Short European Tour of Holland, France, Switzerland, Germany and Sweden
Updated 8 Jan 2008
updated October 2020 - added better poster
No known audio or video
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Radio source?
From: "Rikard Gustafson" <rikard.gustafson[at]>
Swedish Radio
When I asked an old Clashist friend and journalist on SR ( Swedish Radio ) what had to be done to get all those shows ( Malmö, Lund, Örebro ’77, Eriksdal ’80, Stockholm and Gothenburgh ’81 and ’84, they have them all - complete with perfect sound!)
I got the answer that if a show is asked for by more than 1000 people they’ll put it on the list for P3 Live, a live show every night at 21.00. (Have a look att and go to P3 Live and see the program and old shows.) Unfortunately it’s only 1 hour and therefore edited.
poster & ticket (higher resolution welcomed)
Clash City Collectors Johan Sune Sundberg ·· Poster promoting the band's gig in my former hometown of Örebro, Sweden. 1977 was the year and unfortunatelly I was to young to attend back then. The legend tells it that someone called in a bomb threat, probably a raggare (Swedish version of teddy boy sort of), and that they had to search the building before they could carry on playing. Swedish artist Joakim Thåström sings about this specific gig in one of his songs. "Jag såg the Clash på Stora Hotellet i Örebro, sen blev det aldrig bättre än så. I saw the Clash play Stora Hotellet in Örebro, nothing ever got better."
Generic poster, Sweden
Wee Davis - Not what I expected to see on the wall of the ABBA Museuam in Stockholm this afternoon, but it warmed the cockles.
When Clash was about to start the gig the venue (Stora Hotellet ) had a bomb threat and everyone had to go outside. The picture of Mick above was shot when they waited outside to get ok to go back in and start the gig.
"I don't want to mess around with your dates but the gig in Örebro was in Stadshotellet and the correct date is October 10. I went there and i have like 20 or so instamatic photos from the gig, if you need any."
An unknown male voice called the hotel
Stora Hotellet in Örebro, Sweden, experienced a bomb threat on October 9, 1977, the same day The Clash was scheduled to perform at the hotel. An unknown male voice called the hotel at 8 PM, stating that a bomb would explode at 9 PM. The hotel was evacuated, including guests in the rooms and in the restaurant, Slottskällaren. It was reported that there were also 400 people in the dining room, who were there to experience the concert with The Clash, and they also had to leave the premises[8].
The guitarist of The Clash, Mick Jones, was photographed outside the hotel during the bomb threat, having left the building to smoke a cigarette[8]. Despite the bomb threat, the concert went ahead, with The Clash performing for 45 minutes. The audience was described as enthusiastic but orderly, and the music was characterized as having a violent tempo and high volume[8].
8. Hakan Pettersson's Blog - Elite Stora Hotellet Orebro
2000-10-27 - Wednesday 16 November 2005, Vibeke, Viveka
Waiting for the bomb...
CLASSICAL/ORRESTORED Published: 2000-10-27 00:00
On October 9, 1977, someone bombed the Grand Hotel. Everyone who was there had to beautifully go out, wait a while and then go back in. And it didn't matter if you were from Orebro or a famous punk guitarist from England. Meny's classic concerts have moved up to number three.
The rags in the late seventies didn't like punk. If punk was played in public parks or venues they were, for some strange reason, almost always there, disturbing and generally disliking bands, audiences and organisers. The Swedish punk band Rude Kids, who were always getting into trouble with raggers, wrote the song "Raggare is a bunch of motherfuckers". Quite telling. When the Sex Pistols were on their first US tour, they encountered the narrow-minded raggers of the South. Wherever Johnny Rotten sang that he was the Antichrist and an anarchist, the crowd ended up throwing bottles at the whole band. A classic scene is when Sid Vicious finally had enough and hit the bass on the head of one of the audience members.
But to return to Sweden, it was precisely the raggers who made the supposed punk festival in Örebro in 1977 not happen. The Stranglers were supposed to arrive on September 18. But when they played in Klippan in Skåne two days before, the raggers got so pissed off that they smashed the Stranglers' instruments and chased the band on the run. So the Stranglers went home. On October 18, Ultravox was to have played. But there was no suitable venue for them. And why The Damned never showed up on October 30 is unclear.
The only band that showed up was the Clash. On October 9 they played at the Big Hotel. And, as they sometimes say, everyone was there. And many of those who were there went on to form their own punk bands. The most famous was Joakim Thåström who would later form the classic Ebba Grön.
Another who was there was Göran Ekberg. He was 24 at the time. Now he's older and works at Kumla municipality. He also took the picture on this page.
- I thought they had ruined the Big Hotel, he says. All the loose objects had been removed. It seemed as if the organizers had expected a riotous atmosphere. But that never happened. It was pretty tidy if I remember correctly.
The gig had an odd beginning, though. Someone had called in a bomb threat which later turned out to be false. The big hotel had to be evacuated and it is precisely at that sequence that Göran himself photographed Mick Jones on the Grand Bridge.
- I had a camera with me, says Göran. And it was when we all had to leave the room that I saw someone from the band standing there. I thought it was Joe Strummer, but apparently it wasn't.
- Anyway, I took a picture. Then we had to go back inside.
In 1977, the Clash was still a relatively pure punk band. Along with the Sex Pistols, they became then, as now, a sort of figurehead for the whole punk scene. When they came to Örebro, they had the song "White riot" from the self-titled debut album in their luggage. Joe Strummer was the best singer of the punk wave as he sang with a mixture of euphoria and anger. And Mick Jones was the best guitarist.
However, they didn't become a brilliant rock band until two years later when, to the anger of their loyal punk fans, they released 'London Calling', which now in 2000 is still the best album ever recorded by a white rock group.
But after the success of that album, they unfortunately never came back to Örebro.
Translated with (free version)
Club 700, stora Hotellet
'I saw The Clash at Stora Hotellet in Örebro and then it never got better than that...'
So concretely autobiographical sings Joakim Thåström in his 'Kort Biogra Med Litet Testamente' on the opening song from Kärlek Är För Dom (2009). But what is the story behind it? Well, on Sunday 9 October 1977, The Clash wrapped up a small European tour in the dining room of the Stora Hotel in the Swedish provincial town, some 200 kilometres west of Stockholm. In attendance was Thåström, who has elsewhere described the evening thus:
- I saw The Clash at Gröna Lund in June 1977. I saw them four months later too, in Örebro. Those two concerts are the absolute best I've ever been to! Never has anything hit me so hard, I was completely paralysed. They looked fantastic. My life changed the second they went on stage, forever. They came out like this... totally furious. Terrible sound! All my mates thought it was rubbish, but I was completely shaken. They had it all! The best thing I've ever seen.
Tonight's show was immediately delayed due to a phoned-in bomb threat, and all hotel guests, staff, The Clash and their paying audience at the hotel's Club 700 had to be evacuated for a while. A Swedish photographer spotted Mick Jones on the street in the Swedish October rain while police were searching the hotel...
Later, everyone was let back in and The Clash could take the stage in the Stora Hotel with this hard-hitting setlist:
And Thåström? He could go home to Stockholm and take the fire of The Clash into his new band Ebba Grön, soon to become Sweden's most important punk band. Thåström went on to become a national rock star with Imperiet, and today he performs with great success in his own name as an inimitable loner whose gifted music manages to unite people in Sweden across social divides and age. As such, he has just set off on tour for his critically acclaimed new album Centralmassivet. And tonight he's playing the Conventum Arena in Örebro - just 500 metres from the Stora Hotellet - where this song will be on the setlist...
Swedish Punk Fanzines
Den här sajten startades i början av juni 2012 och är tillägnad alla Er som vill läsa eller vill veta mera om Svenska Punkfanzin *. Det är också en hyllning till alla de om gav ut Fanzin.
‘Jag såg The Clash på Stora Hotellet i Örebro Sen blev det aldrig bättre än så’
The Clash | Orebo
Så konkret selvbiografisk synger Joakim Thåström i sin ‘Kort Biografi Med Litet Testamente’ på åbningssangen fra Kärlek Är För Dom (2009). Men hvad er historien bag? Jo, søndag d. 9. oktober 1977 afsluttede The Clash en mindre Europa-turné af i Stora Hotellets spisesal i den svenske provinsby, godt 200 kilometer vest for Stockholm. Tilstede var Thåström, der andetsteds har beskrevet aftenen således: translated into English
ÖREBRO LIVE #61: The Clash 1977
A CLASSIC CONCERT WITH, AMONG OTHERS, Thåström in the audience. But I didn't know that then. I guess I wasn't quite ready for the monotonous rocking tempo of punk. And also wasn't prepared for what I find today to be liberating simple rock rhythms at high volume. The first edition of The Clash, which was a quintet, was formed in June 1976 but it was not until March 1977 that the band took on their final appearance as a quartet. And made their record debut the following month with the single "White riot". In the same month, the band's debut album, "The Clash", was released.
After numerous gigs in England and Scotland, but also France, Belgium and a single concert in Sweden (Gröna Lund 14 June), the band embarked on a smaller European tour ("Get out of control") in the fall of 1977. With premiere in Amsterdam On September 28, the tour continued via France, Switzerland, Austria and Germany before reaching Sweden for three shows. First in Malmö at Dad's Dance Hall (7 Oct), then in Ronneby at Club Ron (8 Oct) to reach Örebro on 9 October and finish the foreign tour.
The concert venue at the Stora Hotellet was thus threatened with a bomb an hour before the start of the concert. At 20:00 on Sunday evening, the hotel received a phone call and an unknown male voice explained that at 21:00 a bomb will go off. The hotel was evacuated, guests in the rooms and in the Castle cellar. There were also said to be 400 people in the dining room, who were there to experience the concert with The Clash, who also had to leave the venue.
When I arrived at the Stora Hotellet for the concert, I was not at all aware of the earlier bomb threat and I don't remember there being so many people at the Clash concert. In any case, the guitarist Mick Jones had left the hotel during the bomb threat and took a cigarette outside when the photographer Göran Ekberg captured him in a picture (see left) on Storbron.
This review was originally published in Nerikes Allehanda 11/10 1977.
THE CLASH, Stora Hotellet, Örebro 9 October 1977
It was Sunday. John Lennon's 37th birthday. And after a bomb threat, punk music moved into Örebro with the English group Clash. The Great Hotel was the headquarters and there an enthusiastic but tidy crowd welcomed the English popular group with open arms.
The Clash offered themselves for 45 minutes and the pace was ferocious and the volume high. Their attack-provoking music was almost literally thrown out into the audience like real garbage. But the audience stood still. The small clique of punk fans could never get enough.
In my opinion, Clash's music on record is smoothed out, while on stage it got a completely different content and perspective. It worked and people were carried away. The Clash show was also a very visual experience. Joe Strummersbeat stick hit hard. He was the focal point with his personal but almost inaudible vocals.
Clash comes out of the intellectual school. It's just a shame that their thoughtful lyrics are obscured by the stereotypical music. They themselves looked dangerously healthy. Anyone who thought punk musicians were a bunch of dirty bums is wrong. Well dressed and otherwise tidy, they hustled their way through the show.
As I said, the tempo was high and they hardly had time to say what the songs were called. It wasn't easy to tell them apart either. They replaced each other as if on a rosary.
As an isolated event, the introduction of punk is useful. However, it is musically too rectified to be really interesting. And I know better and more effective ways to cure headaches. / Håkan
Probable setlist:
London's Burning
Complete Control
Jail Guitar Doors
Remote Control
Capital Radio
Hate and War
Police and Thieves
I'm So Bored With the USA
What's My Name
Career Opportunities
Janie Jones
White Riot
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PHOTOS, Orebo, Sweden, 9 October 1977
Stora Hotellet, Orebro, Sweden, 9 Oct-1977 - photographer Per Hurtig
[translated] ... Self had with me a camera, says was making. And it was when all of us was getting exit from premises as self saws any from band stand there. Self believed it was Joe Stocking , but it was the seemingly nots.
IN every case so taken self a image. Sedan was getting wes enter again. 1977 each Clash still one comparatively renodlat punkband. Together with Six Gun stayed they then , as now , one knock figurehead for heal punkscenen. When they arrived at Örebro had they låten White riot " from the självbetitlade debutalbumet in baggage. Joe Stocking each punkvågens best warbler when he lake with a mixture of eufori and anger.
And Mick Jones each the best gitarristen. Ingenious rockband stayed they yet nots traitor two year later then they , to sina devoted punkfans anger , admitted " London calling ", as now year 2000 still is the best disk as ever act in by an white rockgrupp. But behind progress with this disk arrived they alas never back to Örebro.
Photo: 40 years ago The Clash at the Stora Hotel in Örebro
The room was evacuated after a bomb threat
Mick Jones outside Stora Hotellet, Orebo taken by Goran Ekberg
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Setlist as written down:
1 |
London’s Burning |
![]() |
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Photoshelter here
Sep 11, 2013: THE CLASH (REUNION) - Paris France 2 IMAGES
Mar 16, 1984: THE CLASH - Out of Control UK Tour - Academy Brixton London 19 IMAGES
Jul 10, 1982: THE CLASH - Casbah Club UK Tour - Brixton Fair Deal London 16 IMAGES
1982: THE CLASH - Photosession in San Francisco CA USA 2 IMAGES
Jul 25, 1981: JOE STRUMMER - At an event at the Wimpy Bar Piccadilly Circus London 33 IMAGES
Jun 16, 1980: THE CLASH - Hammersmith Palais London 13 IMAGES
Feb 17, 1980: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 8 IMAGES
Jul 06, 1979: THE CLASH - Notre Dame Hall London 54 IMAGES
Jan 03, 1979: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 19 IMAGES
Dec 1978: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 34 IMAGES
Jul 24, 1978: THE CLASH - Music Machine London 48 IMAGES
Aug 05, 1977: THE CLASH - Mont-de-Marsan Punk Rock Festival France 33 IMAGES
1977: THE CLASH - London 18 IMAGES
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