Protest Gig, cancelled

updated 19 July 2006
updated June 2022 added Punks of London flyer/auction notes/video link
updated September 2022 - added 2x newspaper articles
updated April 2024 added bits incl flyer

Daily Mirror - Punk band backs fans

Tuesday 3rd April 1979


Closing Down Party!

A jail warning for punk fans. "We can't have the public put in fear" - court

Fulham Chronicle - Friday 13th April 1979

Link or full page PDF

Sounds Market Clash Benefit

25 March 1979

but missing page 4 Alan Jones review



Sounds - 25 March 1979

Sat'day afternoon and I just got paid, fool about me money, don't care to save ...


Jock McDonald PUNK NITE flyer

Some stories from...

Jock Mcdonald - | Facebook

Jock Mcdonald - Folks  Ive decided to show you some stories from my forthcoming book, to kick off with the concert for Beaufort market(my shop on the Kings Road) that was closed down for NO reason like everything else here in London that is Good or Punk, I had the Clash booked to appear on the ROOF like the Beatles did in savile row, UNtil the Old Bill decided to use the Police SPG for the First time on a London street, they ruined the day, very heavy handed, we fought the law and the Law LOST

ps  dedicated to Clash Jam Wallop over in Dublin, and Eugene Connolly.

Mark Gray - I remember you putting me in charge while you had to pop out and in walked several road rats! I was terrified!

Nikki Price - I have wonderful memories of Kings Road... mainly of Sissors and Ted... and you of course when you'd waltzed in for your hair cut.. always raises a smile to me boat

Jane Caroline Farmery - I remember that day very well! We all hung out at Beaufort market … manu happy times there. Remember you well Jock! You took me to see a band called Tapperzuki (reggae band) we met up with John Lyndon and his wife, have many more memories of the gigs you put us in the guest list x


Clash City Collectors | Facebook

Neil Brocklehurst I was there the day of the 'Save Beaufort Market 'march/mini riot thanks for reminding of that totally forgotten about ..very exciting for a suburban 15 year old can't remember if we went to Kings Road because of the March or we were just up there anyway, I think the latter, lots of Punks running around been chased by cops and windows getting smashed ...Happy Days !

Paul Gamblin I was there a week after the ‘riots' and Jock (he introduced himself to us) was giving these out, being from Somerset we didn't know anything about the riot and not really knowing if the Clash were going to do the gig. It felt a bit suss. We moved on so I never found out if anything kicked off again or Jock had spent a lot of time photocopying leaflets?


Police and punks fought a pitched battle

Kevin Pike | Facebook

Jock MacDonald tried to organise a protest at the closing of Beaufort Market

On this day in 1979 Jock MacDonald tried to organised a protest at the closing of Beaufort Market in London's Kings Road on the 31st of March 1979 The Clash and PiL were supposed to play, but again it turned out only 4 Be 2. (although Joe Strummer and Mick Jones did turn up)

This time things turned ugly and a riot ensued. If you look closely at the NME report you can see me mates Dave & Kevin watching the riot, Daveís got his hands in leather jacket pockets far right just before the van ! Dave says a lot of Punks from Brighton went up for this ( I didnít bother). Cheers for sharing Dave Mckean


Clash flyer in response to the closure

Auction notes (Worthpoint)

100% Original ; genuine punk memorabilia; a4 size flyer for 31.03.1979

Given out by Jock Mcdonald in order to assemble mass crowds of punks to demonstrate against the closure of Beaufort Market in Kings Road, Chelsea...

The Clash were due to play on the roof but they were served a police injunction and threatened with arrest if they, or any others,played...

Clash City Collectors |

On this day in 1979 Jock MacDonald tried to organised a protest at the closing of Beaufort Market in London's Kings Road on the 31st of March 1979 The Clash and PiL were supposed to play, but again it turned out only 4 Be 2. (although Joe Strummer and Mick Jones did turn up) This time things turned ugly and a riot ensued. If you look closely at the NME report you can see me mates Dave & Kevin watching the riot, Dave’s got his  hands in leather jacket pockets far right just before the van ! 

Dave says a lot of Punks from Brighton went up for this ( I didn’t bother).Cheers for sharing Dave Mckean

Eddie Piller provides the green leaflet

NME Thrills - London's Burning

Police and punks fought a pitched battle in Chelsea's Kings Road on Saturday after the cops puta stop to a free Clash gig held to protest against the closure of Beaufort Market. Thrills observed the carnage

NME - 7 April 1979

Enlarge image

London Evening Standard - Clash plan market benefit

4 April 79

NEWS OF THE WORLD 2,000 punks in battle with police

1 April 79

London's Burning

Video | Facebook
The Original Soho Punk Rock Tour

1979, Kings Road. The Clash were meant to play on a rooftop by Beaufort Market but were stopped by the SPG. The early footage is Spitalfields/Brick Lane. Joe Strummer appears at the end

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Every band played

Marion Millot - Jock MacDonald organised a concert with my all-female punk band the Lou’s plus Jim Walker’s band (who had left PIL) etc. on January 24, 1979 at Acklam Hall – every band played, but [it is alleged] he never paid any of us."

Paul Fearn - Hello Marion, I remember seeing you supporting The Clash in 1978 (?) at Sheffield Top Rank, always wondered what happen to the Lou's!

Marion Millot - Paul Fearn  - hello Paul, thank you so much for asking. We continued to play together until the summer of 1979. Drummer Sacha and rhythm guitarist Raphaëlle continued to play in England for a while, then in different bands in the Nederland. Singer, guitarist Pamela Popo and I (bass) we played in France in different bands. Raphaëlle passed away in 1992, my good friend Pamela Popo passed away last year, just a few months after the release of two vinyles of the Lou’s. After the releases, I was able to write to Sacha thanks to a relation (we had lost sight of each other). I wish you all the best.

Chris Grief - The photo of a lad being lead away [on teh Londons Burning/NME article] by a copper is an old friend of mine Guy Howard

Remember the police being heavy handed

Paul Gamblin - Me and a couple of mates were up the Kings Road from Taunton that very day, we wondered about all the punks, met Jock who seemed very keen and edgy but got bored and missed all the fun.
Clash City Collectors |

Jonny Diamond - Remember it well

Lorne Cartlidge - Was there...lad at the front running I think was one of our lot ..shep from Derby..think he did'nt stop til he got back to Derby

Joe Swinford - I was there. I remember the police being heavy handed, and we left when it became unbearable. Remember, we were up to London from the sticks, not some trendies.

all this talk of Punk reminds me of the day we went to Beaufort Market ...

Eddie Piller | Facebook - all this talk of Punk reminds me of the day we went to Beaufort Market. Eddie Piller | Facebook - Was anyone else present at the famous Beaufort Market Riot at the end of march 1979 - this was the rally by punks, mods and skinheads to defend Beaufort Market on the Kings Road against forced closure by the police. Organised by Jock McDonald of the Bollock Brothers, The Clash were rumoured to be playing, and I am pretty sure I heard them briefly. There were 70 odd arrests and I think the SPG got stuck in quite heavily. I was there and am just writing it up for my book. I need to speak to someone else who was there to see if my memories concur...

Jeffrey Munday - I was there Eddie. I ended up on the roof of Beaufort Market waiting for the Clash to play. Was at many of Jocks ' get togethers ' . The one on the coast was a massive Punk Skin Mod footie match on the beach. Of course it was all calm till the old bill turned up 

Barry Pease - Was there that day too - seems like so so long ago - that footage is priceless

Nicky Porter - I didn't riot but bought a purple mohair jumper from Beaufort Market.  You would have been a very young rioter

Eddie Piller - I might have been Nick but as you know I started gigging early. we were caught up in the exc itement of it and went with Jock to Brighton for a similar thing a few weeks later

Barry Pease - Yes I was there eddie, the clash were rumoured to be playing, thats what got us to jump on a 49 bus and go over the river

Jeffrey Munday - Yes I was there . Ended up on the roof of Beaufort market waiting for the Clash

Ken Cooper - I was there was a lively day

Bradley Hall - I was there. With a gang of punks from Hackney , we the first bunch to walk into the small park / square where the riot started . I've still a pair of bondage trousers from smutz , a shop in the market

Andrea Maria Marchant - Just consulted with the husband who is a huge clash fan. 31st march? He says the clash cancelled moments before they were due to go on as they were served with a writ and due to the police presence. There were over 100 arrests and the clash were thinking of playing a benefit gig for all the arrested people but it didn't go ahead. Interesting article here with links to press cuttings ... 

Arron Jones - Hi Ed, your memory ain't too good! I was selling Jock Mcdonald all he's bootleg tapes at the time, he decided to have a party in the shop & on the roof, he gave me flyers to give out, In Notting Hill I gave some to Joe Strummer & Mick Jones they said they knew Jock Mcdonald & would speak to him about playing, they didn't end up playing, but the rumours started there & thousands turned up ending in a riot at Sloane square x

Arron Jones - Mick Jones did come along though x

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A fine evening at the World’s End Bookshop, 357 King’s Road

Max Décharné| Facebook - Max Dйcharnй - A fine evening at the World’s End Bookshop, 357 King’s Road earlier this month talking about my new book on the history of the area, right at the heart of where much of it happened. 

Back in the punk days, the site was a vintage shop I used to visit called 20th Century Box, seen in the top photo, March 31 1979, alongside some of the punks angry about the closure of Beaufort Market (opposite left) and that the free Clash gig on its roof had been stopped by police. Upstairs next door in those days was Flat 26, 355 King’s Road, launchpad for Dan Treacy and Ed Ball’s King’s Road record label. 

Many thanks to Fitzrovia Flaneur who look the lower photo of my talk and helped make the event happen, and to the shop’s owner Giles Lyon, seen on the right, for all his hospitality.

The Beaufort Market

Beaufort Market protest gig was cancelled minutes before due to a police presence.

A video from the 15th can be found here

Extensive archive of articles, magazines and other from the UK and European dates on the spring, summer of 1979

Archive - UK Articles - International Articles - Snippets - Fanzines - Adverts - Retrospectives - Audio-Video

Extensive archive of articles, magazines and other from the spring, summer of 1979


UK Articles

International Articles






End of the US Tour in February to the beginnning of the Take the Fifth Tour in August


A collection of
- Tour previews
- Tour posters
- Interviews
- Features
- Articles
- Tour information

Tour articles, clippings and sundry from the end of the US Tour in February to the beginnning of the Take the Fifth Tour in August.

If you know of any articles or references for this particular gig, anything that is missing, please do let us know.


Video and audio footage from the tour including radio interviews.


A Riot of Our Own
Johnny Green


by Johnny Green (Author), Garry Barker (Author), Ray Lowry (Illustrator)

Alright Now TV pg159
Notre Dame pg 167
Finland pg 180, pg13
Derry pg 183

Johnny Green first met the Clash in 1977 and was their road manager for three years. Ray Lowry accompanied the band as official "war artist" on the second American tour and designed the ' London Calling' album cover. Together, in words and pictures, Green and Lowry give the definitive, inside story on one of the most magnificent rock 'n' roll bands ever.

Return of the Last Gang in Town,
Marcus Gray


Passion is a Fashion,
Pat Gilbert


Redemption Song,
Chris Salewicz


Joe Strummer and the legend of The Clash
Kris Needs


The Clash (official)
by The Clash (Author), Mal Peachey


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Brixton Academy 8 March 1984
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Sacramento Oct 22 1982
Oct 13 1982 Shea
Oct 12 1982 Shea
San Francisco, Jun 22 1982
Hamburg, Germany May 12 1981
San Francisco, Mar 02 1980
Los Angeles, April 27 1980
Notre Dame Hall Jul 06 1979
New York Sep 20 1979
Southall Jul 14 1979
San Francisco, Feb 09 1979
San FranciscoFeb 08 1979
Berkeley, Feb 02 1979
Toronto, Feb 20 1979
RAR Apr 30 1978
Roxy Oct 25 1978
Rainbow May 9 1977
Us May 28 1983

Photoshelter here

Sep 11, 2013: THE CLASH (REUNION) - Paris France 2 IMAGES
Mar 16, 1984: THE CLASH - Out of Control UK Tour - Academy Brixton London 19 IMAGES
Jul 10, 1982: THE CLASH - Casbah Club UK Tour - Brixton Fair Deal London 16 IMAGES
1982: THE CLASH - Photosession in San Francisco CA USA 2 IMAGES
Jul 25, 1981: JOE STRUMMER - At an event at the Wimpy Bar Piccadilly Circus London 33 IMAGES
Jun 16, 1980: THE CLASH - Hammersmith Palais London 13 IMAGES
Feb 17, 1980: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 8 IMAGES
Jul 06, 1979: THE CLASH - Notre Dame Hall London 54 IMAGES
Jan 03, 1979: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 19 IMAGES
Dec 1978: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 34 IMAGES
Jul 24, 1978: THE CLASH - Music Machine London 48 IMAGES
Aug 05, 1977: THE CLASH - Mont-de-Marsan Punk Rock Festival France 33 IMAGES
1977: THE CLASH - London 18 IMAGES


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