The Clash on PM Magazine
Video - The Clash on PM Magazine
3:14min / 480p / San Francisco? / Youtube link
"The Clash profiled on PM Mgazine in 1979. Unfortunately the tape ran out just before the piece ended. life in the analog age."
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PM/Evening Magazine was a television series with a news and entertainment format. It was syndicated to stations throughout the United States.[1] In most areas, Evening/PM Magazine was broadcast from the late 1970s into the late 1980s.
The proaction company created a large production office in San Francisco at 855 Battery Street. This was on the bottom floor of KPIX-TV.
Re: The Clash on PM Magazine 1979 / by Rat Patrol
PM there's a show I haven't heard about in a long time. Used to watch that after the evening news. Was sandwiched in that 7:00 hour before prime time when there's always 1 syndicated entertainment news show followed by a game show like Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy. Recall it as a slightly smarter take on the Entertainment Tonight format. They had a lot of good in-depth clips like that.
If LC was charting this has to be 16 Tons U.S. tour in March. Could be the pair of tour opener dates in San Fran (PM Mag was based there). Crowd sound vaguely NY-accented and not Cali, and are in an urban setting, so I'd lean more towards the Palladium gig.
I loved seeing this. Anyone know what show is featured?
Definitely the 16 Tons Tour, March '80. Looks like the Palladium...can't be The Warfield (San Fran). I've seen this clip before on YouTube and remember the TV show being called Lifetimes or something like that. Also, that's gotta be Huell Howser of California's Gold fame as the narrator/interviewer.
Edit: BMC mentions it. Apparently, the segment originally aired on Lifetimes. I guess PM Magazine aired the segment as well. There's a pic of the band being interviewed by Huell (sure does look like him) backstage at the Palladium.
by Rat Patrol
PM Mag allowed other stations to pick up its stories for their own local editions: Something about FCC loopholes and skirting a full network affiliate setup by pooling local station reporting.
It most likely originated with PM Mag, and then Lifetimes and some others picked it up.