Here's part of an interview with ANHREFN, a street punk band from Wales.

whose musical sound is influenced by '77 punk bands like the CLASH, STIFF LITTLE FINGERS, the RUTS (who they cover), etc.
In the late 1980's they toured the UK with JOE STRUMMER as part of the ROCK AGAINST THE RICH Tour, a benefit for UK anarchist group CLASS WAR.

Interview excerpted from Northern Ireland's MERE PSEUD MAG #3 circa 1989 Transcribed 1/98 by Dan Sabater. (

MSM: Well what about CLASS WAR then, you went on the ROCK AGAINST THE RICH Tour with JOE STRUMMER. Anything to say abut that, any regrets or whatever?

Sion: No regrets, no. We were quite surprised with JOE STRUMMER., he could have been a bloody pop star if he'd wanted to, but he wasn't, he was totally OK, totally down to Earth, no shit at all. The tour was good, there was good audiences, but I don't know how many of the actual audience knew what the whole thing was about. There was one guy who introduced the bands, who would sometimes try to explain what it was all about, but the crowd would just be going "Strummer, Strummer, Strummer". So I think a lot of the crowd were just there to see Joe Strummer because he used to be in the CLASH, and didn't really know what was going on, even though they gave out leaflets, most of the leaflets would be on the floor by the end of the night, because people were there to watch Strummer. It was a good idea.

MSM: A lot of people, probably myself included, thought it was pretty ludicrous picking somebody like JOE STRUMMER for this tour (Blasphemy!-Dan/LARiot), someone who has made himself a lot of money out of the Rock 'n' Roll business, and for CLASS WAR to turn round and to start defending him, with crap like "If you're going to be successful in the Rock industry, you have to make a lot of money".

Sion: I think the problem that they had was that they wanted to try and raise money and get a lot of publicity. To do that they had to have somebody quite famous, and anyone who is quite famous is bound to have a little bit of dosh. But then again JOE STRUMMER probably has only got enough dosh to, I dunno if he has got his own house. He's probably only as well off as a fairly low-paid teacher. I don't think he's really loaded, maybe he's got his own house.