Supporting supported by the Rockets
updated 24 Dec 2018 - added photos, links, tidied up
iupdated 22 January 2022 - added flyer.
updated November 2024
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Poster - Leighton Buzzard
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Clash City Collectors | Facebook
This great flyer is owed & has been kindly shared by Dizzy Holmes
The Clash | An original flyer
Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre
The Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre in Leighton Buzzard hosted the Clash on October 9th, 1976.
The venue also hosted other live performances, such as The Damned on October 30, 1976[1].
The Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre, located in Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, has been a significant part of the local community. However, it is now facing closure as it is considered to be at the end of its useful life and in need of replacement[5]. A new £25m leisure centre is set to replace Tiddenfoot, aiming to create job opportunities in the area[6].
1. White Rabbits KGS 1976 Set Info - Provides information about the 1976 set, possibly including details about the music event at Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre.
2 Wikipedia: WikiProject The Clash - List of Related Articles - A Wikipedia page listing articles related to The Clash, which may include information about their performance at Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre in 1976.
3 Tweet from PunKandStuff - A tweet that may contain relevant information about the music event at Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre.
4. Valbonne News - Friars to Frankinstein - A web page that might contain information about the music venue or related events in the 1970s and 1980s.
5. Ageing Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre in Linslade set for closure as council eyes new multi-million pound replacement at Clipstone - This article discusses the potential closure of the ageing Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre and the plans for a new multi-million pound replacement at Clipstone.
6 New £25m leisure centre set to create 40 full-time and 45 part-time jobs - This article provides information about the plans for a new £25m leisure centre in Leighton Buzzard, which is expected to create job opportunities in the area
The Clash | The Clash perform in Leighton Buzzard - Harald Inhulsen
Do you know anything about this gig?
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I saw them supporting the Rockets...
just a note on your gig list i saw them at tiddingfoot leisure centre and keith levene was still a member they were supported by a r n b band called the rockets.
the promoter a guy called chris france had also promoted gigs by the jam, the dammed and eddie and the hot rods all in leighton buzzard he also managed john otway and wild willy barrett at this time.the clash were superb sounding a lot like the mc5 at this gig.
i'd actually gone along to see the rockets who i'd seen locally several times in the previous couple of years and followed around a bit, but the clash blew them off stage and they split soon after. cheers glyn
it was a total shock
Katharine Mockett - We were used to sitting down to watch the rock bands with their 10 minute songs. This night when the band came on it was a total shock, they were full of energy, played at a frantic pace and the songs finished in 2 minutes! It was refreshing change. Very exciting.
I think this changed everything for most people
Steve Askew - I remember the screen of spit glistening in the lights and the high energy like nothing else. I think this changed everything for most people that night.
That was a turning point in my life!
Adrian Barrett - I wasn't there(only 11 at the time!) but when I first got married we lived 5 minutes from the venue-tiny place.When I discovered its history I did a bit of searching and discovered The Birthday Party had played there as well.
Shunty Hawkins - At Leighton Buzzard leisure centre. Opposite the council estate I grew up on. We were to young to go in but sat on the grass bank hoping to see some 'crazy' pink haired punks. Remember being a bit disappointed. Funny as my brother Nick ended up playing guitar for Mick Jones in BAD II.
Jonh Ingham - We're lucky that Harald always took pictures everywhere he went. We were only there because I had run into Mick a few days before and asked him when the next gig was, in the hope Harald could see them.
Kris Needs - Thanks for these Jonh, didn't think there was any record of that night. That was a turning point in my life! Pete was fine, he recognised the same spirit as when he got into rock 'n' roll in the 50s and very graciously passed Zigzag on to the new thing.
I was doing them for New york rocker. Several long phone calls from Bernie Rhodes that week! Harald sent me a bunch of pix of Methchild only wearing Iggy album sleeves etc..
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High Society, "The Clash are magnificent"
16th,October 1976
featuring 'One Man's Weekend' by Jonh Ingham.
The Clash: Konkrete Klockwork
Report and Interview by
Kris Needs
AT THE MOMENT there isn't a group in the New Wave that comes within spitting distance of The Clash, live or on record. Within a year ...
Reverb / Tonight, the Clash in Leighton Buzzard
By John Scanlan
9 October 2016
Link or archived PDF
09 Oct 1976. Tonight, the Clash in Leighton Buzzard at the Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre, which - in the words of journalist Kris Needs - "was one of those council hangars better suited to bingo and comedians." The Clash were actually the opening band for a local R&B outfit, The Rockets.
The Clash were photographed here by Sounds journalist, Jonh Ingham. Also there was ZigZag writer Kris Needs (see ZigZag link above).
Photos, Leighton Buzzard - Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre , 9 October 1976
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The photos were taken by Harald Inhulsen, President of the German Iggy Pop Fan Club. John provided the short story to go along them as he was at the gig.
The Clash at Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre, Leyton Buzzard, Oct 9, 1976. This was their fifth gig. From memory the stage had carpet on it, which ran up the wall and both Mick and Joe took runs up it while playing. In the wide shot Sebastian Conran is on the far right.
They finished their set in 30 minutes because all the songs were about 2 minutes long; the promoter went mental because they were hired for an hour set. Joe came running over to me asking what they should if being a seasoned music writer meant I had the answers! I told him to play the set again and throw in some oldies if they knew any. They played "White Riot" and 3 or 4 more and the promoter seemed placated. I ran into ZigZag editor Pete Frame and Kris Needs in the lobby. Pete had the stunned look I was getting used to seeing on 'first-timers' and started putting them down. "What's the matter grandad? Too old for some rock and roll?", I replied. He told me some months later that he took the words to heart and decided to resign from ZigZag - which made me feel terrible because he was such a great presence. But he turned it over to Kris so it was still in safe hands.
Jonh Ingham | The Clash at Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre, Leyton Buzzard, Oct 9, 1976
Extensive archive of articles, magazines and other from the early gigs in 1976
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EARLY GIGS '76, A collection of from early 1976 to New Year 1976.
Extensive archive of articles, magazines and other from the early gigs in 1976
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Black Swan pg95, 96 ...
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Sacramento Oct 22 1982
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RAR Apr 30 1978
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Photoshelter here
Sep 11, 2013: THE CLASH (REUNION) - Paris France 2 IMAGES
Mar 16, 1984: THE CLASH - Out of Control UK Tour - Academy Brixton London 19 IMAGES
Jul 10, 1982: THE CLASH - Casbah Club UK Tour - Brixton Fair Deal London 16 IMAGES
1982: THE CLASH - Photosession in San Francisco CA USA 2 IMAGES
Jul 25, 1981: JOE STRUMMER - At an event at the Wimpy Bar Piccadilly Circus London 33 IMAGES
Jun 16, 1980: THE CLASH - Hammersmith Palais London 13 IMAGES
Feb 17, 1980: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 8 IMAGES
Jul 06, 1979: THE CLASH - Notre Dame Hall London 54 IMAGES
Jan 03, 1979: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 19 IMAGES
Dec 1978: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 34 IMAGES
Jul 24, 1978: THE CLASH - Music Machine London 48 IMAGES
Aug 05, 1977: THE CLASH - Mont-de-Marsan Punk Rock Festival France 33 IMAGES
1977: THE CLASH - London 18 IMAGES
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