Did the Clash play twice at Santa Barbara (19th & 30th) as tickets indicate or was the 19th cancelled and rescheduled to the 30th?
support acts ...
18 January 2019 - added ticket & Quake Magazine
updated April 2020 - redesign, no new content
updated July 2022 added multiple reviews
updated August 2022 added comments
updated April 2024 added station IDs
No known audio recording
If you know of any recording, please email blackmarketclash
Station IDs for KCPR San Luis Obispo
The opening band at the Arlington Theater on Jan 19th was Los Lobos. I was there and recorded a series of station IDs for my college radio station (KCPR San Luis Obispo) with Joe and Paul back stage. Thanks to John Purlia jpurliaatmac.com
Backstage interview
There is a 11:44 minute video back stage interview with Paul and Joe At Santa Barbara (19th or 30th?). Is there any live footage?.
Joe Strummer, Chief conspirator of The Clash
The Quake magazine (San Francisco)
February 1984
3 pages
Joe Strummer Interview prior to Santa Barbara and the tour.
"It was almost the punk summer of 1977 all over again. On Jan. 19, the latest version of the Clash--bolstered by two young, spiky-haired guitarists--made its world debut in front of 2,000 rabid fans at the Arlington Center for the Performing Arts in Santa Barbara. And it was clear from the opening notes of the first song, London Calling, that the new Clash is as angry and self-righteous a political beast as ever."
A new Clash album is expected next month
Fort Worth Star & Telegram Wed Jan 25 1984
CLASH REGROUPS The new lineup of the Clash is set. Drummer Pete Howard and guitarists Nick Sheppard and Vince White are the new members, joining holdovers Joe Strummer and Paul Simonon.
In many ways, we're a brand new band," Strummer said. "We want to get used to working together and see how the songs work live. I'd like to go back and capture that lean, tough sound we had on the first album. I think we got a little to arty in places after that."
A new Clash album is expected next month. In the meantime. former Clash mem-bers Mick Jones and Topper Headon are rumored to be forming a new band together.
"I recorded a series of station IDs for my college radio station (KCPR San Luis Obispo)"
The opening band at the Arlington Theater on Jan 19th was Los Lobos. I was there and recorded a series of station IDs for my college radio station (KCPR San Luis Obispo) with Joe and Paul back stage.
John Purlia <jpurliaatmac.com>
Joe Strummer interview
On the bus to Santa Barbara
The Quake magazine (San Francisco), February 1984
Arlington Theatre
The Arlington Theatre is a historic venue located at 1317 State Street, Santa Barbara, California. It was originally built in 1931 for Fox West Coast Theatres and is known for being the largest movie theatre in Santa Barbara 1, 6. The building was constructed on the site of the former Arlington Hotel, which was destroyed by a fire in 1909 and later by the 1925 Santa Barbara earthquake 2, 6. The theatre was designed by the architectural firm Edwards and Plunkett, with architects William Albert Edwards and James Joseph Plunkett leading the project 2.
The Arlington Theatre is renowned for its atmospheric Spanish Colonial/Mission Revival style, which was popular during the rebuilding of downtown Santa Barbara after the 1925 earthquake 1. The design includes elements such as a tower inspired by the Alcázar of Segovia, romantic stairways, secluded courts, and a tile-roofed esplanade 2. The interior is designed to resemble a Spanish village, complete with twinkling stars that blink throughout performances 1.
The theatre has undergone several renovations, including a significant one in 1976, which increased its seating capacity to 2,010 and added acoustic improvements 1, 11. It continues to serve as a principal performing arts venue in the city, hosting a variety of events, including those associated with the annual Santa Barbara International Film Festival 6.
The Arlington Theatre still stands today as a key cultural landmark in Santa Barbara. It continues to host a wide range of events, from film screenings to live performances.
Strummer yelled he's off to Mexico if one more object was hurled
CrazyStrain - Joe Strummer yelled at the people throwing stuff onstage that the band would pack it up right then and there and go to Mexico if one more object was hurled. More stuff landed on stage but, fortunately, the band stayed and finished their set.CrazyStrain - 9 Mar 2019, 19:13 - User
Setlist: ... I was there too
And a far cry from the mess of my first Clash gig in Santa Barbara. So if it turns up that would be the indicator of an original recording. Also it was the only show I played completely sober!!! I'd love to hear it. I really had my shit together on that one."
Did you go? Comments, info welcome...
We are looking for scans - articles - tickets - posters - flyers - handbills - memorabilia - photos - comments / any info - you might have. Anything welcome.
Please email blackmarketclash or post on bmc facebook page.
Group gets back to its punk roots
A fired-up Joe Strummer brings his new Clash to America
Rolling Stone March 1, 1984
Michael Goldberg, Santa Barbara, CA
LOS ANGELES--It was almost the punk summer of 1977 all over again. On Jan. 19, the latest version of the Clash--bolstered by two young, spiky-haired guitarists--made its world debut in front of 2,000 rabid fans at the Arlington Center for the Performing Arts in Santa Barbara. And it was clear from the opening notes of the first song, London Calling, that the new Clash is as angry and self-righteous a political beast as ever.
"I'D LIKE to dedicate this one to Santa Barbara," shouted singer- guitarist Joe Strummer, sporting a short-cropped, dyed-orange haircut, "the only town in America where the Bank of America was burned down!"
The show was the Clash's first public appearance since Strummer and bassist Paul Simonon kicked guitarist-singer Mick Jones, one of the band's founding members, out of the group last fall. The sacking came after more than a year of band infighting that kept the Clash from recording a follow- up to their last album, 1982's platinum Combat Rock.
Clearly, some things have changed since the release of that LP. At the Arlington, there were no more excursions into funk and reggae, rap and jazz; instead, this Clash was raw and visceral. New guitarists Vince White and Nick Sheppard sounded as if they'd grown up solely on a diet of early Clash and Sex Pistols records. And every song, from Rock the Casbah to White Riot, from Should I Stay or Should I Go to Police and Thieves, had been stripped down to the basics. "It sounded like Hiroshima up on stage," the 31-year-old-Strummer said after the concert. "That ain't bad."
Still, something was missing, and that something was the dynamic chemistry, a certain electricity, that once existed between Jones and Strummer. The two used to front the Clash together, but in Santa Barbara it was clear that none of the new members will fill Jones' shoes when it comes to the leadership of the group. The Clash is now Stummer's group.
IN ADDITION to raiding the Clash's five LPs for material at the show, Stummer introduced a handful of new songs, including Sex Mad War, an anti- pornography rant; Three Card Trick, which is about what Strummer calls the "the politics of fear"; and a powerful punk anthem, We Are the Clash! The latter number includes a chorus apparantly directed at Mick Jones: "I ain't gonna be treated like trash/I know one thing and/We are the Clash!"
Mick Jones would disagree with that final line. A few days prior to the Santa Barbara show, he called promoter Bill Graham, who had booked the Clash into the Civil Auditorium in San Francisco. "The band you are promoting isn't the Clash," Jones reportedly told Graham. "I'm going to bring the real Clash over."
Jones, who refuses to speak to the press, has been working in London with his own version of a band he hopes to call the Clash. That outfit inculdes Topper Headon, the group's former drummer and composer of Rock the Casbah, and two other musicians. "Mick says he's going to let his music speak for itself," said Elliot Hoffman, Jones' American attorney. "He says that when the truth comes out as to what really happened between himself and two of the other members of the Clash, the fans are going to see what they have been told is not true."
So why won't Jones speak for himself now? "Mick is really quite content to let Stummer do all the talking at the present time," said Hoffman. "He really is not terribly interested in getting into a public debate. He is much more interested in getting into the studio."
ACCORDING TO Hoffman, Jones has recently written a new batch of songs and will begin recording a new album, probably in London, as soon as he gets back from a vacation in the Caribbean.
Meanwhile, Jones' British attorneys are investigating the legal specifics of the name "Clash," and Jones and Headon are planning to tour America shortly with their band. In addition, the two Clash camps are wrangling over finances. "It has to do with the division of certian funds," said Hoffman. "It's a matter of their having to work out how the money is to be divided, and they couldn't work it out without outside help. There- fore, there is an arbitration proceeding in London right now."
After midnight, in a sparse dressing room beneath the stage at the Arlington Center, a tired but excited Joe Strummer smoked cigarets (he gave up all drugs about seven months ago) and sipped from a cup of black coffee. "At times, I felt like a frog in a microwave oven," Strummer said of his performance, his voice echoing in the empty room. He was about to answer a question when a female fan shouted through the grating at the bottom of the dressing room door. "What happened to Mick?"
"He's gone," said the singer, grimacing. "He'll be rocking around with some kind of piano nonsense, you'll see." "I MISS him," the girl said.
"Yeah, well, go see him," snarled Strummer.
"Why did you kick him out?" asked the girl.
Strummer reached over and turned off the tape recorder: "'Cause he's an a------."
The tensions between Stummer and Jones date back to at least 1977, when a journalist who spoke with them in London observed the dichotomy between Strummer's fierce politics and Jones' pop-star tendencies. When asked when he and Jones first began to drift apart, Strummer said, "Being kind, I'd say three years ago. We felt iffy on the team for the last couple years, 'cause Mick was moaning and groaning. He wanted to go on holiday, and he didn't want to tour, and he didn't want to play guitar, and he thought he was an artist and he thought it was all beneath him."
STRUMMER WAS unhappy with the music the Clash was making, too. Strummer said the last demo Jones made "wasn't our music. He was playing around with beat boxes and synthesizers. I was thinking, `It's time for us to stop ripping off the black people so much that they don't get on the radio anymore.' I didn't want to play South Bronx music, you know?"
But for Strummer, Jones' worst offense came when he lost sight of what the Clash were all about. "He turned to me, supposedly his close buddy. I was his partner, right? Remember? He turned around to me and said, `I don't mind what the band does as long as my lawyer checks it out first."
Strummer shook his head from side to side, as if he still couldn't believe it. "So I said, `Well, you can go to your lawyer, and you can write the bleeding songs with him.' Because there wasn't any lawyer when we invented this spirit, this raging force. I feel that he turned bad on us."
The group was at its rehersal studio, located in a warehouse in London's Camden Town section, when Simonon and Strummer gave Jones his walking papers. "I asked him, `How have you enjoyed the past seven years?' And he said, `Okay, why do you ask?' And I said, `Because I think itis time we come to a parting of the way. I think it's time that you left. I think you should leave this room right now.' And he picked up his guitar and left."
SITTING IN the dressing room, looking lean and tough, Strummer was all hyped up. He wanted to explain what had gone wrong with the Clash. "Wrong turnings, pitfalls along the way. First was the musician bull. We thought we were musicians. Fatal, because you become self-indulgent. Second fatal mistake: `Hey, I'm an artist.' I'll tell you, Robert Johnson never thought he was an artist."
But while Strummer was critical of his band's mistakes, he was even more vitriolic in his criticism of America. "Truth is illegal. I sit there looking at the Declaration of Independence and all that. You get rid of the lousy British and that bull the English were coming on with, and you said, `We are the land of the free, where a man is free to carry a gun, walk the streets, say what he thinks, worship anything, do what he likes.' And in 200 years, you've turned it around. If anyone shows any individuality whatsoever, he's fired. And this is the place that was going to be the land of the individuals. The government, they're insane. They are smashing around the world in hobnail boots, crunching people, crunching people's hopes, condemning them to starvation and ignorance, still waving the banner that says DEMOCRACY AND FREEDOM, when back home, truth is illegal."
Strummer was talking nonstop; it was as if he were plugged into an electric socket. "People think I'm a raving idiot. I go to radio stations and say, `Look, ninety-two percent of Americans have no idea where Central America is or what's happening there,' and they go, `Yes, but, uh, tell us about your new hairstyle...."
The singer slammed his fist down in frustration. "I've been elected. I seriously believe I've been elected to say the truth and stamp out all the bull."
IT WAS nearly two a.m., and Joe Strummer still had to make the long trip back to L.A. He joined the rest of the new Clash in a white van behind the auditorium. And as the van began to move, Strummer shouted, "Print some of that!"
The Clash's new look. Fired-up Joe Strummer brings re-orgaized band to these shores
Wichita Falls Record News - Sat Feb 18 1984 (syndicated)
Strummer Brings U.S Clash
Abilene Reporter News Sun - Feb 19 1984
Clash Remains a political beast
The Daily Register – Sun Feb 19 1984
Rolling Stone New version of the Clash lacks electricity despite return to basics
Lubbock Evening Journal – Fri Feb 24 1984
Rolling Stone A Fired Up Joe Strummer Brings His New Clash to America
The Daily Sentinel Fri Feb 17 1984
Strummer's new Clash still fierce
The Ottawa Citizen Sat Feb 18 1984
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Extensive archive of articles, magazines and other from the Out of Control Tour to California, January, February 1984
There are several sights that provide setlists but most mirror www.blackmarketclash.co.uk. They are worth checking.
from Setlist FM (cannot be relied on)
from Songkick (cannot be relied on)
... both have lists of people who say they went
& from the newer Concert Database and also Concert Archives
Also useful: Ultimate Music database, All Music, Clash books at DISCOGS
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Out of Control Tour USA
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VIDEO AND AUDIO Video and audio footage from the tour including radio interviews.
Vince White describes this gig extensively in his Clash biog, The Last Days of the Clash
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Photoshelter here
Sep 11, 2013: THE CLASH (REUNION) - Paris France 2 IMAGES
Mar 16, 1984: THE CLASH - Out of Control UK Tour - Academy Brixton London 19 IMAGES
Jul 10, 1982: THE CLASH - Casbah Club UK Tour - Brixton Fair Deal London 16 IMAGES
1982: THE CLASH - Photosession in San Francisco CA USA 2 IMAGES
Jul 25, 1981: JOE STRUMMER - At an event at the Wimpy Bar Piccadilly Circus London 33 IMAGES
Jun 16, 1980: THE CLASH - Hammersmith Palais London 13 IMAGES
Feb 17, 1980: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 8 IMAGES
Jul 06, 1979: THE CLASH - Notre Dame Hall London 54 IMAGES
Jan 03, 1979: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 19 IMAGES
Dec 1978: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 34 IMAGES
Jul 24, 1978: THE CLASH - Music Machine London 48 IMAGES
Aug 05, 1977: THE CLASH - Mont-de-Marsan Punk Rock Festival France 33 IMAGES
1977: THE CLASH - London 18 IMAGES
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I saw The Clash at Bonds - excellent
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