Newcastle - Tyne Tees Studios ITV, Alright Show -

Thurday 8th March 1979

From the vaults of Tyne Tees TV. Tyne Tees were the North East's (Newcastle/Sunderland) local ITV franchise, part of the ITV network supplying programmes to other ITV regions/franchises.

Ruisrcok Festival
2.04 Fans, including The Clash on stage, silent (there's a version with Groovy Times dubbed over and nanother with White Riot dubbed over)

This version has been dubbed from the audio recording

4.41 There's another fans footage with interviews with promoters and a silent snippet of the Clash on stage again (The beginnig is over dubbed with London Calling). There's a 38 second snippet form this copy circuating.

2.55 There is another fans footage montage recently come into circulaltion.

Johnny Green interviews

Johnny Green | A Riot of Our Own | Night and Day with the Clash |
Rock City Networks

Ex-Road Manager Johnny Green Describes The Experience Of A Clash Performance | Classic Rock Network

Johnny Green The Clash Road Manager Gives A Reading and Q&A Session at The Ilkley Playhouse | WestRidingMedia

Johnny Green, the infamous Road Manager of The Clash, gives a reading and a Q&A session of his book 'A Riot Of My Own -Night and Day With The Clash' at The Ilkley Playhouse as part of the Ilkley Literature Festival 2011. Sorry about the quality but I was right at the back of the hall.