Yesterday deed no stage punk concert
La Stampa - 12 September 1984

Yesterday stage act no punk concert Yesterday deed no stage punk concert Yesterday deed no stage punk concert HAVE MADE «CLASH» THE «SUBVERSIVES» WITHOUT PERMIT OF FITNESS Codex at the ticket office.

Franco Manone, the Impresario, is philosophical: ^This is a job like any other - he says - the unexpected is always there '. This time it is the scaffolding: two of the four metal towers that support the 11 tarpaulin placed above the stage and that "must also support the weight of the steel beams of the lighting are obviously inclined and could not stand up to the performance of the London quartet . "If the communication had arrived this morning - someone comments - he would have had time to repair the inconvenience".

So an antl-Clash conspiracy? They have no doubts.

Everything comes to the stadium, same sex we are nothing. Style is support for sex and subversion is the meaning of life ". Then she steps off the stage, signs autographs, kisses the lens of a young photographer and while doing all this she also manages to answer some questions. What spring drives you to spread libertarian and subversive ideas through your music, love or despair? 'No, don't despair, I have to do it, I feel I have to do it ».

About the punk movement: the authorities said tonight that punk is not dead, because they evidently consider it dangerous. " Then there will be no concert even tomorrow night, not even if the stage is set up .... •

Of course, no. They would say that it rains blood, that the sky is turned upside down, they would find an excuse for you ... We would have played in any condition, even on the ground, but they said no. " So, for an incredible easiness (but 11 Mr. Togni in charge of setting up the stage, could not see that the structures were crooked and did not know that in Turin on safety is not transected?)

The legend of the subversive band is confirmed, rejected in America (fm so bored utith Usa, says one of their indicted pieces) censored in England (Bankrobber) very unpleasant to the police (Complete control and Police and Thieves, their other songs), which from White Hot to London's burning, through London CalUng and Sandinista \ they have been carrying out their tough Combat Rock for eight years.

In Turin, was Radio Clash gagged? Another tile is added to the mosaic of the punk myth. He waited last night in front of the stadium, but everything was useless, supplied with beers and bottles of vodka which they distribute to the few present: • Let's sing and dance together, have fun ». But nobody wants to, we prefer to listen to the angry speech of the leader of the historical group of the punk movement, the hard and politicized wing of international rock. •

In these days in Italy I really enjoyed it - declares Strummer - and yesterday in Genoa, on stage, I really enjoyed it. Only in Turin they don't want us. Platini is welcome in this stadium, but not the Clash ». He explains the meaning of the motto Sex Style Subversion proclaimed by a red banner on the stage: «Sex is pLaura Schrader golarl with II Maestro Penti Vlrtanen, Fernando La Pietra and Batti Chiapperò.

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