Supported byThe English Beat
updated 13 June 2007
updated 5 Jan 2010 - added Boston tapes
updated 3 Sept 2016 - added soundboard full track listing
Sound 4 - 1hr 8mins - 17 tracks
Misses Somebody Got Murdered and Safe European onwards. Have a better sounding recording with the first 13 tracks (Sound 4.5). Better quality also exists on This is Radio Clash CD but that has only 5 tracks (Sound 4.5)
Audio to follow
Audio 2 - Wolfgangs Vault - soundboard
Sound 5 - 1hr 39min - near master/master - 23 tracks
Audio to follow
Audio 3 - From Here To Eternity
Sound 5 - 8min - tracks 2
The From Here to Eternity tracks are; SISOSIG and Straight to Hell. Five tracks were also used from the previous night gig.
CBS Live tapes
Quote, "Eventually, via Jeff Jones at Legacy in New York, I contacted Bruce Dickinson who'd worked at CBS in the 1970s and 80s and was a fan of the band. He knew of a company in the States who specialised in archiving live radio tapes. They had two nights of the Clash at Bonds on Broadway and two nights in Boston."
The Orpheum show from Boston with ranking Roger doing Armagideon Time, I wouldn't say it was a great show but a good recording. I had the pleasure of mixing the Bonds show that was proffesionaly recorded on 24 track 2 inch tapes. The tapes came to me in 2000, I locked out the studio for a week and had a blast. The only thing that was a bummer was after 8 to 10 songs in, the instruments were out of tune. All the times I saw the Clash I never noticed that they never stopped to tune, they didn't need to because the energy level was always there.
Unfortunately I don't believe there will ever be a whole Clash concert released proffessionaly due to this fact. I for one am glad they never stopped to tune because that would have changed the energy of the shows I saw. I cannot legally share this concert which is sad, at the end of the 2 hour+ show on the last song a rasta or someone like one gets on the mic and everything goes to shit. Topper is a blast to listen to through the whole show, God bless him.
The Clash had been billed to play 3 nights at the Boston
Posters show The Clash had been billed to play 3 nights at the Boston Orpheum on 22-24th August. These nights were cancelled (for reasons undocumented) with two dates re-arranged for the end of the original tour on the 7th and 8th September (and before the Who stadium support dates). Oddly no photos are credited to the Boston shows.
Very thankfully though, the shows were well documented by CBS/Epic with professional sound recordings made of both nights. Five songs were used on From Here To Eternity from the 7th (Clash City Rockers, White Man in Hammersmith Palais, London Calling, Magnificent Seven & Know Your Rights with two from the 8th). Further songs from the 7th were prepared for selection for FHTE and thankfully through the Boston Tapes bootleg these recordings circulate so that 16 out of the 22 songs performed on the 7th circulate in superb sound quality. In addition the whole gig is available from Wolfgangs Vault in lesser but still soundboard hifi quality albeit in mp3 and not professionally mixed.
The reviews below of the gig differ greatly but we can compile the complete gig from the best sources and decide with our own ears who is right and on Joe’s comment that on the rare occasions that the mobile live recording unit was present that the performances were sub-par. Although so few Clash gigs were recorded by their record company, certainly we know Bill Price and the band thought the Boston shows good enough to dominate the From Here To Eternity live compilation.
Advert, Clash "sold out"
82 08 26 The Boston Globe Thu (Boston)
Steve Morse, Boston music journalist
Quote: Most of the reviews were written by Steve Morse, the long time rock critic for the Boston Globe and clearly a fan of The Clash (he traveled to NY, NJ and Wash DC to review the band).
As a native of Boston and a 25+ year fan of the Clash I have always enjoyed and agreed with his reviews.
Jim Sullivan
That can't be said for Jim Sullivan who wrote the Sept. 7, 1982 review. I was at that show and I have never had such a disagreement with a review and to this day, I can't hear (or write!) the words Jim Sullivan with out thinking about how far off the mark that review was (call me obsessed!), other's radio DJs at the time agreed. I thought it was a great show. I have included Sullivan's review just for the historical record. If you post it I may send my own memories of the show at a later date.
The Clash Official | Facebook
Suggestion that the photo is not from Boston?
Orpheum Theatre, Boston MA
The Orpheum Theatre at 1 Hamilton Place in Boston was opened in 1852 and is one of the oldest theaters in the United States and is still a popular music venue today. It has very good acoustics and seats 2,800.
Boston was a “Clash City” according to Joe and references this in the gig before songs, asking how many times they had played the venue before (this was the 3rd time) and stating “..Boston is one of the better places for us in America”. Although normally an all seated venue the band insisted for their shows at the Orpheum that the first 5 rows of seats be removed.
They removed the first ten rows of seats and released a block of extra tickets at the last minute
Mike : Saw their 1982 Orpheum Theater show in Boston (the one that ended up on "Live From Here to Eternity"). They removed the first ten rows of seats and released a block of extra tickets at the last minute -- I was actually in the front row, right in front of Paul. I was fifteen years old! One of the greatest concerts ever ever ever.
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Simonon tatoo Boston Globe
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London Calling 3:11 |
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There are several sights that provide setlists but most mirror They are worth checking.
from Setlist FM (cannot be relied on)
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... both have lists of people who say they went
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VIDEO 1 Sept / Joe, Paul Simonon int, PIer 84 on CBS New York News
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Photoshelter here
Sep 11, 2013: THE CLASH (REUNION) - Paris France 2 IMAGES
Mar 16, 1984: THE CLASH - Out of Control UK Tour - Academy Brixton London 19 IMAGES
Jul 10, 1982: THE CLASH - Casbah Club UK Tour - Brixton Fair Deal London 16 IMAGES
1982: THE CLASH - Photosession in San Francisco CA USA 2 IMAGES
Jul 25, 1981: JOE STRUMMER - At an event at the Wimpy Bar Piccadilly Circus London 33 IMAGES
Jun 16, 1980: THE CLASH - Hammersmith Palais London 13 IMAGES
Feb 17, 1980: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 8 IMAGES
Jul 06, 1979: THE CLASH - Notre Dame Hall London 54 IMAGES
Jan 03, 1979: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 19 IMAGES
Dec 1978: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 34 IMAGES
Jul 24, 1978: THE CLASH - Music Machine London 48 IMAGES
Aug 05, 1977: THE CLASH - Mont-de-Marsan Punk Rock Festival France 33 IMAGES
1977: THE CLASH - London 18 IMAGES
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