Subject: Seattle Center Arena, August 21, 1982

Hey there, Fantastic site. I just wanted to let you know that the Seattle '82 date (August 21) was a hoax perpetuated by me and two friends who selfishly hoped it might bring the Clash to town since they were skipping Seattle. We knew the US tour was on and we knew the Beat was opening, so we added local Seattle punks The Fartz and printed up the signs ourselves and put them up all over town late one night. The poster was reprinted in Art Chantry's book on Seattle poster art called Instant Litter. I'm sure the scan you have came from that. So there was never a show, never a Seattle date booked to cancel. Just three kids in nearby Tacoma who hoped to see their heroes. We finally did when they came to town to open for the Who later that year. Erik Flannigan