Sort it Out Tour Supported by The Slits

updated 12 Feb 2012 - added ticket
Major update Dec 2014 - cataloguing dates of offical releases

Wednesday 3rd January


Sbd - sound 4.0 - full - 19 tracks

Complete Control (3rd)

Lot of confusion over the recordings over three nights;

There is a lot of confusion over the recordings over three nights; which belongs to which so we have unusualy listed all three with a breakdown of the official and unofficial recordings and which night we believe they originate from.

Our view

There has been confusion over which of the 3 Lyceum dates are the source for the Sort It Out /Buy or Die CD and which for this “Rude Boy” filmed/recorded concert.

The pro-recorded gig used in the film IS the 3rd January and NOT the 28th as previously thought. The boots, Sort it Out and Buy or Die are from the 29th, and maybe as stated the 28th as well.

The recording from the 3rd is much superior to the boots from the 28th and 29th and nearly as good as they appear on FHTE.

FHTE dates the “Rude Boy” gig as 28th December from where 'I Fought the Law' and 'City of the Dead' came and the Clash On Broadway booklet has English Civil War from this concert as recorded January 79. However all three tracks come from the pro-recorded gig of the 3rd January and FHTE has most likely got it wrong.

FHTE used the Rude Boy dates which have proven wrong previously; eg. the Music Machine July 78 songs are not from the 27th July as stated.

Mick confirms the date of the pro-recored gig himself by saying clearly before White Riot “This is the last gig for about 6 months, so this will have to sustain you”. The dates given on Sort It Out are therefore correct with that recording coming from the 28th or 29th December. This pro-recording though is the 3rd January.

An audience recording would be VERY helpful

Thursday 28th December


sbd but from copies - 2 tracks (Sort it Out / Buy or Die bootlegs) - Sound 4.0

White Riot (28th)

There is no way of knowing if the Bootlegs Sort it Out/Buy or Die/USA 79 are from the 28th and the 29th. Sort it Out says it from the 29th with the last two tracks from the 28th. We are going to accept that. Buy or Die is a reissue but with a full Garageland.

Friday 29th December

Audio - sbd but from copie(s) - 18 tracks - Sound 4.0 - full?

Tommy Gun (29th)

There is no way of knowing if the Bootlegs Sort it Out/Buy or Die/USA 79 are from the 28th and the 29th. Sort it Out says it from the 29th with the last two tracks from the 28th. We are going to accept that. Buy or Die is a reissue but with a full Garageland.

Wednesday 3rd January


Sbd - sound 4.0 - full - 19 tracks

Complete Control (3rd)

We can assume this is the correct date as Joe apologises to ticket holders from the Music Machine gig and Mick says this is the last gig for 6 months.

This is one of the best sounding Clash boots (3rd) available and comes from a great live period. It is a superb audience recording (individual voices near the microphones can be heard) using professional quality equipment.

Of the instrumentation Topper’s magnificently powerful drumming comes through best, guitar’s are excellent too although a touch too far back in the mix, and Paul’s bass is very good but somewhat lacking in depth and focus. Vocals too are excellent but not quite as in your face as a soundboard recording. Overall there is a slightly harsh sound but these are minor criticisms of an excellent recording of a magnificent performance.

The only defects in this recording are some patches of distortion, a few drop outs and the fact that this source has not been mixed by the likes of Bill Price for FHTE to pick out the instrumentation and improve the stereo separation.

Guitars are a touch too far back in the mix to get the full 78 Clash power, giving a rather too polished sound. But these are minor criticisms and its still a definite 5 sound quality and highly enjoyable. Together with Sort it Out/Buy or Die, there exists two excellent quality recordings of the three Lyceum shows.

16 track mobile studio for Rude Boy

For Rude Boy (and CBS) this gig (3rd) was recorded professionally on a 16 track mobile studio like the previous gigs on the 28th and 29th December.

The definitive live versions from this gig of I Fought The Law and English Civil War from Rude Boy have also been available on the Clash On Broadway (ECW now joining I Fought the Law on the DVD to - previously not available on video). And the terrific City of The Dead was more recently released on FHTE.

More recently Sony have released more tracks through Sound System box set. (See above)


Sort it Out CD - Sound 4 - 68min -
unknown gen - 18 tracks [plus 2 from the 28th]
this copy has an edit in Garageland and shouldn't

USA 79 CD - Sound 4 - 64min - cd/m - 18 tracks
complete but no tracks from the 28th

Buy or Die CD - Sound 4 - 68min - cd/m - 21 tracks
re-issue with all 20 tracks plus Rockers Galore b-side

Offical Releases

We have listened over and again to these tracks and in our best efforts we believe these tracks correspond to the above gigs. The official releases have been remixed (16 track originals?).

We have concentrated on the intro and outro's of each song and Joes lyrics where there tends to be particulalr differences.

We have photos the 28th and these do not match the video 'I Fought the Law' which comes from the 3rd January which places multiple photos from the middle date, the 29th.


Clash on Broadway box set

  1. English Civil War = from the 3rd -
    intro words “yeah Awright”

  2. I Fought the Law = 28th
    We are not sure but around 'Sweetest Girl' doesn't match either 3rd or 29th & quite section of the low tempo towards the end doesn't match either. See Rude Boy Cassette below.

Rude Boy Cassette (official)

A very limited promo tape issued by Atlantic Publishing Nov 16 1980.

  1. I Fought the Law = 28th
    Same as Clash on Broadway version and maybe the original that Sony used and that is listed as the 28th.

From Here to Eternity

  1. City of the Dead = 3rd -
    Definately from the 3rd - last chord/guitar screech

  2. I Fought the Law = 28th
    same as CoB

  3. Drug Stabbing Time = Def 3rd -
    end vocals “Straight up”

From Here to Eternity sampler

  1. City of the Dead = 3rd - same as FHTE!

From Here to Eternity II (unofficial)

  1. Cheapskates = Defo 3rd -
    matches Cheapskates played on the 3rd

  2. Safe European Home = Defo 3rd -
    joes two shouts twoards the end

Sony Sound System box set

  1. City of the Dead = 3rd -
    Intro words match

  2. Jail Guitar Doors = 28th?
    Does not match 29 or 3rd

  3. English Civil War = 3rd -
    sounds similar

  4. Stay Free = 3rd? - Not 29th
    End matches the 3rd

  5. Cheapskates =Def 3rd -
    29th Tops adds one drum strike at end, 3rd drums out

  6. I Fought the Law = Same as FHTE

Rude Boy Video -

  1. I Fought the Law - 28th - Same as FHTE

Rude Boy DVD - with bonus track

  1. I Fought the Law - 28th - Same as FHTE

  2. English Civil War - = from the 3rd -
    intro words “yeah Awright”

Rude Boy Promo cassette more info

Sound 5 - 6min - 1gen - 2 tracks
English Civil War

Clash on Broadway Box Set

Sound 5 - 6min - 2 tracks
English Civil War

From Here To Eternity

Sound 5 - 6min - 2 tracks
I Fought the Law and City of the Dead

full gig

from 16 track mobile studio
slight distortion - Sound 5 - 66min - 19 tracks

Rude Boy Video

Sound 5 - 3min - mast - 1 track
I Fought the Law

Rude Boy DVD - with bonus track

Sound 5 - 6min - mast - 2 tracks
I Fought the Law + English Civil War bonus

Visit the Clash on Stage website for a comprehensive catalogue of unofficially released CD's and Vinyl.

Clash gig oversold - extra date added

Extra Clash

Another Clash benefit gig

December 1978

The Clash are proposing to play a special New Year benefit for under-privileged children in London's East End. But at time of going to press no date or venue could be confirmed, although it's expected to be early January.
Meanwhile their recent London Sid Vicious ‘benefit' concert was an apparent success with "nearly £1,000" raised for Vicious, currently n custody in Rikers Island - New Yorks city jail.

The Lyceum dates

The Sort It Out Tour London dates were added late due to difficulty finding a suitable larger sized venue. And partly to accomodate the finishing of the Rude Boy film.

The Lyceum Ballroom, just off The Strand was chosen not just for its larger capacity but because the stalls area was seat less. The fans could dance whilst those who wanted it could sit in the Circle and Upper Circle. In the late 70's / early 80's the Lyceum was a faded theatre used as a disco (with its large mirror ball hanging from the ceiling) and concert venue.

Nowadays its grandeur has been restored and it hosts bland West End Musicals. But at the close of 78 (and again in October 81) the Lyceum rocked (and how) to the Clash City Rockers.

The music press had covered the Sort It Out Tour in some depth earlier and only the
Record Mirror reviewed these gigs. Sheila Prophet wrote, "Possibly the best gig I've ever seen Clash do. I can't think of a nicer way of ending `78."


Extra Show

Link and Link


Melody Maker: Extra Clash

23 Dec 1978


The Lyceum, London

3rd January 1979

The Clash all dressed in black (for Dave Mingay's benefit for Rude Boy live footage) and explode into Safe European Home, followed by the definitive live version of I Fought The Law.

Joe then says "Special hello to those of you who got Music Machine tickets and got fucked about at the door (referring to the Sid Benefit gig) and the whole lot of you for waiting".The January date was added to cope with excess demand and problems at the Sid Benefit.

A brilliant Jail Guitar Doors follows with Joe singing the Toots & The Maytals lyrics "54, 46 that's my number, right now someone else has that number".

So many of the performances are brilliant and arguably the definitive live recordings in circulation (Drug Stabbing Time, Cheapskates, Julie probably - Tommy Gun and Clash City Rockers have a number of competitors not least the Something Else TV performances), that its easier to pick out the ones that are not superlative.

Police and Thieves has certainly been performed with more intensity and imagination, which together with Capital Radio are normally the standout songs from the 78 set lists because they allow more musical and lyrical improvisation. But here Capital Radio too whilst still highly enjoyable is not inspired. The FHTE decision to use the fantastic Lewisham 80 performance is vindicated.

White Man suffers from a tape edit mid way and a further edit that repeats the Robin Hood refrain. It's a great performance though, with Joe spitting out the words with venom and passion.

There is a pause before Stay Free with Mick saying of Joe "he says just get on with it, that's all he ever says to me".

Stay Free suffers mid way with bass distortion and Mick's vocals dropping of in the mix, before the song picks up again with some great lead work from Mick on the end coda. Julie's Working for the Drug Squad, not normally a live favourite is excellent here, providing some contrast with its r'n'b almost funky backing.

The band then charge through the older crowd favourites (with Joe's voice sounding increasingly hoarse), Janie Jones, Garageland, and into the encore of Complete Control, London's Burning and White Riot with Mick teasing the audience over Topper's drumming with "wait for it" before crashing into the first chords.

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Awesome and only 16 at the time

Tex Sayer - I was lucky enough to be there

Mark Carter - I saw all the Lyceum gigs Dec 28th, 29th then Jan 3rd, I remember these gigs just being the Clash enjoying themselves after a hectic year, all 3 nights were something else, pure energy.

(3rd Jan) Remember well because it was the last night of the tour and I'd been to a lot of gigs on the sort it out tour, I also remember it seemed more packed than the 2 nights the week before and was hot as hell.

Mark Embury - I was fortunate enough to see them at the Lyceum in December 1978 , still the best after all these years, a couple of the tracks on ‘From here to Eternity ‘ were recorded that night. Awesome and only 16 at the time.

Simon Foster - I also saw them at the Lyceum, just turned 17...those were the days

Arthur Williams - Lyceum was first time I saw The Clash live, 15 years old

Duncan Philps Was there with two mates. The band came on and in the mad crush I was swept away from them both and didnt see them again until outside after the gig!! If I remember right they must have played solid for two hours plus. It remains the best gig I've ever been to. Loved the atmosphere back then, always a bit edgy, on ya toes, but so much to take in.

Warren Dighton Great Gig,, With the Lyceum bieng the Best place for Punk Gigs at the time.

Dream Deferred | The Clash a riot of our own

By Hassan Mahamdallie |
8 January 2018
Added to BMC July 2024

Online or Archived PDF

Punk and New Wave exploded onto the musical stage in 1976-77. The new music brought the bloated rock scene that came before it crashing down - and punk has shaped much of the music that has come since. Two years ago Hassan Mahamdallie began his occasional series on this blog - a personal, musical and political journey. He ends the series looking at one of the most important - if not the most important - punk bands of all time, the Clash.

Retrospective review of

White Riot 7"
Police and Thieves
Clash City Rockers 7"
Complete Control 7"
Armagideon Time (LC12)
Live at Lyceum December, 1978

The Clash perform at the Lyceum Ballroom in London, 1978

The Clash | Facebook

Decade 77-87 | Facebook

I Fought the Law from 3 January 1979

The Clash Official

The Clash Official | Facebook

Naked fans: The Clash attract the strangest of people ...

Liverpool Echo - Friday 12th January 1979


Dream Deferred The Clash - A riot of our own

Chris Knowles: The Essential Clash Bootleg Bible

The Essential Clash Bootleg Bible includes this gig

Record Mirror Snow White Riot

6 January 1979


Open photos in full in new window

Getty Lyceum dates - different nights

29th December

3 January 1979

Also check out here

Extensive archive of articles, magazines and other from the Sort it Out Tour October- December 1978

Archive - Bernie-Rhodes-Split - Tour-dates - Posters-Adverts - Passes-tickets - Snippets - UK-Articles - US-Articles - International-Articles - Comments - Video and Audio




Safe European Home
I Fought the Law
Jail guitar Doors
Drug Stabbing Time
The City of the Dead
Clash City Rockers
Tommy Gun
White Man in Hammersmith
English Civil War
Stay Free
Julies been working for...
Police and Thieves
Capital Radio
Janie Jones
Complete Control
Londons Burning
White Riot

Extensive archive of articles, magazines and other from the Sort it Out Tour October- December 1978











Video and Audio

SORT IT OUT TOUR Autumn 1978


A collection of
- Tour previews
- Tour posters
- Interviews
- Features
- Articles
- Tour information

Numerous articles, interviews, reviews, posters, tour dates from The Sort it Out Tour Tour, October, November 1978


Video and audio footage from the tour including radio interviews.


A Riot of Our Own
Johnny Green


Return of the Last Gang in Town,
Marcus Gray


Passion is a Fashion,
Pat Gilbert


Redemption Song,
Chris Salewicz


Joe Strummer and the legend of The Clash
Kris Needs


The Clash (official)
by The Clash (Author), Mal Peachey


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RAR Apr 30 1978
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Photoshelter here

Sep 11, 2013: THE CLASH (REUNION) - Paris France 2 IMAGES
Mar 16, 1984: THE CLASH - Out of Control UK Tour - Academy Brixton London 19 IMAGES
Jul 10, 1982: THE CLASH - Casbah Club UK Tour - Brixton Fair Deal London 16 IMAGES
1982: THE CLASH - Photosession in San Francisco CA USA 2 IMAGES
Jul 25, 1981: JOE STRUMMER - At an event at the Wimpy Bar Piccadilly Circus London 33 IMAGES
Jun 16, 1980: THE CLASH - Hammersmith Palais London 13 IMAGES
Feb 17, 1980: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 8 IMAGES
Jul 06, 1979: THE CLASH - Notre Dame Hall London 54 IMAGES
Jan 03, 1979: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 19 IMAGES
Dec 1978: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 34 IMAGES
Jul 24, 1978: THE CLASH - Music Machine London 48 IMAGES
Aug 05, 1977: THE CLASH - Mont-de-Marsan Punk Rock Festival France 33 IMAGES
1977: THE CLASH - London 18 IMAGES


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