A list of known articles following The Clash's annoucement that they were finished.

Break up

Post Clash break up, snippets

Post Clash break up, articles

and elsewhere


including magazine features / specials / audio / audio

Clash to Ride Again
Strummer, "I think we will..."

NME: 5 October 1991

backstage at the Pantages Theater, Los Angeles in 1995

The Clash Official | Facebook

Henry Rollins, Joe Strummer, Rick Rubin and Johnny Cash form a ring of fire backstage at the Pantages Theater, Los Angeles in 1995

The Clash's Breakup & The Story of Cut The Crap

Rock N' Roll True Stories 17:09min

Joe Strummer Jon Savage, unpublished

30 May 1988

text version

Part 1 PDF
Part 2 PDF
Part 3 PDF

Written by Jon Savage, it is a thing of dark beauty. A real inside personal look at the West London squatter scene from the early 70s, through to the early dalliance of crossed, and eventually grudgingly aligned swords, with The Sex Pistols and the rest of the South Eastern England burgeoning punk scene. A tale of skullduggery, Bernie, Malcolm, opportunism, Viv, squatting, pubs, raw talent, riots, politics and a whole lot more. Enjoy.

The end of The Clash - by Joe Strummer

September 2012, Take 184


This month's issue of Uncut features Joe Strummer on the cover - inside is an in-depth exploration of his secret history, after The Clash split up to his redemption in the late '90s. To complement this, our archive feature this week finds Strummer looking at the demise of The Clash - from their epic Sandinista! album to their bitter disintegration. This excerpt is taken from a longer piece in the September 1999 (Take 28) issue of Uncut. Words: Gavin Martin

Classic Rock: Straight to Hell the Final Days of the Clash

Online - Archived PDF

UNCUT: The End of the Clash


Online - archived PDF

By Tom Pinnock 17th August 2012

The end of The Clash - by Joe Strummer This month's issue of Uncut (September 2012, Take 184) features Joe Strummer on the cover - inside is an in-depth exploration of his secret history, after The Clash split up to his redemption in the late '90s.

To complement this, our archive feature this week finds Strummer looking at the demise of The Clash - from their epic Sandinista! album to their bitter disintegration. This excerpt is taken from a longer piece in the September 1999 (Take 28) issue of Uncut. Words: Gavin Martin

Rolling Stone The Fury and the power of the Clash

March 2011, Rolling Stone (How Clash split) - 8 pages

Punk hero Jones joins Strummer on stage

20 November 2002

SOUNDS Strummer A Man at War 3 page feature

6 August 1988


Broadsworth Miners' Welfare Hall
Compere, "Tory funerals, Tory Funerals, you canĂ­t get enough of those Tory funerals"
Rock Against the Rich Tour
Liverpool Royal Court
Green Wedge Tour
Permanent Record
Class War
Review of gig
Doncaster NUM
The hall hosts posters like 'Smash Capitalism For Workers' Power'.
Guitarist Zander Schloss
Bassist Jim Donica
'Trash City'
STRUMMER: "MAYBE we shoulda had a revolution along with the French."
STRUMMER WOULD like to make ~ LRW LP
notorious CBS deal
pirate radio
I almost expect people like Tony Benn to join the Greens.
"So, I'm kinda digging Green politics, with Green Wedge
He's also playing the most inspired and exciting music in the country.
"You'll notice I'm still wearing my leather jacket."

The man who swapped a snarl for a bemused grin

BAD and Mick post Clash

10 May 1986 Record-Mirror - Mick Interview - 2 page

Where now for the Clash, snippets

24 May 1986 Record Mirror

Return of the Last punk in town

19 July 1986 Record Mirror Return of the Last punk in town

Sounds: Love, Strummer & Jones back together again

19 July 86 Sounds Strummer & Jones back together again

Record Mirror The Dynamite Mix

18 October 1986 - 2 pages plus cover - The Clash on 2nd page 2nd column

The last great Rock n Roll Band

26 March 1988 Record MIrror Vol 35 No 13 Strummer interview

Melody Maker Rock Against the Rich

2nd April 88

Melody Maker Rock Against the Rich

2nd April 1988 Melody Maker Rock Against the Rich

RECORD MIRROR Not reforming

28 July 1990

NME Joe talks about the upcoming Clash on Broadway box and reforming

October 5, 1991


15 12 06

archived PDF

From Busker to Best Seller, Joe Strummer's Musical Journey

85 - low res - HQ wanted Just about readable

Music - CD Assembly Review - GQ Magazine

The life, times and philosophy of Joe Strummer by those who knew him best

Marking the release of Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros' Assembly and celebrating Strummer's birthday, Chris Sullivan spoke to the people who knew him best about the man and the music

By Chris Sullivan - 21 August 2021

Joe Strummer | British GQ


Text link

This brand new exhibition on The Clash reveals an unseen archive of music, clothing and stellar photos

This brand-new exhibition on The Clash reveals an unseen archive of music, clothing and stellar photos | British GQ


Archive PDF

Danny Kelly on The Clash! NME

22 February 1986

NME, The Clash! Facts!

16 March 1991

NME; Why we love The Clash
How they changed our lives

07 05 19 NME The Clash (Career, Generic, Quotes) - 5 pages

NME 50 Things You Never Knew About The Clash

10 August 2011

Class Struggle Calling - war is declared and battle come down

Review of Greil Marcus's book, Let Fury Have the Hour, the Punk Rock Politics of Joe Strummer

2022 CWU Magazine

The Clash's 30 best songs

An all-star panel - including Mick Jones, Paul Simonon and Terry Chimes - vote for their greatest cuts (from Uncut's December 2003 issue)

Yep! the Clash Was Musical, But Don't Tell Anyone

MUSIC - The New York Times

Retropective magazine features, audio, video

For a full catalogies of retropective articles in magazines, interviews and features on TV and radio go here.

NME playing cards

Date unknown

Paul and Brother arrested in Restaurent

Date unknown

Strummer driving ban

THE CLASH ON PAROLE | Facebook - May 1986 - Link

NME, Louis Theroux about going to see The Clash

20 May 2016

Retropective magazine features, audio, video

For a full catalogies of retropective articles in magazines, interviews and features on TV and radio go here.