Support; The Beat

Last updated 7 July 2008 - added punters view (Scott Crabtree)
updated 9 Jan 2010 - identified unknown newspaper
updated 9 Feb 2022 added new artilce Discoveries
update August 2022 added comments

Audio 1 - excellent from master

Sound 4 - 86min - DATm1 - 24 tracks - last updated 28 Dec 01

Audio to follow

Sound quality

This is a very good recording. Good copies circulate as do lesser ones. However this is a copy from the master. It lasts a couple of minutes longer than the previous excellent copy but is barely a sound upgrade.

An even older recording was very flat and a fairly distant recording. There was some clarity but this was poor overall especially compared with the best. On this copy Janie Jones suffers some shite 'synth guitar' bleeding into it for the most part.

From the Taper

The Clash, October 17, 1982 - Memorial Gym, Kent State University, Ohio

2 x nak300 mics cardiod caps > sony d-5. nak1000 > hhb850 > sound forge 6 > cdwin > flac

I taped this myself back when I was in college. Several analog cassette copies have floated around since then. About 5 years ago I released a dat copy to someone. The version I "remastered". I think this is the best possible quality. I taped this up close 3rd row(?) center. Between songs and at times the mics were below head level. You will hear muffled highs at this point. But when I got the mics up, the sound is phenomenal.

The 2nd part is more hissy because I put it on a circa 1982 radio shack chrome tape. Most of my old radio shack and basf and Memorex tapes did not hold up like the maxells and tdks. Keep this in mind for the future. Crank it up and enjoy!!!!



Memorial Gym, Kent State University, Kent State OH

Memorial Athletic and Convocation Center - Wikipedia

Kent State - Discoveries


They also have a review of Sandinista

Clash brings hard-driving punk stye to Kent

Daily Kent State

15 October 1982

Cleveland Scene Kent State gig review

Marc Holan


Intense Clash show overwhelms audience... Clash conquers Kent State

Daily Kent State

19 October 1982

Clash pleases audience


Photos of the band with fans after the show

Chris : I have attached a couple of pictures of me and Joe Strummer after the Kent State show 10/17/82 (they will also be on the disk). They were taken by a friend with my camera. I sat with†Joe Strummer for about fifteen minutes. Andy Warhol always once†said we all†get fifteen minutes of fame, maybe this was some of mine. A few days after the concert I wrote about†my experience back stage. I am still looking for it. I have always done a lot of writing. During part of my career I have written for different publications about the business that I am in. If you want I can send it along once I find it.

These two pictures represent not only a very exciting time of my life but also†a great era in the music industry, and to this day I still carry one in my wallet and one is in a silver frame in my office. Christopher

Backstage photos by Chris Downey

Opening band

pjinoh - Spirit was the opener that night.

Mike Proctor taped the show on his Sony Walkman Pro

I went with four other friends to the show and got autographed posters afterward. Mike Proctor taped the show on his Sony Walkman Pro, and I do have a 1st gen copy of that on cassette.

We did what we thought was right. If they didn’t like it they could piss-off.”

Since August 16th and October 17th 1982 I have seen the Clash in concert in three different cities. I have seen some great performers and concerts over the last six years. The list includes Elvis Costello, Iggy Pop, the Ramons, Blonde, the Jam, Squezze, David Johansen, and DEVO to name a few, however, these three Clash shows were the most intense and memorable concerts I ever saw.

On October 17th I saw the Clash for the third time, this time at the Kent State Memorial Gym. I took my camera but for this show I did not take it in, I left it in the trunk of the car. I wanted to get closer and not worry about taking pictures. I went to the show with David Walland and a friend of his. David kept saying we are going back stage after the show. I never believed him. I said, “How?” He said, “After the show we are just going to hang out by the backstage entrance and they will let us in.”

After the show ended we did just as David said…we went backstage. There were only a handful of people. At the door was a big black bouncer. He looked at us and said, “What are you here for?” David spoke up and said, “We are here to hang out with the Clash.” The bouncer said, “Wait here” and walked inside for a few minutes. He came out and said, “Alright you can go back.” Holy Shit! I couldn’t believe it was that easy! David just smiled and said “I told you.”

We walked in. All the members of the band were there. The room was not big and not many people. At this point I realized I left my camera in the car. I went back to the bouncer and told him of my problem. He told me to hurry and get it. I ran as fast as I could the whole time thinking I didn’t have much time and I didn’t want to waste it.

Backstage photos by Chris Downey

The temperature was in the low forties and when I got back I saw Joe Strummer sitting quietly by himself at a folding table that had a bouquet of fresh flowers on it. He was wearing dark sunglasses and a black shirt with a button on the label. I went over and asked to photograph him. He smiled and nodded. I raised my camera to take a picture.

At that point a panic look ran across my face. Coming from the cold temperature to the warm caused the camera lens to fog up. Joe looked at me and said, “What’s the matter mate?” I told him about the situation and he said, “sit down, give it a minute.” Un-fucking believable! I am sitting next to Joe Strummer about to engage in one of the most memorable conversations in my life.

It began with me telling him how much I loved the Clash music. I told him “you have changed the direction of music around the world. I went on to say how the Clash stands for social and political reform and delivers the message with passion and idealism like no other band. He thanked me and asked if I liked the show. I told him it was intense, “It was the third time I had seen the band on this tour and each time you played in a way that blended power and excitement with garage, thrash, funk, rap, and rhythm & blues with reggae. All types of musical styles in one.”

I went on to tell him that they played one of my favorite songs at this show, “Spanish Bombs.” I said Joe “you are the Ernst Hemmingway of punk music. Spanish Bombs is a three minute version of his book “For Whom the Bell Tolls.” Think about it, Something about England, The Call Up, Rebel Waltz and Tommy Gun are written like a Hemmingway short novel. He looked at me with a smile and said “let’s hope I don’t end up like him!”

I asked why they survived while other bands like the Sex Pistols or the Damned didn’t. He said. “We have used negative situations and tried to stirrup the people listening. The Clash has a clear relevant political message. Basically, redirect your frustration and anger and try to change the status quo. Those other bands were confused, mixing various political ideologies and some just concerned about the money.” I looked at him and said “you mean…looking for a real good space under the lighting.” He just smirked. I wasn’t sure if it was because he thought it was funny or he believed I understood his point.

I then asked him what he listens to. He responded “I like English Beat, Bo Diddley, MC5, reggae and funk music. He then asked me what I listened to. I talked about all my favorite bands and the great concerts I have seen. He listened very politely and didn’t say much. He appeared drained from the show.

For the next few minutes we made small talk about America, Ohio and where the next concert was and the tour in general. When I got up to leave I shook his hand again and thanked him for his time. I told him that as long as I live I will always remember this night. He nodded and said, “Come back stage next time we come to this area or at another gig.” As I walked away he began talking to another person. I turned and raised my camera to take one more picture of him and said “Joe, the Clash the only band that matters.” He looked up and stuck his tongue out and made a face. At that moment I snapped the picture. I waved and smiled he just nodded.

I walked over to Paul Simonon and Terry Chimes and introduced myself. I said to Paul, “I have seen the Clash three times on this tour and I don’t know if you would remember but when we were driving from Detroit to Akron back in August we drove by you on the highway.” Paul smiled. He looked at me with an expression that said you got to be kidding. I continued. “You were in the front seat in a Lincoln town car and Joe was in the backseat in the middle. I was hanging out of the window yelling.” He became very animated and said he remembered. “We did not know what was going on we were driving along and all of a sudden this car pulls up and you are yelling at us out the window. We realized that you knew who we were and were Clash Fans.” He went on to say it was an eventful road trip to Akron because they were pulled over by the police for speeding.

I also asked him it was true that they released Sandinista as a triple album to say Fuck you to Bruce Springsteen’s double album “The River?” Paul said, “We did what we thought was right. If they didn’t like it they could piss-off.” At that point two girls asked him to have there picture taken with him. I also took a picture and walked over to Mick Jones.

Mick Jones was very entertaining. He was over by the food having something to eat. I went up and introduced myself to him. I said, “Great show.” He said, “Thanks,” and asked if I was hungry. There were trays of deli food. I thanked him but declined. He acted comical. I asked to take a photo he agreed and smiled. I took the photo and said “let me take one more.” He then made a face where one eye was half closed.

I asked Mick “can you accomplish anything through rock & roll with a political theme?” He said “We try to be realistic; there is a difference between optimism and realism. Who knows, maybe it won’t change anything, but I still believe in it and still believe its something worth the effort.”

It was about that time when the bouncer began to herd everyone out of the room. I said good bye to Mick and headed for the door. As I got to the door I turned and looked around one more time. I new this would be something that may never happen again.

Chris Downey

Is still the standard by which all other live music performances are measured

I was Pretty blown away by Chris Downey's story and photos of the  Clash show, Oct 17 1982

I was good friends with David Walland and Matt Dudas, who Chris  refers to as David's friend in the text and you have labeled "fan" in the photos.

I was also at the show, though not with Chris, David, and Matt.  It was my first concert ever -- I was only 16 -- and it is still the standard by which all other live music performances are measured.

Please forward my comments to Chris.  I would enjoy reminiscing about these guys.  I think Matt is still around in Cleveland, but David died of AIDS sometime in the early 90's.

Remember the good times, though.  Like when we got busted by the cops for skinny dipping in a public pool at 3:00 am after the Black Flag show at the Cleveland Public Theatre.

- Scott Crabtree - now living in Portland, OR

Did you go? Comments, info welcome...

Info, articles, reviews, comments or photos welcome.
email blackmarketclash


jackieblaney - Ohio State Lantern, Wednesday, October 20, 1982; Page: 8 Photo: 'The Clash' pleases audience

Kent State or Akron or Detroit Concert Photos

Extensive archive of articles, magazines and other from the Know Your Rights US Tour, August to October 1982

All articles - Dates - International articles - US articles - Snippets - Photos - Memorabilia - Video/Audio



London Calling
Car Jamming
One More Time
The Guns Of Brixton
Somebody Got Murdered
Spanish Bombs
The Magnificent Seven
Junco Partner
Rock the Casbah
Train In Vain
Straight to Hell
Janie Jones
This Is Radio Clash
Brand New Cadillac
Police On My Back
English Civil War
Tommy Gun
Charlie Don’t Surf
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
I Fought the Law
Police and Thieves
London’s Burning
White Riot

There are several sights that provide setlists but most mirror They are worth checking.

from Setlist FM (cannot be relied on)

from Songkick (cannot be relied on)
... both have lists of people who say they went

& from the newer Concert Database and also Concert Archives

Also useful: Ultimate Music database, All Music, Clash books at DISCOGS

Articles, check 'Rocks Back Pages'

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Combat Rock Tour


A collection of
- Tour previews
- Tour posters
- Interviews
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- Articles
- Tour information

A collection of articles, interviews, memorabilia from the tour and the period around the tour, August to New Year 1982.

Extensive archive of articles, magazines and other from the Know Your Rights US Tour, August to October 1982

All articles


International articles

US articles






Video and audio footage from the tour including radio interviews.

VIDEO – 1 Sept / Joe, Paul Simonon int, PIer 84 on CBS New York News
VIDEO – 5 Sept / City Limits / Toronto / 8mins
VIDEO – 30 Sept / Police on My Back + Interview cut though / Cable news?
VIDEO – 9 Oct / Saturday Night Live
RADIO – Oct? / Off the Record with Mary Turner / 46mins

RADIO – 13 Aug / Chicago interview, Kosmo / 24mins
RADIO – 2 Oct / Binghampton / Joe, Paul, Terry, Kosmo, Mick / 11mins
RADIO – 12 Oct / BBC Radio 6, broadcast 2008, Don, Mick on Shea / 1hr12mins
RADIO – Oct? / Interview with Interview with Mick and Paul / 5mins
VIDEO – 29 Nov / Jamaica, Crew, various bands on stage, interviews / 8mins
VIDEO – 29 Nov / Jamaica, Historica Films Int with Paul, Kosmo / 13mns
VIDEO – 29 Nov / Jamaica, News report (all bands), Paul int / 3mins
VIDEO – 29 Nov / Jamaica, News report, Mick int, Police on My Back (full) / 4mins
VIDEO – 29 Nov / Jamaica, News report, stage set up Mick int, Police... (bit) / 3mins


Return of the Last Gang in Town,
Marcus Gray


Passion is a Fashion,
Pat Gilbert


Redemption Song,
Chris Salewicz


Joe Strummer and the legend of The Clash
Kris Needs


The Clash (official)
by The Clash (Author), Mal Peachey


Other books

I saw The Clash

Wikipedia - band mambers

Wikipedia - The Clash

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Rock Archive Photos

WireImages here

Brixton Academy 8 March 1984
Other 1984 photos
Sacramento Oct 22 1982
Oct 13 1982 Shea
Oct 12 1982 Shea
San Francisco, Jun 22 1982
Hamburg, Germany May 12 1981
San Francisco, Mar 02 1980
Los Angeles, April 27 1980
Notre Dame Hall Jul 06 1979
New York Sep 20 1979
Southall Jul 14 1979
San Francisco, Feb 09 1979
San FranciscoFeb 08 1979
Berkeley, Feb 02 1979
Toronto, Feb 20 1979
RAR Apr 30 1978
Roxy Oct 25 1978
Rainbow May 9 1977
Us May 28 1983

Photoshelter here

Sep 11, 2013: THE CLASH (REUNION) - Paris France 2 IMAGES
Mar 16, 1984: THE CLASH - Out of Control UK Tour - Academy Brixton London 19 IMAGES
Jul 10, 1982: THE CLASH - Casbah Club UK Tour - Brixton Fair Deal London 16 IMAGES
1982: THE CLASH - Photosession in San Francisco CA USA 2 IMAGES
Jul 25, 1981: JOE STRUMMER - At an event at the Wimpy Bar Piccadilly Circus London 33 IMAGES
Jun 16, 1980: THE CLASH - Hammersmith Palais London 13 IMAGES
Feb 17, 1980: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 8 IMAGES
Jul 06, 1979: THE CLASH - Notre Dame Hall London 54 IMAGES
Jan 03, 1979: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 19 IMAGES
Dec 1978: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 34 IMAGES
Jul 24, 1978: THE CLASH - Music Machine London 48 IMAGES
Aug 05, 1977: THE CLASH - Mont-de-Marsan Punk Rock Festival France 33 IMAGES
1977: THE CLASH - London 18 IMAGES


Any further info, articles, reviews, comments or photos welcome.

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New York Times - USA Link

Gallica - France - Not very helpful Link

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Trove - Australia National Library Link

The Official Clash
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The Official Clash Group
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Joe Strummer
And there are two Joe Strummer sites, official and unnoffical here

Clash City Collectors - excellent
Facebook Page - for Clash Collectors to share unusual & interesting items like..Vinyl. Badges, Posters, etc anything by the Clash.
Search Clash City Collectors & enter search in search box. Place, venue, etc

Clash on Parole - excellent
Facebook page - The only page that matters
Search Clash on Parole & enter search in the search box. Place, venue, etc

Clash City Snappers
Anything to do with The Clash. Photos inspired by lyrics, song titles, music, artwork, members, attitude, rhetoric,haunts,locations etc, of the greatest and coolest rock 'n' roll band ever.Tributes to Joe especially wanted. Pictures of graffitti, murals, music collections, memorabilia all welcome. No limit to postings. Don't wait to be invited, just join and upload.
Search Flickr / Clash City Snappers
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I saw The Clash at Bonds - excellent
Facebook page - The Clash played a series of 17 concerts at Bond's Casino in New York City in May and June of 1981 in support of their album Sandinista!. Due to their wide publicity, the concerts became an important moment in the history of the Clash.
Search I Saw The Clash at Bonds & enter search in red box. Place, venue, etc

Loving the Clash
Facebook page - The only Clash page that is totally dedicated to the last gang in town. Search Loving The Clash & enter search in the search box. Place, venue, etc
Facebook page - Our very own Facebook page. Search & enter search in red box. Place, venue, etc

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Images on the offical Clash site. (all images via google).
Images on the offical Clash site. site: