Clash on Parole Tour
Supported by The Specials & Suicide

updated 12 Feb 2012 - new recording surfaced
updated Dec 2023 added mindless violence letter
updated Feb 2024 addd comments


A new recording has surfaced - details to follow.

Soundcheck - 04 Train Kept A-Rollin
Johnny Burnette & the Rock & Roll Trio)

Set - 02 Tommy Gun

Sound quality

...a new tape has surfaced, complete set of the Clash show at Crawley leisure centre where Alan Vega got a punch in the face etc.. Skinheads rioted etc.......

it also includes part of the soundcheck including a complete version of "all night long" the Chuck Berry/T Bone Walker tune (i think) and the Jimmy Pursy rant at the end at the skins..... a very good recording.......fairly standard set list for the tour but really interesting for all the reasons stated.

Johnny Green says he trapped Micks fingers here

Johnny Green says he trapped Micks fingers here and that after a trip to the hospital they all headed for the next venue which was Southampton. A Riot of Our Own p96. (This must be the Crawley date as it is a full days ride from Dunfermaline).


Sports Centre, Crawley

A seventeen acre site to the south of Haslett Avenue was acquired by Crawley Urban District Council in March 1962, and development began with the construction of an indoor swimming pool.

It was officially opened by the council chairman, Robert May, on 25th April 1964.

During 1966 a 400 metre running track and a flood-lit outdoor games area was added. A multi-purpose sports hall, constructed by local company James Longley, was officially opened by the Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, on 30th November 1974. Crawley Leisure Centre closed on 7th November 2005.

Concert Archives - Crawley Leisure Centre
45worlds - The Clash at Crawley Leisure Centre, 1978
Crawley Museums - Music Memories in Crawley
45worlds - Crawley Leisure Centre
Concert Archives - K2 Leisure Centre (Sports Centre)
Wikipedia - K2 Leisure Centre

one of the scariest experiences of my life

mretrain - Re: Crawley July 1978

I was actually at this gig, and it was one of the scariest experiences of my life. I'd been at the Glasgow Apollo show a few days beforehand - probably the best I ever saw them play - & was hitchhiking down to Brighton to see some friends when the band (in Bernie's car with the CLA5H numberplate) passed me in a service station just outside Birmingham. Looked up where they were playing that night, saw it was Crawley which is kind of on the way to Brighton & made a detour.

It seemed to be the first time that skinheads made a major reappareance & there were little groups of them wandering through the hall all night randomly attacking people they didn't like the look of. Managed to avoid that at the gig & afterwards but having sneaked back to the station after the show was confronted by a large group of Teddy Boys also looking for a fight. Happy days..

Alan Vega was actually attacked on stage with a chain & had his nose broken; memory tells me that the ever-charming Jimmy Pursey hopped on stage & ranted to the effect of "He might be fucking shit but you don't have to break his fucking nose" but the tape may tell me different!

Blinding version of Police & Thieves/Blitzkreig Bop too...

A gig I won’t forget great music, and a lot of fighting

Keith Osborn - Clash on Parole

A gig I won’t forget great music, and a lot of fighting, managed to survive it by getting backstage. Anyone have any photos from that night

Clash on Parole Tonight is the 44th Anniversary of the Clash playing Crawley Sports Centre on this the 8th of July 1978 on the Clash on Parole Tour, Thanks to Adey Read for sharing his photo of his ticket. This gig was marred with loads of violence from the start to finish, Skinheads wanting to kick everybody's head in & our lot doing lots of running

Clash on Parole This a ticket for The Clash for the infamous Crawley Sportscentre gig. Suicide were support, and it is the concert at which chains were thrown at Alan Vega the singer of Suicide. Also of note was the first band on, called The Coventry Automatics, who became The Specials. This apparently was the gig that inspired ‘Ghost Town’

Clash on Parole A particularly violent evening, according to what I was able to read it, where Alan Vega in duet with Suicide obtained as only sway in the crowd only a punch down at the bows !!

Problems with skinheads

A Riot of Our Own p96. .. after the gig we started towards Three Bridges Rail station, we'd heard we could get a train back to London from there.

After ten minutes walk we encountered a group of punks walking back towards Crawley; a large group of skinheads had collected at Three Bridges station waiting for *us*. We walked back with them and hung around near the gig - after a while the sounds of trouble and sure enough the skins had gotten tired of waiting and were now back in Crawley causing problems. My mate and I managed to get to the venue where the crew were loading out. We expalined what was happening and asked them for a lift back to London [with Johnney Green & Co]; we were dropped off on Streatham High Rd and walked home to Balham." Steve

Confirm story re skinheads (from Croydon). Me and my friends ran across railway sidings at 3 Bridges to escape. The Specials were then known as the Coventry Specials. This is the gig where the skin jumped on stage and lamped Alan Vega from Suicide. Colin

NME - T'zers
Trouble at Crawley gig

8 July 1978



22 July 1978


Jimmy Pursey of all people standing in the centre of the stage pleading for peace


this story i;...from a fan ///

"I saw them a few times in London in 1978, some good, some bad, but I was at the infamous Crawley gig that same year, which Jerry Dammers later claimed inspired him to write "Ghost Town". I think I read that in an interview in Mojo or somewhere.

Croydon skinheads had arrived en masse to take on the Crawley skinheads; god only knows why. Suicide opened the show. After a few songs one of the skinheads climbed on stage and battered Alan Vega to the floor. I seem to remember a bicycle chain being involved, but I might be wrong on that was a very long time ago.

That was the end of Suicide's set. Next up, and clearly terrified, were the Coventry Automatics, who went on to change their name to The Specials.They played their set as fast as possible and got offstage as quickly as they could.

Finally, The Clash arrived and the place erupted into a seething mass. Later in the show, I moved to the back and was standing at the top of what Americans call bleachers, opposite the stage.

Suddenly, in what felt like a slow-motion sequence I can still see in my head, the crowd parted like the Red Sea and a lone skinhead ran across the room, from left to right, followed by about twenty more. The first guy slipped and fell and the others were on him in a second. I remember seeing him get kicked in the head, blood spurting out all over the floor before he was dragged outside screaming by the mob. I was nearly sick.

The band was aware of a problem about the whole evening, and had watched this particular event take place in front of them. It put them off a bit, but they got back on track eventually.

Things seemed to settle down and they finished the set as normal. Waiting for the encore, things turned ugly again with mass brawls in the middle of the room, security trying to keep people off the stage, glasses flying everywhere and lots of frightened people around the edges.

Finally, just when it looked like an actual riot might break out, they came back on but with Jimmy Pursey of all people standing in the centre of the stage pleading for peace. He was just about the worst choice for a peacekeeping mission at that time (he was widely viewed as a dickhead and very much 'second division') and it seemed to get worse.

They played White Riot, with Pursey singing badly, at about 100 mph and ran offstage. The house lights came on immediately, the doors were opened and the police arrived in numbers.

There were skinheads everywhere that night, so getting home was scary, but memorable. We got home by climbing over fences and through people's back gardens. Those were the days, eh?"

After the gig there was a fight outside with some Hells Angels same skinheads

Alexis Korner - Saw them on that tour at Crawley. Suicide was the support band, for some reason they (suicide) weren’t appreciated by the crowd & a riot kicked off.

They were all skinheads. I was on the train with them going back to London. The railway police were waiting as they ripped the train apart. They lined everyone up on the platform, searched everyone. Those with weapons were arrested & anyone not arrested had their bootlaces from their Doc Martens confiscated. LOL!!

From what I remember, after the gig there was a fight outside with some Hells Angels & then the same skinheads battered a bunch of Teds/Rockabillies in the tunnel on the way to the station. I thought it was all pretty exciting & just part of the package. I guess having been to about 20 odd Sham 69 gigs I was kinda numb to things kicking off.

I seem to spend the whole of that night running, very scary times indeed

Martyn Bizat The incident where the guy got chased out was due to him knocking a skin taking photos was right infront of me I had white ish jeans on they got covered in blood I didn't get touched the skins took care of me as I was only 15

Robin Tate I just remember I seem to spend the whole of that night running, very scary times indeed

Barry Rutter I was there too and it's a great description. Bloody scary night.

Roddy Byers Yep then we got attacked outside the Clash,s Hotel by Rock,a,Billies! Heavy Gig!

Graham Andrews Great line up.remember pursey coming on for white riot and I think Steve jones played too.the people I was with were given a wide berth by the boneheads.

Tim Rylah The bloke from suicide got punched in the face after the 1st number!

Russell Keeley I was there it’s was my 16 th and taped it full of grief with croydon skins

Dave Ralf Extremely violent gig but wouldn't have missed it for anything. 14 years old and my 2nd Clash gig.

Andrew Lambirth - I saw them at Crawley Sports Centre. Suicide were not appreciated by many in the audience…everyone loved the Coventry Specials

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Photos, Crawley

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Strummer speaking into mic
Complete Control
Tommy Gun
Train Kept a Rollin

Set List
Complete Control
Tommy Gun
Jail Guitar Doors
Drug Stabbing Time
Clash City Rockers
White Man
Capital RadioPolice and Thieves
Blitzkreig Bop
English Civil War
Safe European Home
What's My Name
London's Burning
I'm so Bored with the USA
Janie Jones
White Riot
Jimmy Pursey ranting at the crowd

bold indicates on video - Rude Boy DVD

Extensive archive of articles, magazines and other from the On Parole Tour, June - July 1978



UK Articles




There are several sights that provide setlists but most mirror They are worth checking.

from Setlist FM (cannot be relied on)

from Songkick (cannot be relied on)
... both have lists of people who say they went

& from the newer Concert Database and also Concert Archives

Also useful: Ultimate Music database, All Music, Clash books at DISCOGS

Articles, check 'Rocks Back Pages'

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A Riot of Our Own
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Return of the Last Gang in Town,
Marcus Gray


Passion is a Fashion,
Pat Gilbert


Redemption Song,
Chris Salewicz


Joe Strummer and the legend of The Clash
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Sep 11, 2013: THE CLASH (REUNION) - Paris France 2 IMAGES
Mar 16, 1984: THE CLASH - Out of Control UK Tour - Academy Brixton London 19 IMAGES
Jul 10, 1982: THE CLASH - Casbah Club UK Tour - Brixton Fair Deal London 16 IMAGES
1982: THE CLASH - Photosession in San Francisco CA USA 2 IMAGES
Jul 25, 1981: JOE STRUMMER - At an event at the Wimpy Bar Piccadilly Circus London 33 IMAGES
Jun 16, 1980: THE CLASH - Hammersmith Palais London 13 IMAGES
Feb 17, 1980: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 8 IMAGES
Jul 06, 1979: THE CLASH - Notre Dame Hall London 54 IMAGES
Jan 03, 1979: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 19 IMAGES
Dec 1978: THE CLASH - Lyceum Ballroom London 34 IMAGES
Jul 24, 1978: THE CLASH - Music Machine London 48 IMAGES
Aug 05, 1977: THE CLASH - Mont-de-Marsan Punk Rock Festival France 33 IMAGES
1977: THE CLASH - London 18 IMAGES


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