Garry Bushells USA Tour Notes

Sounds February 1979

THE CLEANCUT cuddly Clash continue their perillous ' assault on the North Americansub-continent with typkal clearheaded foresight.

Meaning they were actually granted work permits a mere 24 flours before their first single gig in Vancouver last Wednesday, despite losing vast quantities of gear to Canadian custom officials who stripped them of studded bracelets, belts and knives which were taken 'downtown'for destruction.

Unperturbed the lads loaded up in a tour bus rigged ot like a Texan ranch wagon with two gen-u-ine. Texans at the wheel. Caught speeding in Oregon the Texas twosome persuaded traffic cops that their cargo was the delightful. Dolly Parton and were naturally allowed to carry on scot free.

Next stop will be San Francisco where Our rebel heroes play a benefit gig this Wednesday. The benefit's in aid of the New Youth Movement's attempt to break SF promoters monopolistic control of venues by opening up their own — the Geary Theatre.

Clash are also playing a benefit in Cleveland— this time towards the legal fees of a legtess VietNam. Vet who recently lost his court case to be allowed to use his apartment block's comunal bathing facilities.

Seems the people he'd been fighting for took objection to his mutilated form. There's gratitude for ya.

Meanwhile back home in Netting Hill Mick's flat, which he shares with Gen X's Tony James, was burgled and stereo, video and TV equipment half-inched. Mick and Tony are currently eager to move too new, unfurnished flat in the same area and are willingly to pay up to £50 a week for same. Any offers should be made via 01-8211675. Garry Bushell