The drama of the Bonds residency














Bonds Residency

The Clash arriving in New York and the build up

News Reports video and audio

The Ticket Fiasco

The remainder of the residency

History of Bonds

Longer history of Bonds

Posters and adverts

Badges, FSLN handouts, flyers, Clash press release ...

Clash on Broadway Reels

List of Support Acts

1. Background: The Clash at Bond's

Italy to New York
When The Clash landed at JFK airport in New York on the night of the 25th May 1981 they had no idea that their residency at a Broadway nightclub would create such a furore and nationwide media coverage that it became a pivotal event in their assault on America, helping to propel them into the major league Stateside. As Kosmo Vinyl has succinctly put it, “People who didn’t have straight trousers and short hair suddenly knew who we were. It got out - it was big!”. The Bonds concerts became one of the most enduring aspects of the Clash legend. ... more ...

2. Residency

The remainder of the press coverage once the bad had agreed to ensure all ticket holders got in by adding 8 more dates.

3. Arrival

A collection of articles covering the bands arrival into New York including previews of the week. Also includes the WNEW preview broacast with Meg Griffin.

4. Bonds News Reports
Audio and video reports covering the ticket fiasco. Fascinating watching / listening that captures those three days well. Includes notes.

5. Ticket Fiasco
Numerous articles and audio and video reports covering the ticket fiasco.

6. The remainder of the residency

7. History of Bonds

8. Longer history of Bonds plus old photos

9. Posters and adverts
Bits and pieces inclduying all adverts and posters.

10. Badges, FSLN handouts, flyers, Clash press releases ...

11. Clash on Broadway Reels
What was filmed and what happened to it?

12. List of Support Acts

13. Photos
Random phonts bundled here.

Comments for those who attended one of the gigs

Bonds Residency


A collection of
- Tour previews
- Tour posters
- Interviews
- Features
- Articles
- Tour information

A collection of articles, interviews, reviews, posters, tour dates from the Clash's residency at Bonds, New York. Articles cover the period from July through to the end of September.


Video and audio footage from the tour including radio interviews.


Return of the Last Gang in Town,
Marcus Gray


Passion is a Fashion,
Pat Gilbert


Redemption Song,
Chris Salewicz


Joe Strummer and the legend of The Clash
Kris Needs


The Clash (official)
by The Clash (Author), Mal Peachey


Other books

Italy to New York

When The Clash landed at JFK airport in New York on the night of the 25th May 1981 they had no idea that their residency at a Broadway nightclub would create such a furore and nationwide media coverage that it became a pivotal event in their assault on America, helping to propel them into the major league Stateside. As Kosmo Vinyl has succinctly put it, “People who didn’t have straight trousers and short hair suddenly knew who we were. It got out - it was big!”. The Bonds concerts became one of the most enduring aspects of the Clash legend.

WNEW Bonds week

Prior to The Clash's arrival WNEW FM ran a Bonds Week with Meg Griffin. It includes an intro to the Clash at Bonds week with a montage of old interviews and Clash tracks

Listen again here:

Bonds News Reports

28 May - 30 May 81 - updated 5 Jan 2009When the probelms started on the 29th at the venue the news media decsended and there s both audio and video circulating that captures those few hectic days.Audio: 30 mins of TV and Radio interviews, news and commentary.

Video: The Clash - News Reports about Bond's Casino Shows - June 1981

Video - Clash on Broadway Reels -

for full details info go here

Clash On Broadway - 19:50

The Clash / Sound System box set

It is not clear which of these comes from which night?London Calling (first night?)
This Is Radio Clash (Tom Snyder show)
The Magnificent Seven (Tom Snyder show)
Guns Of Brixton (first night?)
Safe European Home (first night?)

A good listing of the contents of the The Clash's Sound System box set can be found here.

For a full details on video from the opening shows go to the 28th

For information on the Clash on Broadway reels go here

Private Super8mm film footage of the rucus outside Bonds

Someone had a video camera and has more and better footage from outside.

Press Conference - "See out"

Would like the full press conference.

Video from Bonds

There's a lot of material now floating around all mixed up, here's the older offical stuff

1. Essential Clash DVD
cut down version of CoB from Westway but with unseeen angles and clips. Includes an edited London Calling [audio is unmixed pro recording from 9th].

2. Westway to the World BONUS footage DVD
Includes nearly full tracks of - London Calling [Trick of Treat audio] - Guns of Brixton [dubbed partly] Safe European Home [dubbed with studio single] - Charlie Don't Surf [original sound but from mixing desk] - Radio Clash [original sound but from mixing desk]. Also includes a mash up of a lot of footage from New York and outside Bonds such as the riot.

3. Video - press conference, backstage, 16 Tons play on, London Calling nearly full [probably the same length as Westway? but the sound plays on to a montage of NYC/Clash pictures]. The sound is remixed from [Trick or Treat bootleg] radio broadcast from the 9th June as Westway. 5.38min

4. MTV Rockumentary is same as Westway/Clash on TV/Essential DVD but with only very edited clips of the press conference and London Calling. Nothing new except a couple of comments form Mick and Paul.

5. Clash on Broadway Reels
Extensive details here

6. 60minute doc never realeased, various shots

7. Full multi camera shoot of the 13th evening
Never released except two tracks on 6 above.

8. Video shot across various shows
but particulalry full show from the 3rd

9. As 8 above, and Don Letts footage of Mag 7 from the 2nd June
But only partial so patched up with other audio and cut video. Though partial soundboard.

Tom Snyder show NTV

The complete Clash appearance circulates on Clash On TV Vol.1 in very good quality (apart from some ghosting) from a TV rebroadcast (better than the YouTube broadcast below). For many years Clash fans had made do with very poor quality video copies of this important Clash footage.

I saw The Clash

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WireImages here

Brixton Academy 8 March 1984
Other 1984 photos
Sacramento Oct 22 1982
Oct 13 1982 Shea
Oct 12 1982 Shea
San Francisco, Jun 22 1982
Hamburg, Germany May 12 1981
San Francisco, Mar 02 1980
Los Angeles, April 27 1980
Notre Dame Hall Jul 06 1979
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Southall Jul 14 1979
San Francisco, Feb 09 1979
San FranciscoFeb 08 1979
Berkeley, Feb 02 1979
Toronto, Feb 20 1979
RAR Apr 30 1978
Roxy Oct 25 1978
Rainbow May 9 1977
Us May 28 1983

Photoshelter here

Sep 11, 2013: THE CLASH (REUNION) - Paris France 2 IMAGES
Mar 16, 1984: THE CLASH - Out of Control UK Tour - Academy Brixton London 19 IMAGES
Jul 10, 1982: THE CLASH - Casbah Club UK Tour - Brixton Fair Deal London 16 IMAGES
1982: THE CLASH - Photosession in San Francisco CA USA 2 IMAGES
Jul 25, 1981: JOE STRUMMER - At an event at the Wimpy Bar Piccadilly Circus London 33 IMAGES
Jun 16, 1980: THE CLASH - Hammersmith Palais London 13 IMAGES
Feb 17, 1980: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 8 IMAGES
Jul 06, 1979: THE CLASH - Notre Dame Hall London 54 IMAGES
Jan 03, 1979: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 19 IMAGES
Dec 1978: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 34 IMAGES
Jul 24, 1978: THE CLASH - Music Machine London 48 IMAGES
Aug 05, 1977: THE CLASH - Mont-de-Marsan Punk Rock Festival France 33 IMAGES
1977: THE CLASH - London 18 IMAGES


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Joe Strummer
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Clash City Collectors - excellent
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Clash on Parole - excellent
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Clash City Snappers
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Search Flickr / Clash City Snappers
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I saw The Clash at Bonds - excellent
Facebook page - The Clash played a series of 17 concerts at Bond's Casino in New York City in May and June of 1981 in support of their album Sandinista!. Due to their wide publicity, the concerts became an important moment in the history of the Clash.
Search I Saw The Clash at Bonds & enter search in red box. Place, venue, etc

Loving the Clash
Facebook page - The only Clash page that is totally dedicated to the last gang in town. Search Loving The Clash & enter search in the search box. Place, venue, etc
Facebook page - Our very own Facebook page. Search & enter search in red box. Place, venue, etc

Search all of Twitter
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Images on the offical Clash site. (all images via google).
Images on the offical Clash site. site:

Both the evening and matinee gigs were cancelled in what turned out to be a historic moment in the Clash's history. Hopefully we have pieced it together and it makes sense.

page updated - started May 2020
added bvideo footage unseen of the riot outside - Feb 2024

When the problems started on the 29th at the venue the news media decsended and there s both audio and video circulating that captures those few hectic days. Audio: 30 mins of TV and Radio interviews, news and commentary.

Video - Bonds TV News Reports

short live clips and interviews from Channel 4 & 7 (on Clash on TV Vol.1) 6mins
News clips of - Armagideon Time - Bankrobber - I’m So Bored With The USA - London Calling - Magnificent 7 - Brand New Cadilac + press conference and news reports outside.

Audio - Radio & TV News Reports

30 minutes - updated Jan 2009

For full running order of this audio go here

More info including full audio and video News Reports here.

Private Super8mm film footage of the rucus outside Bonds

Someone had a video camera aand has more and better footage from outside.

Super8mm film footage of the rucus outside Bonds. Just a note to say I enjoyed your Clash bootleg site. I saw them at Bonds in Times Square in 1981. I was actually at the 2nd scheduled show, which was a matinee on Saturday after the first show on Friday night. This was when they told us waiting in line that the concert was postponed for two weeks, as they had oversold the number of tickets.

I had my Super8mm camera with me and we swarmed out into Times Square, angry and disappointed and I filmed the ruckus.

Some of the footage from that event (not mine) shows up on their Westway to the World DVD. Came back 2 weeks later and saw them and had a great time.Then saw the Clash on Pier 84 in NY in September 1982, it was hot and sweaty and then poured rain like hell with thunder and lightning for the encores.

They played White Riot for the last encore, the only time I ever got to see them play it. It fit perfectly with the monsoon rain and lightning, quite the finish!Got to meet Strummer for a moment when he played with the Pogues at the Beacon in NYC in 1991.

Got his autograph and told him I really liked the "Walker" soundtrack. He appreciated that. Anyway good job on the website.

further .. I still have that footage. I have to post a Radio Clash music video I made around 1983, onto YouTube. It contains some of that footage. That was sure a great time, even though we traveled all the way to NYC and waited in line only to be told to come back in 2 weeks, it was a big event.

So we spent that day wandering around NYC, hearing Clash music, seeing Clash graffiti, and seeing people dressed up like Paul Simonon and Mick. You really felt like you were part of something big. And of course the concert 2 weeks later was worth the return trip.You've inspired me to convert my Radio Clash video into a format suitable for YouTube.

My version very much follows the Clash's video of that song, as you will see. Will let you know when it's at YouTube.3. My Radio Clash video I made in 1983.

Any footage of Times Square and cops was from the Bonds postponement. I noticed in the shot of the Coca-Cola sign the digital clock says 1:11, and the concert was cancelled at 1 o'clock.

Hope you like it, Video.

I'll see what other Bonds footage I have. I filmed a lot of the crowd in Times Square but the footage has been in storage for a number of years so I don't know the condition. I had this Radio Clash footage converted to VHS in 1988 so that's how it survived.

I made a similar home movie using R.E.M.'s End of the World As We Know It, with some more Bonds footage. I have that on VHS so I will have to upload it.

Again thank you for your comments on my video. I showed it at a community college talent show in 1984, didn't win anything but at least I got it shown to several hundred people. You probably have seen this YouTube clip about Bonds as well: video

Video /Clash on Broadway/TV News Reports

TV cameras from 2 channels covered the concert for the news channels on the opening night and good quality video dubs circulate on Clash On TV Vol.1. Channel News 4 has live clips of Armagideon Time, Bankrobber and I’m So Bored With The USA.

Seperately there is footage that includes the press conference and nearly all of London Calling uncut with the band in the dressing room, running up the stairs and on stage, though this may be a mix of the opening press conference and Don Letts footage from the 9th June.

Clash on TV

Clash on TV [also booted identically as TV Calling]Clash on TV begins with a classic Joe interview clip - “Everywhere, everything is no good, everybody’s walking around going this is no good, everything is gone wrong” cuts to a live clip of Brand New Cadillac, then back to Joe “So there’s no time to stand around with some nice pair of velvet trousers on going on about what you’re gonna do to your women tonight!” Paul is also interviewed about their support of political issues.

Channel 7 live has short clips of London Calling and Magnificent Seven, and includes an interview clip with Kosmo. It also shows missiles being thrown at Grandmaster Flash.

These reports though broadcast on the 29th have live footage definitely from the 28th May, “last night” as it states on screen and then goes onto say “If you want to see them tonight you must have ticketron tickets” and talks about the situation prior to the City Building Department closing Bonds indefinitely on the Saturday 30th morning which resulted in the mini-riot when the matinee crowd were turned away.

Footage from the 9th [aka Don Letts CoB footage]

For more information on the legendary lost and found Clash on Broadway reels go here

The CoB Trailer found on official releases

The CoB Trailer found on Essential Clash, Clash on Broadway and most of Don Letts footage seems to be fropm the 9th. London Calling sound is dubbed from the 9th June master using the master [as opposed to remixed broadcast version] where Micks vocals are out of the mix almost. Essential Clash contain no other tracks.

Clash on Broadway [Westway DVD Bonus] The Clash on Broadway found on Westway DVD extras is certainly the best. It contains London Calling, which seems to be dubbed again from the 9th but from the radio broadcast version with Micks vocals in the mix? Most of London Calling features.

Interspersed with Dons New York footage CoB then includes most of Guns of Brixton which is part dubbed. Quite of lot of Safe European Home which is dubbed with the original studio version. Only when we get to nearly full versions of Charlie Don't Surf and Radio Clash is the original sound.

There is footage of the press conference and nearly all of London Calling but this circulates seperately.

This starts with press conference, backstage, 16 Tons play on, London Calling nearly full [probably the same length as Westway? but the sound plays on to a montage of NYC/Clash pictures]. The sound is remixed from [Trick or Treat bootleg] radio broadcast from the 9th June as Westway.

MTV Rockumentary

MTV Rockumentary is same as Westway/Clash on TV/Essential DVD but with only very edited clips of the press conference and London Calling. Nothing new except a couple of comments form Mick and Paul.

Photos taken from the 9th further corroborate the date of the TV footage classic rock concert photos. Paul’s in a turquoise vest and black leathers, Mick in white trousers and red shirt and Joe in all red.

Clash on Broadway never released

The press conference was held on the 27th in Bonds foyer and shots from it including Mick’s “sell out” explanation are shown in Clash On Broadway on the Westway To The World and Essential Clash DVD’s. Sadly Topper’s sacking appears to be the reason this film was never released; in May 82 it was reported in the press that the film was almost complete and would shortly be released. But shortly after he was sacked, Topper took out an injunction preventing the release of the film and it went into storage and was later destroyed. What is left of the film though does capture the excitement, the chaos and the cultural changes of the Bonds residency very well.


More tickets at the very foot of the page


Following their appearance at the Palladium in 1980 The Clash had refused to play in New York unless they could play in a venue they thought suitable, i.e. an unseated dance hall. In February, Bernie and Kosmo had come to New York to seek out a suitable venue and agreed on Bonds which seemed ideal; it could hold 4000 with minimal discomfort (fire exits would prove the problem) but it was comparatively intimate and had character (art deco interior.

History Of Bonds - includes write up and old photos

It was a former men’s department store with a lino floor and beams and a makeshift stage. Local promoters could not understand why The Clash did not play a couple of nights at Madison Square Garden (16,000 capacity) like everyone else. Indeed Chris Salewicz was asked to write a piece for Soho News “to find the story behind the story!”

Bonds was on Broadway as it enters Times Square, real Taxi Driver territory which must have appealed to the band who were great fans of the film. There is actually a clip of Bonds in the opening scenes in Taxi Driver. Indeed film fantasy actually crossed over into reality when Clash fan Scorcese invited the band to appear in his current project, Gangs of New York and write music for it.

an excellent description of the interior of Bonds

J. Blocher writing in a fanzine gives an excellent description of the interior of Bonds and the experience of seeing The Clash there:

“The doors opened at 8pm, we went up a carpeted spiral staircase surrounded by barbed wire and Mooseheads. We went into a large lobby and bar, with Clash concession stands. Through a large bank of double doors we located the dance floor, strobing lights - stunning glow in the dark things, half inflated silver spacemen hanging through trap doors in the ceiling. The dance floor itself was huge with recessed balconies at 2 sides to handle the large number of techies apparently required to keep all the lights flashing and the mikes feeding back. The facilities at Bonds were dance or drop! There was absolutely no seating anywhere.”

In the photo below Bonds is the low building on the right.

Bonds as it is now

Ticket Fiasco

Even before the end of The Clash’s first concert at Bonds on the Thursday night the Fire trucks and Fire Marshall’s were waiting outside. The Fire Marshall interviewed for Channel 2 said “Last night there were 3649” people in Bonds and imposed a closure order on the venue. The Plasmatics had recently played Bonds with 4000 people inside and blew up a car onstage. The truth as to why there was a problem when The Clash played has never been exposed but the widely held view was that it was a result of inter-club rivalry and a residency by the high profile Clash was too much for one or more of Bonds competitors. As Joe said, “…somebody paid somebody, who paid somebody, who paid somebody to come in and shut the building down” Mojo 96.

After a meeting though with Fire chiefs and Bernie and Kosmo a compromise was agreed which allowed the scheduled show to go ahead on Friday night. There was a limit set of 1725 people and Ticketron tickets would be honoured first, as it was believed that most of these would have been bought by non New Yorkers, and thus would have had the furthest to travel and be inconvenienced the most. Those who had bought tickets direct from Bonds would have to wait for additional Clash shows slotted in at the expense of Gary Glitter and Stranglers concerts.

This again all changed the following morning when the Building Commissioner stepped in and closed Bonds indefinitely - but that’s a later story.

Tonight’s concert went off without a hitch although touts (scalpers) were charging $40 for the $10 Ticketron tickets. Boston Rock No.9 (link) gives a review of the concert. A hostile reaction to the support acts continued over from the first night with opening acts The Modettes and an unspecified group of rappers booed off. Mick dedicated Magnificent Seven to Grandmaster Flash tonight and perhaps spurred on by the hostile reaction by at least part of their audience to the new music they were now embracing, The Clash deliver tonight one of the best performances of the Bonds residency.

If the conspiracy theory of inter-club rivalry and corrupt municipal practices is to be believed (and it was then and is still now widely accepted) then the agreement reached with the Fire Department on Friday 29th May which allowed that night’s concert (and future ones) to go ahead, was presumably not damaging enough for those behind the action.

Certainly we do know that just hours before the Saturday matinee for under 18’s was to go ahead, the Building Department stepped in and effectively closed Bonds indefinitely stating the club was a potential death trap because of unsatisfactory fire exit arrangements. As TV news reports put it “2000 fans were turned away [from the Matinee] with the help of mounted Police” and “hundreds poured into the street shouting obscenities and blocking traffic”. Some protesters were hit by billy clubs and one girl was arrested.

This mini-riot (Don Letts filmed scenes) provoked extensive TV and radio coverage, the front page of the New York Post declared ““Clash” in Times Square” (which the band proudly had made up as T-shirts) and was the basis for the band members oft since repeated boast that it was the first riot in Times Square since Frank Sinatra’s bobbysoxers in the late 40’s.

Kosmo writes in Bob Gruen’s book; “What happened to The Clash at Bonds was that they got phenomenal media coverage… Up to this time the coverage of punk was safety pins and Sid & Nancy. So this was a very positive thing. I think the riot in Times Square did it..The record company were banned from the gig, because they’d done nothing to support Sandinista. So you’ve got the biggest media event going on and CBS have to say, “We can’t help you, contact Kosmo at the Gramercy”. They learned a lesson there. It put The Clash on the map for real, big-time brand recognition. We clawed our way into the Premier Division with that one”

Although these events are covered in some depth by the various books on The Clash and magazine articles at the time, they do contain factual errors.

The Clash could have (like many bands would have done) just walked away and refunded the ticket holders but that would have been contrary to The Clash’s long established and proven track record of commitment to its fans. So The Clash instructed lawyers to seek court orders to overturn the ban and Kosmo and Bernie laboured to negotiate with the authorities. Both Saturday’s planned performances though had to be cancelled as a solution proved hard to achieve. The persuasive power that achieved the breakthrough according to a number of accounts (and its such a great story it has to be true!) came ironically from the Building Commissioner’s own daughters who were Clash fans and badgered their father into submission!


Sunday’s events are well documented on the circulating audio dubs from WNEW FM (who had a reporter at Bonds to provide updates on developments) and from TV news reports. The WNEW FM reports begin with confirmation that the Saturday shows were cancelled because the Building Department said there had been “previous infractions of safety rules”. The Clash though had “no plans to leave town” and every effort was being made to get the shows back on. Everyone agreed the problems came from “rock club rivalry”.

On Sunday 31st May at 2pm The Clash called a press conference and Building Commissioner Irwin Fruckman confirmed all inspections had been completed (improved security and reworked fire exit systems now in place) and shows could go ahead safely provided no more than 1725 people were let in.

Bernie statement

At 3pm the press conference was over and the reporter spoke to Bernard Rhodes. Bernie in a rare recorded interview explained that agreement had been reached after talks with the Fire and Building Departments and the Mayors Office. The dates had now been rescheduled with 8 new shows added so that everyone who bought original tickets would get to see The Clash. Refunds or exchanges would be available to those who could not make the rescheduled dates. As on the Friday night it was Ticketron ticket holders who would be serviced first, they are the “people that the did most travelling, New Yorkers will a get special show as they have been so patient”.

Bernie then made this statement; “Bearing in mind we’ve been up for the last 3 days and nights trying to sort this out we feel that the policy of The Clash has been upheld - that is giving you the news behind the news to music, and if we can present a show no matter how tired we are that you people out there enjoy then we hope that it has been worthwhile …we think you are more informed than any other audience.”


FM announcer then said Sunday night’s concert is going ahead with a 10pm start, The Clash on at 12 who have been “doing an amazing job of straightening out this whole thing - WNEW FM in New York - Clash on tonight!”

Channel 2 TV news report (audio only circulating) has Mick saying, “we’re playing tonight”, and Paul “We like it here” and Building Commissioner, Irwin Fruckman interviewed confirming it was now safe for the concerts to continue.

Unseen private footage

Unseen provate footage was sent us at 220p (poor quallity). Shot outside when the ticket fiasco is going on it is much like the Don Letts footage but 30 seconds long.

We have trimmed out the Radio Clash video that it was spliced into and upscaled it.

'The Clash face the unruly mobs' Michael Barnard

1981 05 28

News Reports about Bond's Casino Shows

June 1981

City Shuts Bonds Disco;
Clash Show Is Canceled The New York Times

- 29 May 1981

A performance of the punk-rock group the Clash was canceled yesterday following an order to close the crowded Bonds Disco on Times Square, where it was to have taken place.

Hundreds of angry fans were cleared off 45th Street by mounted police officers after it was announced that the London-based group would not perform its scheduled 1 P.M. show.

''Hell, no! We won't go!'' chanted the fans, some of whom had waited in line since 3 A.M.

It took about 20 minutes to disperse the angry group of 800 fans. No arrests were reported. The show was canceled after the city Buildings Department issued an order requiring the disco to shut down because of a problem over exits.

Joel Heller, the disco's manager, said two June matinees had been arranged for the fans who were to have attended the afternoon show yesterday.O-A performance of the punk-rock group the Clash was canceled yesterday following an order to close the crowded Bonds Disco on Times Square, where it was to have taken place.

Hundreds of angry fans were cleared off 45th Street by mounted police officers after it was announced that the London-based group would not perform its scheduled 1 P.M. show.

''Hell, no! We won't go!'' chanted the fans, some of whom had waited in line since 3 A.M.

It took about 20 minutes to disperse the angry group of 800 fans. No arrests were reported. The show was canceled after the city Buildings Department issued an order requiring the disco to shut down because of a problem over exits.
Joel Heller, the disco's manager, said two June matinees had been arranged for the fans who were to have attended the afternoon show yesterday.




Bonds Police Line Tickets on Sale

Bonds news, ticket queues

81 05

May 29th Concert


Bonds - Lisa Allan The Clash Live Up to their Name

81 05 29?

The New York Times: Pop The Clash Quartet

81 05 30

Daily News City & disco clash, and Clash cools it

NEWSP Bonds 'City & Disco clash' Larry Sutton

Sun May 31 1981 / Link 1 or Link 2

Journal and Courier, 'Clash' fans clash wiht N.Y. cops

Sun May 31 1981

Clarion Ledger, Overcrowding for Clash closes New York disco

Sun May 31 1981

Sioux City Journal, 2,000 fans turned away from disco

Sun May 31 1981

Star Gazette, 2,000 fans dispersed after disco closes

Sun May 31 1981

The Gazette, Calsh fans turned away

Sun May 31 1981

Kraut: Bond's, a pivotal moment for KRAUT.

Thanks to Phil at for this info.

KRAUT: Donny Cowan - bass/vocals, Davey Gunner - vocals, Doug Holland - guitar/vocals (replaced by Chris Smith) , Johnny Feedback - drums/vocals.

Phil: The famous Clash gigs at Bonds Casino, NYC, in 1981, proved to be a pivotal moment for KRAUT. What was the story behind this?

Donny: When the NYC fire Dept. closed down the Clash shows because of fire code violations by Bonds (not quite enough exits), The Clash decided (nice guys that they are) that everyone that bought a ticket would get to see the band, so 3 shows turned into 11 shows... Who would open on those extra nights? I decided it would be KRAUT. Kraut had only been together 4 weeks so I quickly brought the band into the studio and recorded a rough 3 song demo -'Kill for Cash', 'True Colours', and 'Just Cabbage'. ...

Read the full article ...

FAX 7 The ticket that Exploded, RUMOURS Bonds Ticket Fiasco

81 06 15

Courier Post, Riding on a New Wave, pop music popping back

Sun May 31 1981

The Atlanta Constitution, Here's a sampling of thge graffiti at 668

Sun May 31 1981

For Bond's disco, it was double capacity or nothing

1981 05

The Central New Jersey Home News, Crowd crush cancels Clash concert

Sun May 31 1981

The Record, New York closes rock club

Sun May 31 1981

The Herald News, City cools Clash crowd by closing Bonds

Sun May 31 1981

The Journal News, Say Cheese

Sun May 31 1981

IRA MAYER The Clash Rocks with raw energy

Sunday night Bonds review Clash rocks with raw energy

1981 05 31


Debra Rae Cohen writes frequently about rock music. By DEBRA RAE COHEN

The Clash - who will be at the Bond International Casino in Times Square for eight performances starting Thursday - emerged along with the Sex Pistols in the British punk rock explosion of 1976. Both bands played music that was fast and furious, brash and bitter, in response to the seeming hopelessness of the British economy. But while the Sex Pistols' Johnny Rotten turned each song into an apocalypse -proclaiming ''no future'' for himself, for society, and for rock and roll - the Clash made each song a battle that might, conceivably, be won. Above the guitarist Mick Jones's insistent power chords, Joe Strummer used his raspy vocals like a rallying-cry. One of the group's early singles, ''Complete Control,'' even found them taking a heroic stance in response to an argument with their record company.

That lack of ''complete control'' became, for the Clash, ever more irksome, especially with the top 20 success of last year's ''London Calling.'' For their most recent release, ''Sandinista!,'' they produced a three-record set, hoping that CBS Records would accept it as the equivalent of three albums, thus fulfilling the band's contract with the label. The gambit failed; the Clash still owe CBS two more albums.

But Strummer and Jones, who are astonishingly prolific songwriters, were unwilling to face the backlog of material that would have resulted from cutting down the project. So ''Sandinista!'' was issued intact, its bulk representing, to the hostile British critics, directionless self-indulgence, and, to many in the record industry, a perverse commercial gamble. Priced at a low $14.98 at the band's insistence, ''Sandinista!'' has sold respectably, but not nearly as well as ''London Calling,'' the consistently powerful tworecord set that established the Clash commercially in the United States.

Artistically, however, ''Sandinista!'' is a near-total success. The album's initially daunting two-hour sprawl turns out to be structured with both passion and purpose, skillfully paced to provide - like a live performance - breathing-spaces, humor, and moments for reflection, as well as high-energy barrages. While much of the music is a far cry from the Clash's original two-minute skirmishes, the record fulfills the promise of those early songs, extending their struggle by universalizing it.

City calls a truce in Clash wars and the band plays on

1 June 1981

NME, Bonds Fiasco, Under Fire in New York

81 06 01

Asbury Park Press, The Clash to continue at Bonds

Mon Jun 1 1981

Poughkeepsie Journal, Vacate order on concert hall lifted

Mon Jun 1 1981

Quad City Times, Club re-opened for Clash

Mon Jun 1 1981

The Windsor Star, The Clash force clsong of disco

Mon Jun 1 1981

The Ottawa Citizen, Fans clash over Clash

Mon Jun 1 1981

Star Gazette, Clash gets go-ahead to hold NYC concerts

Mon Jun 1 1981

The Boston Globe About that Clash show that wasn't

Mon Jun 1 1981

The Charlotte Observer, Concert with Clash

Mon Jun 1 1981

Clash Melee Points Up Danger of Overselling

by Robert Palmer
New York Times June 3, 1981

The Clash concerts at the Bond's International Casino, West 45th Street and Broadway, have been causing quite a stir, and not because of the British rock band's political lyrics and incendiary performing style. Bond's was closed by the city Department of Buildings on Saturday after the Clash played to a crowd estimated at 3,640 people; the club's legal capacity is 1800.

But after the club complied with building inspectors by installing fire-exit signs and making other minor alterations, it was allowed to reopen - on the condition that audiences not exceed the legal limit.

The Clash agreed to play six extra performances to accomodate ticket-holders who were turned away from this week's performances. ...

Read the full article ...


'I saw the Clash at Bonds' - Facebook page

Popular Facebook group that recounts memories for the Bonds residency. Well worth a read.

Joe Strummer was obviously annoyed at this, finally kicking the TV in

I was lucky enough to see the Clash play twice--a great show at NYC's Palladium and one of their famous shows at Bonds. The latter show was a little lackluster, finally catching fire around halfway in--kicked off by a rousing version of Complete Control as I recall. One moment I remember clearly: a crew member put a small TV onstage so Mick Jones could watch the band perform on the Letterman show, pretaped earlier in the day. Joe Strummer was obviously annoyed at this, finally kicking the TV in. - Marlowe

greatest live band

As for greatest live bands well i saw the clash in nyc when they sold too many tickets for bonds in Times Square and were obliged to play something like 2 weeks straight to honour all the tickets sold. This was the sandinista tour but the show covered every period and was quite simply amazing.

Strummer got visibly pissed off when the crowd did not sing along with the obvious anthems but then you can’t expect perfection from a rock audience.Support that night was funkapolitain and the slits which blew my mind as i had no idea they were on the bill. Pearl harbour was the dj between sets.

Support acts

There were a ton of opening acts at the Bonds shows, and none were memorable.

Joe Strummer | Facebook

The New York Nobody Sings - Clash at Bond's

reposted from my blog...

At 15, I saw the Clash at Bondís International Casino on Broadway and 44th street. The space was a beautiful disco with lots of playful elements. There was a big staircase...

Remember When - The Clash Photos at Bonds Casino – 80s Retro Punk Rock

So a few years later, when we got to do the printing for the official Clash at the Bonds Casino gig in NY City, we where ecstatic. We printed the shirts, drove them to NY City, sold them in the streets...

They Shoot Actors, Don't They? Bond's Casino

The Clash Official | Facebook

Link / The Clash at Bonds Casino, Times Square, NYC gigs 1-3 of 17.


BOND INTERNATIONAL CASINO--1530 Broadway, on the east side of Broadway between 44th and 45th Streets. (Often referred to as Bond's.) A short-lived discotheque most famous for hosting the "Clash on Broadway" residency in 1981,

Jo Streno Personal memories

The Clash at Bonds Casino NYC, 1981

The Clash at Bonds Casino, Times Square, NYC gigs 1-3 of 17.

Did you go? Comments, info welcome...

Info, articles, reviews, comments or photos welcome.
email blackmarketclash


Amazing un published photos from The Clash shows @ Bonds

As well as the crazy scene during the Ticket sales

I Saw the Clash at Bonds | Facebook

Lotso fphotos on

I Saw the Clash at Bonds | Facebook

The Clash Official | Facebook

60+ photo album- many thanks to Keith who sent the...

I Saw the Clash at Bonds | Facebook

60+ photo album- many thanks to Keith

I Saw the Clash at Bonds | | Facebook

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