The Clash 11.3.77 The Coliseum, Harlesden, London.
The Clash. 1.5-1977. Civic Hall, Guildford.

Mont de Marsen festival 17 August 1976

Open video in new window (1280x720)

1:05 mins / 720p

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Paul Simonon 'I was living off half Joe Strummer's dole money when he joined The Clash'

Big Issue - Link - Archived PDF

Julien Temple interview about Joe Strummer & The Clash, live on Later With Jools Holland

480p / 4:25

Open in full in new window

In 1976 I auditioned for a band called The Clash

Rusty Egan | Facebook

In 1976 i auditioned for a band called Clash, I was invited back for 3 months I did not get the job. In 2010 Mick Jones arrived at Islington saying Rusty I need a drummer . We went over 4 songs once and I was in. I loved it . Then Glen 'Midge and Steve Stella New played our last gig with Steve who left us all 3 months later. In 2016 with Gary Kemp Joining us we reformed once more for one night. 2016 has reminded me that I have survived making and playing music from 19 to nearly 60. Had fortunes not even reach me let alone for me to blow, others blew my royalties sadly they are also gone. 2016 So many great creative and talented people have gone and I have seen so many still on stage and loving making and playing music . It comes naturally. I hope that whatever you do to make a living no matter what the income is you love it and you would do it without pay. 2017 see's the release of my 13 track album I hope it's going to be a year of live music more writing and recording and the odd DJ Gig . Please follow me on &

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London's Burning issue #1 (1976)

Clash, Clash, Clash


Punky Gibbon

online or archive PDF

Quote from Keith Levene interview and some early notes.

Sniffin' Glue: The Essential Punk Accessory by Mark Perry

Fanzine reproducd as a book.

"Sniffin Glue" was the most vital and cutting edge punk fanzine of its time. It featured all the key artists of the time from "The Ramones" and the "Sex Pistols" to "Blondie".

Written by Mark Perry, this book takes an irreverent retrospective look at the heady days of punk, featuring superb original photographs from the likes of Jill Furmanovsky and Pennie Smith and a full-length interview with TV and radion personality Danny Baker, who wrote for the original fanzine over 20 years ago at the start of their career.

During its brief existence "Sniffin Glue" brilliantly chronicled the birth, rise and demise of punk rock in the UK.

Starting with a print run of a mere 50 copies, by Issue 3 the circulation was way into the thousands. Joined in the later issues by young co-writer Danny Baker, sales started to exceed expectations and by Issue 12 Mark Perry called it a day declaring it's existence too successful as he was keen to avoid accusations of becoming part of the established rock press.

And for the collector there are all 12 issues of the magazine reproduced in their entirety.

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Clash Map of London


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The Birth of The Clash

The Independent - Friday, 10 October 2008

An epiphany at a Sex Pistols gig led to the formation of the most enduring of punk bands. Here, in an extract from a new book, The Clash reveal how they started in a London squat




Link or archive PDF

Jon Downes meets Keith Levene | Facebook

Interesting interview with Keith Leven on the opening days of the Clash .. and What's My Name.

Book: "The New Wave Punk Rock Explosion,' 1977

Caroline Coon, '1988:

WHEN I FIRST interviewed the Clash in their barrack like studio in Chalk Farm, they had yet to sign a record contract, although they were already one of the punk scene's favourite bands.

WHEN I FIRST interviewed the Clash in their barrack like studio in Chalk Farm, they had yet to sign a record contract, although they were already one of the punk scene's favourite bands.

This is sveral articles (Such as 'Down out and Proud', at the ICA) collated for her book

Text version or Online

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The Clash - the early years Mick Jones, Paul Simonon and Keith Levene

Graham on X -

Adrian Boot The Clash Story and all the important the photosessions

Online or
archived PDF

The Clash Story contains 3 important photo sessions including The Clash in Belfast. The other two main sections were The Clash at the Camden Rehearsal Studios and The Clash under London's A40 Westway. Maybe it should have been called "UK Calling.

Links to photos

The Clash Archive
The Clash - Belfast -1977
The Clash - Camden -1977
The Clash - Westway -1977
The Clash - Backstage 1976-79
The Clash - Live
Big Audio Dynamite
Straight to Hell
The Clash - Soho - 1976

Terry Chimes on drums somewhere

Rob Harper took over for the Anarchy Tour

Punk Rock - The Clash with Terry Chimes on drums 1977 | Facebook

ORIGINAL PHOTO Notting Hill Carnival riots

30th August 1976
Source unknown

1976: The Notting Hill Carnival riots Link
Talking Pictures Online or archive PDF

Rockscene Anarchy

The Clash, Marco Pirroni, Sue Catwoman

Original October 1976 Bob Gruen Photograph

CLASH TO ME | Facebook

Claudio Comoli - Marco was only 17. Amazing. Always looked older than his years. Even now he speaks highly of Joe, Paul and Mick

Sheila Rock (photographer) recalls ..

Photographer Shelia Rock recalls, "I met them at their ICA gig in 1976 and went to Chalk Farm to photograph them soon afterwards. They look cool and lean and hungry. They had iconic status even then."

The Clash: Joe Strummer, Mick Jones, Topper Headon and Paul Simonon.

1976 photo by Sheila Rock - The Clash Official | Facebook


Getty Images
Hundreds of great photos, catalogued and sourced - All Clash images

The odd great photo, some sourced - All Clash images

Sonic photos
Around 50 images, sourced - All Clash photos

Around 50 images, sourced - All Clash images

Adrian Boot, The Clash Story and all the important the photosessions
The Clash Archive - The Clash - Belfast -1977 - The Clash - Camden -1977 - The Clash - Westway -1977 - The Clash - Backstage 1976-79 - The Clash - Live - Big Audio Dynamite - Straight to Hell - The Clash - Soho - 1976

Thirteen galleries - 13 Clash galleries

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Jun 76 - Black Swan , five piece ....

Sept 76 - 100 Club, London gigs ....

Dec 76 - Anarchy Tour ....

Jan / Mar - Early 77 Gigs ....

May 77 - White Riot UK Tour ....

Jul 77 - European Dates ....

Oct 77 - Out of Control UK Tour ....

Jan 78 - Sandy Pearlman UK Dates ....

Apr 78 - UK Festival Dates ....

Jul 78 - Out on Parole UK Tour ....

Oct 78 - Sort it Out UK Tour ....

Feb 79 - Pearl Harbour US Tour ....

Jul 79 - Finland + UK dates ....

Sep 79 - Take the Fifth US Tour ....

Dec 79 - Acklam Hall Secret Gigs ....

Jan 80 - 16 Tons UK Tour ....

Mar 80- 16 Tons US Tour ....

May 80 - 16 Tons UK/Europe ....

May 81 - Impossible Mission Tour ....

Jun 81 - Bonds Residency NY ....

Sep 81 - Mogador Paris Residency ....

Oct 81 - Radio Clash UK Tour ....

Oct 81 - London Lyceum Residency ....

Jan 82 - Japan Tour ....

Feb 82 - Australian Tour ....

Feb 82 - HK & Thai gigs ....

May 82 - Lochem Festival ....

May 82 - Combat Rock US Tour ....

July 82 - Casbah Club UK Tour ....

Aug 82 - Combat Rock US Tour ....

Oct 82 - Supporting The Who ....

Nov 82 - Bob Marley Festival ....

May 83 - US Festival + gigs ....

Jan 84 - West Coast dates ....

Feb 84 - Out of Control Europe ....

Mar 84 - Out of Control UK ....

April 84 - Out of Control US Tour ....

Sep 84 - Italian Festival dates ....

Dec 84 - Miners Benefit Gigs ....

May 85 - Busking Tour ....

Jun- Aug 85 - Festival dates ....

Sept 85 - European Tour ....

Jan 86 - Far East Tour ....

1986 onwards - Retrospective

74-76 - Joe with the 101ers ....

Jul 88 - Green Wedge UK Tour

Aug 88 - Rock the Rich UK Tour ....

Oct 89 - Earthquake Weather UK ....

Oct 89 - Earthquake Weather Euro ....

Nov 89 - Earthquake Weather US ....

Jun 99 - Comeback Festival dates ....

July 99 - Short US Tour ....

July 99 - UK Tour ....

Aug 99 - Festival Dates ....

Oct 99 - UK Tour ....

Nov 99 - Full US Tour ....

Dec 99 - European Xmas dates ....

Jan 00 - Australasian Tour ....

May 00 - Mini UK Tour ....

Nov 00 - supporting The Who Tour ....

Jul 01 - UK & US Instore Tour ....

Oct 01 - Full US Tour ....

Nov 01 - Japanese Tour ....

Nov 01 - Full UK Tour ....

April 02 - Brooklyn NY Residency ....

Jun 02 - UK Festivals ....

Jul 02 - Hootenanny Tour ....

Aug 02 - UK Festival Dates ....

Sep 02 - Japanesse Dates ....

Nov 02 - Bringing it all Back Home ....