Festa Del Unita Italian Dates as part of the celebrations by the Italian Communist Party who's leader, Enrico Berlinguer, died june 11 1984.
updated 2 Sept 2016 with better audio information
updated Apri 1984 -added ticket
Sound 2 - 1hr 39mins - high? - 26 tracks
Rock the Casbah
Sound 1.5 - 1hr 31mins - 1gen - 26 tracks
Distorted, misses the lat encore Bankrobber and Magnificent 7
Rock the Casbah
Audio 3 - better copy of source 1
Sound 2.5 - 1hr 28mins - gen? - 26 tracks
misses the last encore Bankrobber and Magnificent 7
Rock the Casbah
Sound quality
This is a great little sequence of gigs for unusual renditions and jamming versions. Again London Calling opens with a long instrumental run up.
Did you go? Comments, info welcome...
Info, articles, reviews, comments or photos welcome.
Please email blackmarketclash
Festival Unita. Presented all the shows that from today they will fill the citadel.
L'Unita 30 August 1984 pg12
ROME - You enter between plaster statues and large plants that recall the scrolls of Liberty. As soon as you enter the entrance, while the notes of the plan arrive from the stage, impeccable waitresses (all volunteers) present an endless list of cocktails. Built by the Fiumicino airport cell and by the friends of Unita, inspired by the cultural pages of our newspaper, the café, called "CS" (Culture and Entertainment), is precisely the best place to illustrate the program of the National Day shows. which opens its doors today.
"It was not just a habit to organize a press conference in such a particular café - begins Gianni Borgna, head of the festival's entertainment program - but the simplest way to present the richness and variety of the spaces that will host the shows. . And it is quite natural that a calendar aimed at an audience as heterogeneous as possible corresponds to different spaces ».
Alongside the very popular shows (just mention the Clash concert or tomorrow's concert by the great tenor José Carreras, in Rome for the first time, and then the Bolscioi and the New York City ballet, the evenings with Pino Daniele and Gianna Nannini) there are entire spaces dedicated to experimentation (for example «Futura»), reviews on cinema and comedy, concerts created especially for the Festival, such as the one that Ornella Vanoni and Gino Paoli will hold. It would be impossible to mention, even if only by title, all the shows in the program. Just remember the scoops of these last hours: 11 recitals to be held by the Russian poet Evtuscenko at the Café-Concerto and the concert by Mike OldHeld, "stolen" right now from the beaches of Neptune where he was supposed to play with Steve Wonder .
Compared to the festival that was held in Rome 12 years ago, the current program is not only richer but also very different in its setting. Now at the center of the organization are above all the artists who manage a large portion of the program on their own. Thus it was Adriana Martino's turn to track down the names and surnames of all the "glories" of the Sixties in the agenda to invite them to her "Caffè-Concerto", while Gianni Toti worked together with the young people of the FGCI (and the robot which is «In service» in the «Futura» space) to organize part of the video and electronics program.
Result of the efforts of the members of the filmclub "L'Officina" (under the supervision of Sergio Leone) 11 maxi cinema program. On the other hand, Francesca Astolfi and Daniela Staffa (RAI journalists) are credited with having set up an exhilarating (albeit very serious) journey among the protagonists of laughter. Television clips, film photos but also comics in the flesh will be sifted through, analyzed and laid bare at the “Effetto comico” stand.
Finally, those who reproached the organizers for letting themselves be a little too influenced by the Roman ephemeral, were reminded with a touch of pride that from today to September 16 the largest and most well-stocked bookshop in Rome is precisely the one set up by "Rebirth" within the party area.
Carla Cheto
The Clash, the return to Italy in 1984
[Translated] When word spreads in Rome that the Clash will play at the National Unity Day, scheduled at the former EUR Velodrome, enthusiasm skyrockets. It is not surprising that the organization of the Communist Party has managed to hook up a band of fame like the British: since the end of the seventies the PCI festivals are important events and the resources to be put in place are not lacking... read more
L'Unita -
6th September 1984 pg8
The new edition Clash tomorrow at the party Arena
L'Unita -
6th September 1984 pg9
After a long period of quarrels and clashes, the Clash are back tomorrow night with a renewed line-up at the Unity Party Arena. Of the old Clash that debuted in 1976 in Islington, only Joe Strummer and Paul Simonon remain. Since last spring, Vince White and Nìck Sheppard have taken over on guitars and Pete Howord on drums.
How much did the political choices weigh in the complex artistic events of the London group? Surely they counted, but as Simonon is keen to point out «we are not a political band, at least the one with a capital P. We sing common stories, everyday life, personal things Yes, this too is political but with a small p ».
But the covers of the dishi are full of red flags, the Clash have dedicated a triple album to the Sandinista revolution! and they are deeply committed to the rock movement against racism.
For 1 Roman Clash appointment at the Festa dell'Unità, tickets are on sale at the Ortris, the Rinascita bookshop, the Camomilla di Ostia disco and in the Festa area. The cost is ten thousand lire.
The Clash group, at the Arena, 9pm
L'Unita -
7 September 1984 pg8
• 6 pm - Evening dedicated to Jazz. After the concert of the Human League Clash video. ABC. Soft Celi XTC. Go Go's. Depeche Way.
Common stories and political commitment for the new format Clash
O 9 pm - The Clash in concert (admission ticket ten thousand lire)
Sold out tickets: the last 3000 will be distributed this morning at authorized presale points.
The London band of The Clash is presented tonight at the National Unity Day Arena of the new edition, revised and corrected compared to the one that debuted back in 1976. After quarrels and divisions, only Joe Strum remains of the old group - Wed and Paul Simonon. Last spring, alongside these two "survivors" of the original group, Vince White and Nick Sheppard took over on guitars and Pete Howard on drums.
The Clash's music has always been very politically engaged. siding against racism and on the side of the Sandinista revolutionaries.
la Repubblica - 9 September 1984
The dream of rock 'n' roll is that of rebellious and gritty music, which speaks to young people with their language and their energy, which has the strength to tell the life with a few words and two guitar chords and to express in this way, with simplicity and passion, the desires, anxieties and anger of generations of teenagers from all over the world.
Clash, there is no doubt, are the embodiment of this dream, the image of a youthful myth that does not want to die, a music that needs nothing more than passion, energy, strength to run to the step with the world, with everyday life.
Forgetful and lashing guitars, songs sung with your heart in your throat, here is the simple and always effective formula that the Clash propose live and that once again captured the hearts of the public, more than thirty thousand people who gathered in the Roman arena of the National Day of "Unity", to acclaim the last rock 'n' roll heroes, the only ones perhaps, together with Bruce Springsteen, who still manage to make teenagers dream.
A population of young people who still gather in a few occasions in such a compact way, and who makes adolescence the reason for their strength: difficult to find in the multitude of Friday nights someone who was more than twenty years old and who did not have the desire to find Clash songs a match with his feelings.
And in fact the concert was mainly made of emotions, but not of good music, because the Clash, children of the most rigorous punk, have long banned the technique to rely on immediacy, on the spontaneity of the feeling that they manage to build with those who listen to them, and ask to be able to hear, albeit for one night, in the center of the world.
Joe Strummer, leader of this band of "desperados" of rock-n 'roll who plays memorable songs in an unsteady and enthralling way, certainly does not lack charisma and grit when he intones with his hoarse voice the songs that made Clash great , from I 'm so bore with Usa, to Tommy Gun, from Radio Clash to Jennifer Jones, favoring the old repertoire of punk' n 'roll to the punk and reggae atmospheres.
The group as a whole could have done better, but no one else would have known how to involve thousands and thousands of young people in a bedlam. (it's at)
09 September 1984 sect.
We are the Clash, subversive verses of songs as slogans - Joe Strummer: «The concert is peace»
La Stampa -
9 September 1984
We are the Clash, subversive verses of songs as slogans - Joe Strummer: «The concert is peace»
ROME - More than fifteen thousand people, piled between the stones and the dust of the Arena at the Unity festival, attended the other evening at the second Italian concert of the highly anticipated Clash (after Cava del Tirreni, Rome and Reggio Emilta, the group will stop tomorrow in Genoa and Tuesday in Turin).
The historical formation of politicized rock appeared on stage at nine o'clock, in front of an audience decidedly available for involvement: more than the music proposed by Joe Strummcr (vocals), Paul Simon (bass), Vince White and Nick Sheppard (guitars) and Pete Howard (drums), people perhaps wanted to applaud a myth, a tradition. Under the writing -Sex Style Subversionm and against the background of a large display board covered with black and white photos, the c.lashes launched their classic opening call. And the audience replied: raising his fist, sometimes covered with white and black rags, according to the punk fashion, dancing, singing, shouting pleìia in a certain verse of songs that sound just like slogans.
From London calllng to Com- Joc Strummer, leader of Gash bat rock, from Are you ready for the war to Rock Casbah up to the celebrattsstma Radio Clash, Joe Strummer and his group did not spare themselves, even if a first disappearance from the they did it on stage after an hour and a half of music, with the audience who - still - showed no sign of moving. In the second round, they proposed other classics and only after eleven o'clock was the concert really over. • Politics is not everything in our music, but it is a fundamental aspect of life and therefore of our musical proposal »: Joe Strummer, tireless, with his blond hair band in the middle of his head and a red suit, he met after the show some journalists. "We have life within us - he said - for this we can win: only life can free us from the domination of the system". • You already have your American missiles - he continued - we in England have ours; but to fight for peace there is no reason to go to marches: our concert is peace, life is peace ». f. c.
A huge crowd for the concert of the legendary English group "The Clash", which has made pacifism its flag.
L'Unita -
9 September 1984 pg14
A Canadian wins the Busoni prize
Unita Festival
A huge crowd for the concert of the legendary English group "The Clash", which has made pacifism its flag.
BOLZANO - The Busoni prize was awarded to the Canadian Luois Lortie, who thus won the 36th edition of the international piano competition of Bolzano F. Busoni. The jury unanimously awarded the prize to the Canadian. A long ovation greeted the awarding of the highest award. In second place was the Austrian Matthias Fletzberger; West German Bernd Glemser finished third. The Busoni prize had not been awarded for two years.
ROME - 6 pm on Friday evening on the National Day of Unity à. In the gigantic concert arena, five thousand people are already crowded under the stage. Many have in their hands 11 special issue of «Immaginarla», 11 party newspaper: on the front page an unlikely and amusing Carlo Marx By bicycle Invites to the «sensational event» of the evening: «Had I known it before, I would have come too ". Over the crowd of machinists, light and sound technicians In constant movement, the red crest stands out, on a red dress, on red shoes ("It is certainly no coincidence that I'm dressed all in red" he will then say answering a question) by Joe Strummer. He advances towards the audience raising his clenched fist aloft but then is grabbed by a portly boxer: the boxer, who is part of his group of bodyguards, carries them back behind the scenes. It is only 11 prologue. At 9 pm the scenario changed. For hours, between 1 avenues of the Festival, an uninterrupted stream of multicolored crests passed, complete with black leather and studs, mixed with many In jeans and a T-shirt: they are 1 veterans of the last tan before school starts. They are all there, and they will not be disappointed. With the lights off, the "official" ironic, biting self-presentation arrives like thunder, repeated with an increasingly altered voice: lives up to its name, overwhelms the twenty thousand, twenty-five thousand crammed into the arena with its most famous songs, with the power of thousands of decibels of amplification (in some passages even insufficient), and with a strength and capacity for involvement that the complex Briton has also kept intact in the new lineup which lines up, alongside Joe Strummer and Paul Simonon, Vince White, Nick Sheppard and Peter Howard. The audience responds, is at ease, dances frantically or strolls to the rhythm of a familiar and inviting soundtrack, always willing to pick up the chorus of the hardest refrain. Twenty thousand shouting "Rock of the casbah" together with a Joe Strummer ready to provoke: "Who have got a job?" (who has a job among you?) yells into the microphone. The many who have understood answer: «None». As a symbol, the notes of "Know your right", the flag of combat rock, pacifist and anti-Thatcher of the English group, start: "You have the right not to be killed, Hal is entitled to money for eat, you have the right to speak freely at least until you have the voice not even to try.
The rights of him, Joe Strummer, 11 repeated as in a turn-of-the-century rally, transported to the year of Orwell, during the press conference after the concert. Standing on the table with a half-empty bottle of Frascati Superiore in his hand, after having overwhelmed chairs and microphones, he added: «We have the right to live in peace. Here and now. Because this is peace, the possibility of speaking freely to each other, as we are doing now, without the danger of a bomb hanging over our heads.
But the bomb is there, and it's already suspended. “Listen to me screams Strummer in an increasing confusion caused by his comrades who pass by among the journalists offering wine - he is also against the bomb, and there is no need to go to pacifist demonstrations. You just have to pull out, with all your might, your will to live and hit it in the face of Mrs. Thatcher, Reagan, or Cernienko. We do it with our music and that's why they say our rock is political and scary. Because the strength of rock and a body that dances rock is frightening to power.The harangue continues, provocative: «We were in Naples, there was so much heat. An hour ago I sang in front of a wonderful audience. Why don't you who are the Intellectuals who have studied in the Universities move? In Italy there are bombs, in Spain, in England. And in the meantime with Mr. Reagan's dollars they start killing people in South America again. We fight singing in a thousand concerts, even if we could stay at home comfortably making a lot more money by recording records: bring out your strength and slam it in the face of all these people. Make your own luke, boys, make your own luke.
Angelo Melone
Choosing from 60 labels, everyone vows to stay sober
L'Unita -
11 September 1984 pg9
Choosing from 60 labels, everyone vows to stay sober
• No soft lights, no vintage furniture, but 60 different labels to choose the right wine. This could be the slogan of the national wine shop, one of the nicest corners of the Festa dell'Uniti (together with the wine bars of the regional Castelli 'Romani)
A long long counter, white and orange, a few tables (not many, just the place for about fifty people) a little green here and there and above all two great refrigerators to keep the most popular wines always fresh. the designer's touch above the Roberto counter, known as the Monteverde section, has transformed a white net into a modern visible glass drainer: stuff to apply for a patent. No music, but by choice: There are too many places of attraction - they say - and far too many, here you don't just come to taste the regional wine products but also to have a chat with your friends. The prices of the wines are more than accessible, the most expensive bottle does not reach 10 thousand lire and a glass of prosecco costs 1200 lira.
The wine shop was built organized by the companions of the sections of Monteverde and Ippolito Nievo. How come? «Simple - Roberto replies again -, it is because we are true experts on the subject. To those who insinuate that this is an excuse to avoid the fatigue of the restaurant, we have proposed a challenge - at the last glass. For the moment we have not found anyone able to fight at the shy PCI stand that we hope in some Venetian visitors to have some satisfaction.
Excuse me, can you give us a bottle for three thousand lire ?: The two boys in front of the counter do not reach thirty years in two. On the other hand, they proudly show off a look of real bad guys, complete with studs and mops cut like crests, three thousand lire is really little but this half bottle, I give it to you even for less.
The "half" arrives on the table and since that day the two boys have become regular customers of the wine shop, they arrive around eleven, show their friend what is left in their pocket and leave only at closing time, kind and respectful as few.
It was understood that even the very young do not mind wine.
Since last Friday, when after the Clash concert, the wine shop reached the box office record (more than 5 million).
The fact is that the pleasure of drinking unites so many: already at 8 in the evening it is not easy to find a place to sit and when at 2 in the morning you start cleaning the tables, it is not easy to convince the last customers to go out.
Drunk? No - he answers no, decided from behind the counter - perhaps we will not have the most refined cellar but we only keep genuine wines that do no harm to anyone.
Carlo Chelo
The highest percentage at the national festival dell'Unità - High membership of young people and retirees
11 September 1984 pg15
Massive adhesion to the PCI initiative, there is time until 20
Referendum, one hundred thousand signatures against the "cuts" of the decree
The highest percentage at the national festival dell'Unità - High membership of young people and retirees
The ceiling of 100,000 signatures to say no to cuts on escalator has already collapsed. And by 20 September the Communist Party will be able to bring an avalanche of signatures to the Supreme Court. The latest figure is on Sunday evening: in Lazio, 103,783 people signed up, in the collection desks scattered in the workplace, in the squares, at the Unità festivals. The lion's share is obviously the national holiday of the EUR, with its 50,317 signatures.
But it should be emphasized - says Angelo Fredda, of the PCI Regional Committee - that the membership is massive everywhere, despite attempts at boycott, like at the IMO ". And everyone really signs - Fredda argues - with very high percentages of pensioners and young people. , for example right at the EUR. Just mention the concert day with the rock band of the Clash, when an audience obviously made up mainly of young people recorded a real surge in adhesions. Groups of young people gathered in front of the counter and discussed animatedly before d i put your signature under the forms ..
But in addition to uniting several generations, the battle to defend the escalator finds everywhere social categories and workers politically deployed on different fronts. In factories, above all, managers and simple sympathizers of trade union organizations ranging from CISL, to UIL, to CGIL, find themselves signing together. So too in the ministries, socialists, communists, republicans, many Christian Democrats sign without subordinating this battle to political calculation.
And it is also for this reason that all the party organizations, in the center as well as in the periphery, in Rome as in the other provinces, are not yet resting on the now obvious success of the collection. The data split between the capital and the rest of Lazio indicates an identical commitment everywhere, with 15,003 signatures collected in Rome (excluding the national festival) and 38,463 in Lazio.
Ten days after the referendum is closed, therefore, the organizational machine does not stop. Up to the 20th, initiatives are planned everywhere, at the ATAC, in the markets, at the INPS, at the Milk Center, in Porta Portese as well as in the ministries. And from tomorrow, benches will also open inside the University. At this point anyway. The regional committee of the party is already beginning to urge the federations to have the material to be sent to Botteghe Oscure as quickly as possible, and from here to the Supreme Court.
All ready-made forms with notaries' authenticated signatures must begin to arrive in order to be able to "close the accounts" without amassing all the work on the last day.
Cronaca di una grande gionata / Chronicle of a great day
L'Unita - 17 September 1984 pg16
ROME - The extraordinary edition of the Unit with a "spedala Festa" spread yesterday afternoon
... area of every continent. It was an exceptional day, which saw two 'peoples' mix: the predominantly Roman one - enthusiastic, curious, young - which in recent weeks has constantly filled the EUR village, and that of militants, sympathizers, young communists and seniors gathered here from all over Italy for the traditional final appointment. Two distinct, recognizable 'peoples' who have established a specific approach with the Festival, but who have made no effort to mix, confront, recognize themselves within a common tension and a common, irrepressible need for change.
A need manifested in a thousand ways: speaking, singing, writing, whistling, applauding. Or holding high the extraordinary edition of the Unit with its red cubital inscription 'More and more'. When Natta, much applauded, finished his speech and while the 'Red Flag' was being sung around and hundreds of torches were lit, an array of speakers began to distribute the special newspapers in the large field and in every corner of the village. Inside, a summary of the speech just delivered by the secretary, comments and chronicles of the festival, beautiful photographic pages. And the first page of this edition - with its red writing and a huge photo of the crowd - has in fact become a manifesto, a declaration of intent, a proclamation of pride for the success of a new and great enterprise. 'Increasingly".
It was an uninterrupted arrival of buses and cars. Olà at nine in the morning we reached the entrances of the citadel of EUR after having crossed the boundless and parking lot. From the high hill of the Festa it was possible to guess the road network through the multicolored silhouettes of the aligned bus: the Cristoforo Colombo, the Pontina, the avenues with the name of the oceans, via dell'Umanesimo, avenue of the easy one of the
Technique. Around the Palazzo dello Sport and up to the large open spaces of the EUR, teams of traffic police and volunteers regulated an increasingly intense traffic. Crowd, a river of crowds, for hours. Cheerful towards the Feast, its colors, its richness, its many solicitations. And a little angry at the sky, gray for the whole morning after the violent downpour of the previous evening and night, and remained threatening permanently.
The volunteers immediately remedied the breakdowns caused by the bad weather: Drain pump, drainage of the large field (however it remained partially unusable), scattering of gravel, repair of damaged electrical systems. However, it is not excluded that the bad weather, burdening Rome and a large part of Italy, has to a certain extent discouraged an even more massive presence.
There are many who, before stopping in the festival area, went to the Prima Porta cemetery, where Berlinguer is buried. Bunches of red flowers and words of regret were placed on the tomb. And the adhesive 'rosette' was dedicated to the memory of the deceased secretary, which hundreds of thousands of copies were distributed at the three entrances of the festival.
Before and after the political demonstration every corner of the village was explored, every exhibition visited, every cultural and political itinerary traveled by an audience Impatient to see everything, to know everything, to discover every element of this extraordinary event. And even if in the last few hours, and for a very few hours. The restaurants, arenas, cinema and theater spaces, 11 Caffè Concerto and Il Caffè Letterario, the tents of young people and women, the large arena where he performed for the second time in the evening, in a rerun show, were very crowded. , that formidable and histrionic character who is Gigi Proletti.
Great turnout, even yesterday as already Saturday, at the Tenda dell'Unità, where comrades from all over Italy have delivered generous contributions in support of the party's newspaper which is going through a difficult phase. Large turnout at the counters where you sign for the referendum (103,000 signatures collected in Rome up to Yesterday). And - it should be noted because of particular value - large turnout also in the pavilion of the PCI organization, where many have submitted their application for registration. Mostly women and young people, who have known the Communists in recent days, have frequented them, 11 have often helped in the construction and management of a delicate and complex machine like this Festival.
It went on until night: discussions, songs, Improvised music, big tables, toasts, hugs, greetings, goodbye. No, not yet next year. Afa appointment today, Monday; last day of an unforgettable party.
Eugenio Manca
The party continues
Party that will be conducted by Gianni Mina and will have these protagonists (in alphabetical order): Donatella Antonioli, Attilio Baglioni, Oliviero Beha, Giovanni Berlinguer, Goffredo Bettini, Sandra Bonsanti, Vittorio Campione, Giorgio Casadio, Tito Cortese, Marcello Del Bosco, Carmine Fotia , Romano Ledda, Nanni Lov, Antonio Lucrano. Sandro Morelli, Italo Moscati, Fabio Mussi, Pasquale Nonno, Achille Occhetto, Piero Passetti, Mario Pendinelli, Giorgio Rossi, Edoardo Sanguineti and the managers of the festival's organizing committee. Journalists, politicians and intellectuals who will naturally be available to the public, to those who have lived these long days on the other side of the fence. Visitors, for and against, are therefore warned: tonight they will be able to unleash all their applause and their reproaches.
The spectacular highlight of the last day is Riccardo Cocciante's concert, scheduled at 9 pm, in the large Arena that has already seen the Clash, Gianna Nonnini and Pino Daniele perform. The ticket price was set at 5,000 lire, also intended for subscription to our newspaper. Riccardo Cocciante, who will present his most recent LP Sincerità on the occasion, has been one of the most consolidated authors of Italian pop music for years. With her songs, from "Poetry" to "Beautiful without soul", from "Deer in spring" to "Margherita", she sang love with sometimes a bit brusque tones, marrying an incredibly "black" voice with a romantic music, mindful of the Italian melodic line. With him, we could say, the party ends "on the classic", after the politicized punk of the Clash and the Italian way to rock by Daniele and Nannini.
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ARTICLES, POSTERS, CLIPPINGS ... A collection of and other items September 1984. Also: The historical archive of the newspaper La Stampa
VIDEO AND AUDIO Video and audio footage
TV Sorrisi e Canzoni (TV Smiles and Songs) is an Italian weekly listings magazine published in Segrate, Italy. TV Sorrisi e Canzoni was established in 1952. The magazine is published on a weekly basis.
Reagan, Thatcher, and the Last Stand of a Band That Mattered By Mark Andersen, Ralph Heibutzki
by Jacopo Ghilardotti Chapter: Il Ritorono
Features archival footage and new interviews to tell the story of the band's final days. The four primary members of the band - Jones, Joe Strummer, Paul Simonen and Topper Headon tell their sides of the story as do Nick Sheppard and Vince White, both of whom replaced Jones, and original drummer Terry Chimes, who returned to replace Headon in 1982.
by Europhone Radio |
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Sep 11, 2013: THE CLASH (REUNION) - Paris France 2 IMAGES
Mar 16, 1984: THE CLASH - Out of Control UK Tour - Academy Brixton London 19 IMAGES
Jul 10, 1982: THE CLASH - Casbah Club UK Tour - Brixton Fair Deal London 16 IMAGES
1982: THE CLASH - Photosession in San Francisco CA USA 2 IMAGES
Jul 25, 1981: JOE STRUMMER - At an event at the Wimpy Bar Piccadilly Circus London 33 IMAGES
Jun 16, 1980: THE CLASH - Hammersmith Palais London 13 IMAGES
Feb 17, 1980: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 8 IMAGES
Jul 06, 1979: THE CLASH - Notre Dame Hall London 54 IMAGES
Jan 03, 1979: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 19 IMAGES
Dec 1978: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 34 IMAGES
Jul 24, 1978: THE CLASH - Music Machine London 48 IMAGES
Aug 05, 1977: THE CLASH - Mont-de-Marsan Punk Rock Festival France 33 IMAGES
1977: THE CLASH - London 18 IMAGES
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New York Times - USA Link
Gallica - France - Not very helpful Link
Explore the British Library Link
Trove - Australia National Library Link
The Official Clash
Search @theclash & enter search in search box. Place, venue, etc
The Official Clash Group
Search @theclashofficialgroup & enter search in search box. Place, venue, etc
Joe Strummer
And there are two Joe Strummer sites, official and unnoffical here
Clash City Collectors - excellent
Facebook Page - for Clash Collectors to share unusual & interesting items like..Vinyl. Badges, Posters, etc anything by the Clash. Search Clash City Collectors & enter search in search box. Place, venue, etc
Clash on Parole - excellent
Facebook page - The only page that matters
Search Clash on Parole & enter search in the search box. Place, venue, etc
Clash City Snappers
Anything to do with The Clash. Photos inspired by lyrics, song titles, music, artwork, members, attitude, rhetoric,haunts,locations etc, of the greatest and coolest rock 'n' roll band ever.Tributes to Joe especially wanted. Pictures of graffitti, murals, music collections, memorabilia all welcome. No limit to postings. Don't wait to be invited, just join and upload.
Search Flickr / Clash City Snappers
Search Flickr / 'The Clash'
Search Flickr / 'The Clash' ticket
I saw The Clash at Bonds - excellent
Facebook page - The Clash played a series of 17 concerts at Bond's Casino in New York City in May and June of 1981 in support of their album Sandinista!. Due to their wide publicity, the concerts became an important moment in the history of the Clash. Search I Saw The Clash at Bonds & enter search in red box. Place, venue, etc
Loving the Clash
Facebook page - The only Clash page that is totally dedicated to the last gang in town. Search Loving The Clash & enter search in the search box. Place, venue, etc
Facebook page - Our very own Facebook page. Search Blackmarketclash.co.uk & enter search in red box. Place, venue, etc
Search all of Twitter
Search Enter as below - Twitter All of these words eg Bonds and in this exact phrase, enter 'The Clash'
Images on the offical Clash site. http://www.theclash.com/gallery
www.theclash.com/ (all images via google).
Images on the offical Clash site. site:http://www.theclash.com/