Supporting The Sex Pistols
Promoter's Copy of the Performance contract
Below is an authentic Promoter's Copy of the Variety and Allied Artistes Performance contract between Malcolm McLaren and Bino Entertainments for the Sex Pistols/Heartbreakers/Clash to appear at Carlisle Market hall on December 17, 1976.
I was the promoter and this is my retention copy.
The Pistols / The Heartbreakers and The Clash were due to perform for the outrageously cheap price of only £500 against 65% of the gross takings.
The interesting part of this contract is the fact the concert never took place. The concert was set up at very late 7-day notice to promote the Sex Pistols around the time of their emerging notoriety.
The concert was booked, tickets sold out, and everyone waited with baited breath BUT.......the Pistols appeared on Bill Grundy's infamous tv programme and the "proverbial" hit the fan.Carlisle Council called emergency meetings and after considerable toing and froing the gig was pulled at the last minute. Local and National Press and TV were hot on the story but the Council held their stance and the concert did not take place.
The Clash and the Heartbreakers were in fact in Carlisle waiting to get into the venue when the concert was finally pulled.
The Sex Pistols were on the M6 on their way. The document is a full four pages with the contract " rider" (conditions) pages all intact.
Carlisle Market Hall
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*page numbers relate to print edition Anarchy Tour pg197 ...