No known audio but there is silent video
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From silent video suggested tracks are;
Safe European Home
I'm So Bored with the USA
White Riot
Extensive archive of articles, magazines and other from the Take the Fifth Tour of the US, late 1979
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from Setlist FM (cannot be relied on)
from Songkick (cannot be relied on)
... both have lists of people who say they went
& from the newer Concert Database and also Concert Archives
Also useful: Ultimate Music database, All Music, Clash books at DISCOGS
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Sacramento Oct 22 1982
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Oct 12 1982 Shea
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RAR Apr 30 1978
Roxy Oct 25 1978
Rainbow May 9 1977
Us May 28 1983
Photoshelter here
Sep 11, 2013: THE CLASH (REUNION) - Paris France 2 IMAGES
Mar 16, 1984: THE CLASH - Out of Control UK Tour - Academy Brixton London 19 IMAGES
Jul 10, 1982: THE CLASH - Casbah Club UK Tour - Brixton Fair Deal London 16 IMAGES
1982: THE CLASH - Photosession in San Francisco CA USA 2 IMAGES
Jul 25, 1981: JOE STRUMMER - At an event at the Wimpy Bar Piccadilly Circus London 33 IMAGES
Jun 16, 1980: THE CLASH - Hammersmith Palais London 13 IMAGES
Feb 17, 1980: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 8 IMAGES
Jul 06, 1979: THE CLASH - Notre Dame Hall London 54 IMAGES
Jan 03, 1979: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 19 IMAGES
Dec 1978: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 34 IMAGES
Jul 24, 1978: THE CLASH - Music Machine London 48 IMAGES
Aug 05, 1977: THE CLASH - Mont-de-Marsan Punk Rock Festival France 33 IMAGES
1977: THE CLASH - London 18 IMAGES
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Clash City Collectors - excellent
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I saw The Clash at Bonds - excellent
Facebook page - The Clash played a series of 17 concerts at Bond's Casino in New York City in May and June of 1981 in support of their album Sandinista!. Due to their wide publicity, the concerts became an important moment in the history of the Clash. Search I Saw The Clash at Bonds & enter search in red box. Place, venue, etc
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Images on the offical Clash site. (all images via google).
Images on the offical Clash site. site:
The Clash Take the Fifth Tour
Supported by B-Girls, The Undertones
updated 10 July 2008 - added posters + punters view
updated 5 Sept 2008 - added punters view
Audio 1 - non commercial cdr
' No Leafs or Thieves'
2nd gen - Sound 3 - 1hr13mins - 22 tracks
Wrong 'Em Boyo
The Clash - Live in Toronto, 1979 (Full Concert) - YouTube
The Clash O'Keefe Centre Toronto 09-26-79 RESTORED - YouTube
The Clash 1979 Canadian TV backstage interview - YouTube
Complete interview segment of the Clash backstage at the O’Keefe Centre in Toronto, Canada with the Undertones which was originally broadcast on CITY TV’s New Music Program in 1979. The New Music was hosted by J.D. Roberts (aka CNN’s John Roberts) and Jeanne Bekker (later host of Fashion Television). This clip includes the infamous concert aftermath with Cosmo Vinyl counting the ripped out seats at the venue. This rare interview was shown/re-broadcast during the Joe Strummer death coverage.
An excellent first generation audience recording
An excellent first generation audience recording known as ‘No Leafs or Thieves' circulates and Clash fans owe a debt of thanks to its amateur taper for the quality of the recording. It is an audience recording but it suffers few of the problems normal to such recordings; vocals are unusually clear, bass is good too. Best of all are the drums, which are crystal clear; it's a great recording for appreciating the talents of Topper's drum work, which is powerful and inventive throughout.
The guitar's come through OK too, including unusually Joe's, but Mick's lead work is back somewhat in the mix; a mixed blessing as all though it loses some of the guitar power of the songs, it reduces the effects of his loaded guitar work on this tour.
Overall it does have some echo/distance and a lack of pro sound quality. There is also little stereo separation but it remains one of the best Clash bootlegs certainly for performance but also for sound.
Other poorer tapes of a higher generation circulate with inferior sound and copying problems. The non-commercial cdr ‘No Leafs, No Thieves' is certainly the one to check out.
Video - Canadian TV; City Limits
After gig interview with Pennie Smith about torn out seating
* the clip is preceded by Tommy Gun which is mistakingly identified as the O'Keefe Centre. Tommy Gun was dropped from the Take the Fifth Tour Set List and furthermore the flags in background of the Tommy Gun video are from the earlier, Pearl Harbour Tour. Probably pulled from Canadian TV archives as the City Limits programme went out a few years later it was subsequently misidentified with the Pennie Smith O'Keefe footage.
See The Clash - Rex Danforth - 20 Feb 1979
There are various versions, all similar but not the same. The rebroadcast "Time Capsule" version has 30 seconds of Tommy Gun without voiceover. The 9:52 has intveriew with The Undertones and a critique of the Buzzcocks, wheeras the 7:05 version Joe talks about the dificulty of getting heard across America.
4 differing versions
(1) 8:31 mins Time Capsule version / open in new window
0:00 retro intro Time Capsule
0:27 Tommy Gun
0:57 Tommy Gun/ intro
1:32 Kosmo looking at broken seats
1:53 Fans, "ligging", "seats"
- Mick Jones backstage
- Joe Strummer "Sam Cooke", "energy", "8 towns in America",
- Tommy Gun
- Joe "money", "super rich rock groups", Montreal youth club", "bootleg LPs, good luck", "message", Undertones Topper with toy guns, "new record", "movie in garbage can"
- Kosmo, Barry exit
(2) 3:36 mins version / open in new window
0:00 Intro over Tommy Gun
0:36 Kosmo looking at broken seats
1:08 Fans, "ligging", "seats"
2:09 Mick Jones backstage
2:46 Joe Strummer "Sam Cooke", "energy", "8 towns in America"
3:32 Tommy Gun (4sec)
(3) 9:52 mins version / open in new window
0:00 Tommy Gun
0:10 Tommy Gun / Intro
0:40 Kosmo looking at broken seats
1:15 Fans, "ligging", "seats"
2:18 Mick Jones backstage
2:52 Joe Strummer "Sam Cooke", "energy", "8 towns in America", "Derry Fest"
6:53 Undertones interview, "insurance for festival"
7:57 Joe "new album", "new record", "movie in garbage can", "Buzzcocks"
9:26 Kosmo, Barry Myers
(4) 7:05 version / open in new window
0:00 Intro over Tommy Gun
0:36 Kosmo looking at broken seats
1:08 Fans, "ligging", "seats"
2:09 Mick Jones backstage
2:46 Joe Strummer "Sam Cooke", "energy", "8 towns in America", Joe "money", "super rich rock groups", Montreal youth club", "bootleg LPs, good luck", "no help getting music out in America", "movie in garbage can"
6:30 Kosmo Barry Myers
Canadian TV; City Limits - Tommy Gun [with dubbed audio] - (3)
Longer source with dubbed Tommy Gun. - 9mins 52secs
* the clip is followed by an after gig interview with Pennie Smith about torn out seating which is from O'Keefe gig in Sep 1979
Tommy Gun footage is mistakingly identified as the O'Keefe Centre however Tommy Gun was dropped from the Take the Fifth Tour Set List and furthermore the flags in background of the Tommy Gun video are from this earlier Pearl Harbour Tour. Probably pulled from Canadian TV archives as the City Limits programme went out a few years later it was subsequently misidentified with the Pennie Smith O'Keefe footage.
MoltenCoreMusic - (3) - 9mins 52secs
Complete interview segment of the Clash backstage at the O'Keefe Centre in Toronto, Canada with the Undertones which was originally broadcast on CITY TV's New Music Program in 1979.
This interview of The Clash is from City TV's new music show "The New Music", it was done backstage on September the 26th 1979 at the O'Keefe Centre in Toronto, Canada, a bill that included the B-Girls and the Undertones. The interview was done by J.D. Roberts (aka CNN's John Roberts) and Jeanne Bekker (later host of Fashion Television). My favourite part of the interview is when Vinyl Cosmo the Clash's road manager declares "there's 16 Rock N' Roll fans in North America" after looking at the broken seats.
This clip includes the infamous concert aftermath with Kosmo Vinyl counting the ripped out seats at the venue. This rare interview was shown/re-broadcast during the Joe Strummer death coverage.
The interviewer is J.D. known as John Roberts, who currently serves as the chief White House correspondent for CNN or FOX News Channel! lol!
The Clash interviewed on City Limits, Canadian TV - (3)
Youtube Link - on 26th September 1979
Steve Pecar - The interviewer is John Roberts now at Fox News
New Music Show Canadian TV (1)
Canadian TV City Limits alt footage part 1 (2)
Tickets, passes
Nick White - Clash City Collectors | Facebook - Flyer for The Clash in Toronto in 1979. The show was moved downtown to a venue which normally hosted 'Swan Lake' and 'The Nutcracker'. The staff were not impressed. That gig (The O'Keefe) 26 September is documented in the book you can find in my profile section. I like a bit of self promotion me...
Extensive archive of articles, magazines and other from the 16 Tons tour dates in the US, March-April 1980
Archive - Posters, Flyers - Snippets - UK Articles - US Articles - Fanzines - Photos - Video and audio
The O'Keefe Centre
The O'Keefe Centre is the prestigious venue in Toronto; its feted modern architecture has hosted all the top names in the performing arts since it's opening in 1960 (see pics). Indeed the web site of the 3,600 seater venue, now known as the Hummingbird Centre, gives a short potted history, identifying this particular Clash concert as one of its main highlights still, some 2 decades on, marking it out as a landmark event in Toronto music. The Toronto Globe and Mail reported the audience this night as a crowd of "exuberantly surly drunks".
"like to turn on the radio"
The recording starts with DJ ‘Scratchy ‘ Myers fading out The Temptations classic ‘Papa was a rolling stone', before a fired up Joe runs to the mike,"1-2-3-4 test test microphones", followed by a banshee wail and its into a great Safe European Home.
I'm So Bored with the USA follows, with the bass line rumbling along brilliantly, the band tight and together, the only negative is the lead guitar is too far back in the mix. An excellent London Calling has some different lyrics in addition to the "midnight shutdown" ones; "in the grip of a play(?), the money is worthless and not getting paid". Without a pause its straight into Jail Guitar Doors, with Topper's drumming outstanding. Mick shouts "true story" before singing the Wayne Kramer MC5 verse.
Brand New Cadillac gets its probably live and certainly bootleg debut, a further example of The Clash making a cover sound like an original. The shouts for White Riot grow in frequency as Joe introduces White Man In Hammersmith Palais his first real address to the audience; "First of all did anyone come to see us in Toronto in February, (plenty of affirmative shouts), I was born in the Hammersmith Palais"
Capital Radio now early in the set has Joe talking over Mick's gentle guitar intro; "like to turn on the radio, so no one listening to as this guy says capitalist radio, this is your hardest rock station, against the nation". Its mayhem as The Clash, blast into a tight, fast, brilliant version with Joe announcing as the song drops down to just drum and bass "I am the only DJ & there are records I will not play and that is any record with a beat, and I ain't talking about such Little Feat, any record dangerous to some, any record that won't get on…"
Before English Civil War a clearly annoyed Joe says "its too easy to get into that kind of thing" but its not clear what exactly is getting to him, presumedly the spitting and aggro. Mick's acoustic guitar work on this particular song is best heard on this recording, as it's up front in the mix and really clear. Its played faster than in New York. Much faster still is Koka Kola, lasting a mere 90 seconds before segueing into I Fought The Law.
"Mr Mickey Gallagher from the Blockheads" is introduced before Clampdown, Joe sounding audibly angry, the end ‘jam' loses the song's momentum, a song still in need of a better worked out ending. Without a break its straight into Wrong 'Em Boyo, a definite highlight. There's an edit before Guns Of Brixton [presumedly a tape turnover] and with Mickey in the set, his organ can now be heard to good effect.
Again Mick uses the old hollow bodied guitar as in New York on Stay Free and again as a result it can hardly be heard. Mick unusually makes some lyric changes on this one.
"I'll tell you something for nothing, I feel pissed off… why? I don't know, lets try exorcism, Mr Jones please hit me with The Clash City Rocker, lets move the townnnn", Joe's anger fuelling a terrific performance with Mick sharing the vocals.
Over feedback and the stage lights off the audience join Joe in screaming ,oooh aaagh, before Toppers drums crash out the intro to Police & Thieves. Its another fine performance but suffers a lack of power from Mick's guitar due to a combination of his effects and the recordings mix. Joe rants incoherently over the ending though like old times.
Complete Control introduced by "this is an old song we put out in England, it was a miss" suffers again from the lead guitar shortcomings but is still very powerful and Mickey's organ can be heard wailing superfluously in the background. Janie Jones thunders along straight into Garageland with Mick trading lines with Joe. The Toronto crowd scream for more.
Armagideon Time is getting tighter and more inventive with each live outing. The stage spotlights blind the audience as Career Opportunities raises the tempo back to full tilt Clash.
Finally the crowd get what they've been shorting for as Toppers drum solo intro announces White Riot. Voices are soon heard singing along with Joe as the audience invade the stage. Mick's guitar soon stops, there are more and more voices, Joe continues to sing "are you going backwards and are you taking orders", then drums and bass stops, then just organ as Joes voice tails off. A voice shouts "a riot!" various voices and shouts, "fucking promoter is shit, CPI sucks", "wow, that was the best ending, can't see the guy, fucking buried", "pretty crazy for the O'Keefe Centre".
The recording ends with the taper discussing buying a vcr and seeing Martha & The Muffins and then Gary Glitter comes on to clear the auditorium.
A great recording and a great gig.
Arguably the best performance of the tour
Arguably the best performance of the tour; The Clash blast frenetically through the set 77 style, little or no breaks between songs. The Clash's charged performance was a response to the audience who went berserk, smashing seats, gobbing, pogoing, invading the stage at the end in a reflection of 1977. Both Canada gigs similarly resulted in stage invasions, in marked contrast to the majority of US audiences who were restrained in their response, baffled by the new material.
Here at O'Keefe, Joe was in a foul mood, telling the audience mid set as much, ironically boosting the energy of his performance. Joe vents about hating this identikit punk reaction, a little unfair having actively encouraged other audiences to give back the same levels of energy the band were working hard to generate on stage. Lowry's Canadian tour notes (see link) quote 30 seats as being ripped up by fans and that Joe made a "touching request to stop" spitting, although there's no evidence of that here, so presumably that was Montreal.
The Clash with The Undertones - September 26, 1979 - O'Keefe Centre - Toronto
This was the best concert of my life.
We were two rows back from the stage (we'd rushed the stage on the first song) standing on top of the seats at the O'Keefe (now the Hummingbird Centre).
At one point Mick Jones handed me his beer. That's how close we were! As the band played and we pogo'ed the seats started to give way and collapsed under our weight.
We knew that the band would play White Riot as it's encore and that this was our cue to get up on stage with them. I did that and at one point Joe Strummer passed the mic to me and said, "Go ahead man" and I shouted into the mic, "thank you and good night". He gave me the saddest look.
Later on the band's road manager Kosmo Vinyl was interviewed by Jeanne Beker on the empty stage. He counted up the broken seats saying, "there are 17, 18, 19... 19 true rock rebels in Canada!"O∞Ken Schafer
Memorable night
"I saw that concert in Toronto [1979] -memorable night - however, I do not remember Bo Diddley being there - there were three bands - first up was "The B-Girls" - awful local band, if Bo Diddley was there he was up next -seem to remember The Undertones, but that may have been their next tour (I saw The Clash so many times, is hard to remember every band).. Definitely, definitely, The B-Girls were first band up,they were eventually booed off the stage."
"Best supporting band I ever saw with them was on Rock the Casbah tour when Black Uhuru opened for them at Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) in Toronto. Terry Chimes had just replaced Topper Headon on drums."
I was yelling at Joe to sing Capitalist Radio
I just found your site last week so I looked up the Clash gig I was fortunate enough to see - Toronto September 29 1979.....
I was the guy in front who was yelling at Joe to sing Capitalist Radio. I was standing on the seats in front leaning on Joe's monitor all night with what felt like 10 people on my back. I remember getting sprayed by Joe's sweat a couple times. He was wearing a sheriff's badge and a row of fake bullets on his shirt pocket. (During White Riot when we stormed the stage my friend Dave walked up to Joe and said " Joe I'm takin your bullets" and popped them off his shirt for a souvenir). Mick was wearing a red shirt and black pants with a safety pin on the left sleeve. Can't remember what Paul and Tops were wearing.
Anyway when Mick started playing the intro to Capitol Radio Two I started yelling "capitalist radio". Joe leaned down and said "Wot?" And I just yelled "Play capitalist radio". I recall he said "this guy wants us to play Capitalist Radio so we will" but the tape may prove me wrong on that.
I also seem to recall at one point Joe mentioned a radio station, could have been the OK station that sponsored the show CFNY or the awful classic rock station Q-107. He said he listened to it and it sounded like farting noises. Maybe that is on the tape too.
There is a picture from the gig on the London Calling LP just under the lyrics to Revolution Rock. My friend Maya is sitting on the stage as she did all night with her back to the camera, Joe has one brothel creeper up on the near monitor and with a little concentration you can see my very white arm supporting me on the other monitor. If the picture was a little bigger you could see the look of pain on my face as I support the crush of people standing on the seats behind me.
Joe didn't seem pissed off to me but I was so pumped to see the show I guess I didn't notice. I particularly remember Brand New Cadillac, Clampdown, Guns of Brixton and London Calling as new tunes. It was a fucking awesome show, probably the best concert I've ever seen.
Only two opening bands;B-Girls and Undertones, Feargal took off his shirt to impress us.
Love the site. Neill Vanhinsberg Vancouver BC
The Clash with The Undertones - September 26, 1979 - O'Keefe Centre - Toronto
Ken Schafer - Flickr - This was the best concert of my life. We were two rows back from the stage (we'd rushed the stage on the first song) standing on top of the seats at the O'Keefe (now the Hummingbird Centre).
At one point Mick Jones handed me his beer. That's how close we were! As the band played and we pogo'ed the seats started to give way and collapsed under our weight.
We knew that the band would play White Riot as it's encore and that this was our cue to get up on stage with them. I did that and at one point Joe Strummer passed the mic to me and said, "Go ahead man" and I shouted into the mic, "thank you and good night". He gave me the saddest look.
Later on the band's road manager Kosmo Vinyl was interviewed by Jeanne Beker on the empty stage. He counted up the broken seats saying, "there are 17, 18, 19... 19 true rock rebels in Canada!"
The venue had been moved at the last minute, improbably enough to the O'Keefe Centre
The Clash, Toronto, fall 1979
I was working in Ottawa at the time, for a major telephone monopoly, and had to get permission to miss a day and a half of work so that I could drive down to Toronto for this concert. The venue had been moved at the last minute, improbably enough to the O'Keefe Centre, which normally hosted the opera, and touring versions of big Broadway musicals.
First warmup act was the B-Girls, three charming young women who could neither sing nor play their instruments, doing a classic girl-group schtick with new wave overtones. We sat in our seats and peered around the people dancing in the aisles. Second warmup act was the Undertones, five kids about my age, about whom I knew nothing except the title of one of their songs, "Jimmy Jimmy". We moved ahead one section for them and stood. It was difficult to pogo to their music, and equipment problems plagued their set. After a while the lead singer threw down his microphone and stormed off.
When the Clash came on there was a rush for the front
When the Clash came on there was a rush for the front. We clambered up to the first section and staked out territory. It was the only time I saw a concert standing on the armrests, trying to keep the young woman pogoing on the seat in front of me from dashing her brains out on the floor. Behind me an Elvis Costello look-alike paced back and forth, ignoring the band, running his hands nervously through his hair. I could barely see the band through a bouncing curtain of bodies. The Clash dashed through their set, material from the first two albums, ending with "White Riot", at which point everyone swarmed the stage, all the equipment was tossed around, and the band disappeared abruptly as the house lights came on like a bomb.
I wrote about the concert in a prose piece with the idiotic title of "Sten Guns In Knightsbridge" (taken from a lyric on "1977", the B-side of "White Riot") which was published in the Imprint a few months later. The B-Girls never managed more than one single, "Fun at the Beach"; I could still sing you the entire thing. The Clash reached their peak with their next album, "London Calling" (which was not punk at all, except in spirit), then went through an embarrassing slide with "Sandinista" and "Combat Rock". I was to see them once again, at the CNE Grandstand on free tickets, and it was an awful show. Lead singer Joe Strummer appeared in a few ultracool movies by Alex Cox and Jim Jarmusch before evaporating; guitarist Mick Jones formed Big Audio Dynamite and is still making forgettable music.
The band that would leave the most lasting impression on me was, improbably enough, the Undertones. Their first album played a major role in a certain lost weekend of mine in 1980. They put out four in total, moving towards melodic pop, before calling it quits. One of the band members still makes vital and compelling music with the band That Petrol Emotion. Rykodisc has repackaged their work on CD; I bought their greatest hits package at Christmas in 1994 and discovered that, eighteen years after it was recorded, "Teenage Kicks" has lost none of its magic. I wish I could remember their playing it.
The O'Keefe Centre sustained $5000 in damage during the Clash concert, and a change in policy barred rock bands forever. No great loss. The place is a barn. Changing its name to the Hummingbird Centre did nothing for the acoustics.
"Maybe that is on the tape too."
Just a minor correction to Neil Vanhinsberg's comment on the September 1979 Clash show in Toronto. Neil writes:
"I also seem to recall at one point Joe mentioned a radio station, could have been the OK station that sponsored the show CFNY or the awful classic rock station Q-107. He said he listened to it and it sounded like farting noises. Maybe that is on the tape too."
That actually happened at the Clash's previous Toronto appearance, in February 1979, at the Rex Theatre. That show was promoted by Q-107, and they were the target of Joe's ire. (I actually even mentioned the comment in a review of the February show I wrote for issue no. 2 of the Surfin' Bird fanzine. Good luck ever finding a copy of that!)
The reason I'm sure about this is that I was at the February show in Toronto, but not the September show. I was living in the US by then, and saw them on the September tour at the Palladium in NYC, with the Undertones and Sam and Dave on the bill.
Cheers. Tycho MansonToronto, Canada
Siouxsie, the Clash and the punk invasion of Canada | Music | The Guardian
The 'B' Girls
Cynthia Ross - #tbt The 'B' Girls first set of dates supporting The Clash | Facebook
Cynthia Ross – Rick McGinnis Photographs
Cynthia Ross is with Ananda Xenia Shakti and Marcy Marcy.
#tbt The 'B' Girls first set of dates supporting the Clash in Montreal and Toronto with The Undertones in 1979. Three months later we were on the ‘London Calling Tour’ with Lee Dorsey and Mikey Dread in New York, New Jersey, Boston and Philadelphia. We also played two nights at Bonds with The Clash in 1981 supporting ‘Sandinista’.
Review - Clash in Toronto:
A selection of photographs 1979 - 1984
This is the latest in curated books by Nick Smash of Smash It Up zine. This book follows up all the speaking engagements about the CLASH at the Rex Danforth Theatre.
This book is a collection of stories and artifacts about all four of the CLASH shows in Toronto. Nick outlines the tour details of the ones that brought the CLASH through Toronto - i) "Pearl Harbour" tour at the Rex Danforth Theatre in February 1979, ii) "Take the Fifth" tour at the O'Keefe Centre in September 1979, iii) "Combat Rock" tour at the CNE Grandstand in September 1982, and iv) "Out of Control" tour at Maple Leaf Gardens in April 1984.
Nick covers events from the Clash's itinerary that were effecting at the band at the time. Important context. A collection of newspaper articles with pulled out quotes usually misunderstanding the CLASH.
And then the photographers recollect their thoughts. Brother Simon has some choice nuggets about the Rex Theatre.
Don Pyle explains how he got those shots at the O'Keefe. Some of the photographers talk about technical details of cameras, lenses, and aperture speeds. But the stories and reflections are the gold to be mined out of this book.
Ivor Levene even transcribes a back stage interview with Joe Strummer and Paul Simonon from memory. And Mike Coffey recollects the stories from his departed brother Joe.
Joe had told these stores to his family with a lot of proud about shooting the Clash at the Rex Danforth. Good attempt at a CLASH exhibit in the Smash museum of music for the T. Dot.
Nick White - Clash City Collectors | Facebook - Hi. A new book has been published in Toronto about the city's post punk scene 1979 - 1983. The Clash are featured with some great images of the their gigs at The Rex Danforth (Feb 1979), The O'Keefe (Sept 79) and a stunning photo of Paul Simonon taken backstage in Buffalo, 1982. The book is about the post punk scene in Toronto and there's a lot of great previously unseen pics of some great bands who came through the city. 180 pages, 4 colour printing and all designed with the fanzine DiY ethic!
Equalizing -x- Distort - Equalizing -x- Distort | Facebook - The White Brothers (Simon and Nick) responsible for Smash It Up fanzine and a number of Clash exhibits in this city have allowed us to use this picture fo the Clash from the first gig in Toronto at the Rex Theatre in February 1979. Mick Jones, Joe Strummer, and Paul Simonon and Simon was able to capture this picture because Joe had kicked out the bouncers making an unobstructed photo possible. You can order a puzzle of this photo to help CIUT and the on-line ordering site is:
Equalizing Distort: Review - Clash in Toronto
Equalizing Distort: Review - Clash in Toronto: A selection of photographs 1979 - 1984
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The gig that changed everything for me
Gary Stewart - September 26th O'Keefe Centre. The gig that changed everything for me. White Riot. Drove from Waterloo to see the Okeefe show. Changed my musical direction in a big way. Had the pleasure of presenting a Waterloo gig( thanks RBI) May 84.
Don Thomson - Saw that same lineup at what was probably the last if not the only punk show at the O'keefe Centre in Toronto
Jeff Augustine - We were there
artcanuck - I was at this concert with attending Guelph U.
backstage, where I met the band!
Martin Deck - I wuz there! Not just at the O'Keeffe Centre show, but backstage, where I met the band! (But not on camera) And yes, they were/are some of the coolest guys ever!
Paul Sullivan - I was at the show, but not backstage, unfortunately. The O'Keefe Centre was not ready for punk rock!
Diane Pagel - Kind of fun to see Gaby Salter refuse to tell that reporter who she was.
Life changing event right there.
Steve Good - Life changing event right there.
snowman1962 - Saw the Clash backed up by the Untertones in 1979 in Toronto. Also saw them at Rich Stadium in Buffalo with 90,000 people when they backed up the Who. Saw them quite a few years later but it was more a Joe Strummer clash as Mick Jones was not there. The first one was brilliant. The Who concert was just a big arena concert but still a great event. The Clash and the Undertones, now that is fond memories.
Don Thomson - Saw that same lineup at what was probably the last if not the only punk show at the Okeefe Centre in Toronto [Sept 1979]
Tim Bovaconti - I climbed onto the stage at this one [CNE, 1982] and jumped around for 2 or 3 songs beside Paul Simonon until security came to throw us off....AMAZING double bill with Black Uhuru....was also at the O'keefe show in Sept.1979 with the B-Girls and The Undertones opening (1 or 2 rows behind from where the seats were getting ripped out!),miss the Clash!!!!!!
This Clash gig changed my life.
Gary Stewart - Saw the Toronto OKeefe Centre show. Included the Undertones. This Clash gig changed my life.
Don Thomson - Saw that same lineup at what was probably the last if not the only punk show at the Okeefe Centre in Toronto
Martin Deck - I saw the Clash twice in September 1979, in Detroit and Toronto, and I have a distinct memory that when they performed Armagideon Time, Joe Strummer walked onstage swinging a couple flashlights in almost pitch darkness. I can't find this memory corroborated anywhere on Google, but I wonder: do you remember that from their Montreal gig?
Farruke King - great tour together with teh Undertones in Toronto ..Safe European home & Jimmy Jimmy
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A Riot of Our Own pg 200
Toronto is a rock’n’roll city, as Mick knew well. It did not pass his scrutiny that we were playing the O’Keefe Centre. It was here that Keith Richards had suffered his monumental heroin bust not long before, and it was here that Mick Jones ran out of dope.
The tour ground to a halt. A bunch of fans in the lobby were dispatched to the four corners of the city to score, but we were still waiting for one of them to return when departure time came and we were booted out of the hotel on to the kerbside.
We boarded the bus. ‘Let’s go!’ said Joe. ‘I ain’t getting on that bus,’ said Mick. He had dressed for the occasion in a straw boater, black suit, tie and gold tie-pin. He plonked himself next to his trunk in the bus’s cargo bay. ‘I need a joint, Johnny.’
Open photos in full in new window
Nick Smash - The view that Pennie Smith had of The Clash at the... | Facebook
Nick Smash - The view that Pennie Smith had of The Clash at the O'Keefe Centre, 26 September, 1979. I sent Pennie a message asking if there was any chance I could use an unpublished outtake (or maybe even one of these) from what must surely be at least one roll of film. She sent back a lovely personal message, explaining why that wasn't possible and to wish me good luck with the book.
Rick McGinnis - I 'm in there somewhere.
Nick Smash - ...that's my hand on alex's shoulder hee hee.